Mizzium Skin

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Mizzium Skin


Target creature you control gets +0/+1 and gains hexproof until end of turn. Overload 1U

Crow_Umbra on Neon Light Speed [Primer]

1 year ago

Thanks for the suggestions Profet93, I appreciate them. My thoughts on the suggestions and some of your questions:

  • Rhystic Study - Definitely a great card. I don't play it because I don't currently own a copy, but have played against it numerous times in my local metas. It's not the most fun for me to experience, so I'd rather spare others the "Do you pay the ?". I think Mystic Remora puts in plenty of work in this regard. My primary play group tends to pay the more often than not, so I do acknowledge its usefulness as a tax piece.

  • Berserkers' Onslaught - Pretty understandable to feel that way at first glance. I've liked it as a means of getting extra tokens on those haste-y combat damage connections. I haven't really had any moments where I regretted playing it.

  • Tragic Slip - Great removal piece. I didn't initially consider it for this deck, but have used it in the past in more aristocrats focused builds. Lots of stuff dies, so it's not that hard to get the Morbid clause. I'll consider it as a potential swap.

  • Reality Shift - I frequently play against graveyard utilizing strats, so I like to utilize exile removal whenever I can manage it. So far, I haven't really had any issue with a significant threat under the Manifest. More often than not it's been a land or non-creature spell.

  • Miscast - I've had some past success with this counter in other decks. I think in those situations, my opponents either were already tapped out, or couldn't pay the for whatever reason. I added this after some of the earliest games with the deck, where I felt I needed a couple of more cheap counterspell options. Some other stuff I've considered for this slot: Familiar's Ruse, Mizzium Skin, Lazotep Plating, Change of Plans, or Seize the Spotlight

Neotrup on How does Orvar interact with …

2 years ago

Orvar, the All-Form's ability uses an intervening if clause, so by removing the target you can keep it from doing anything (though whether this should be referred to as fizzling is a matter of terminology). Since Mizzium Skin is no longer targeting one of their permanents, Orvar's ability will not make a copy. You're good to remove the Precursor Golem before either trigger resolves.

From Orvar, the All-Form's rulings: 2/5/2021: As the first triggered ability tries to resolve, the spell that caused it to trigger and that spell's targets are checked again. Ignore any target of the spell that has left the battlefield by that point. If all of the permanents you controlled that were targets have left the battlefield by that point, the triggered ability will do nothing and no token will be created. If at least one permanent you control that's a target is still on the battlefield, the triggered ability will resolve, even if that permanent is now an illegal target for the spell.

Gidgetimer on How does Orvar interact with …

2 years ago

"Fizzle" is magic parlance for "countered by the game rules for having no legal targets". Orvar, the All-Form's ability does not target and as such can not fizzle. Orvar is only going to make one token in this example. Whether your opponent will keep the copy will depend on how they stack their triggers.

If they stack them so that Precursor Golem's trigger on first so the way they will resolve is making the copy and then copying Mizzium Skin onto all of their creatures including the new one, then you can respond after the token is made and kill it. If they stack them so that they get all of the Mizzium Skin copies first tehn you will have to respond to it and the token will survive.

wolfboy on How does Orvar interact with …

2 years ago

Question: How does the stack work with Precursor Golem and Orvar, the All-Form on the battlefield. My opponent plays Mizzium Skin, targeting precursor golem, and I respond with a removal spell. Will removing the golem before orvar resolves make his ability fizzle?

legendofa on Interactions with illusion effects

2 years ago

In both cases, the Phantasmal Bear dies. The effect targeting it doesn't need to be resolved, it just needs to be announced. The act of targeting is the actual trigger for sacrificing the Bear and its illusionary friends.

  1. Opponent's Giant Growth targets Bear

  2. Bear's sacrifice ability goes on the stack

  3. You cast an overloaded Mizzium Skin or Turn Aside

  4. Skin/Turn resolves, Bear gets hexproof or Growth gets countered

  5. Bear's sacrifice ability resolves, Bear gets sacrificed

BruhYouFarted on Interactions with illusion effects

2 years ago

Lets say I have a Phantasmal Bear on the battlefield. If they cast a Giant Growth on it, and i cast an Overloaded Mizzium Skin, does my Phantasmal Bear die or does their spell fizzle before the trigger? Lets do the same scenario but i counter their Giant Growth with a Dispel or a Turn Aside. Does my Bear die, or does their spell fizzle and my Bear stick around?

FauxFaux on Veyran deck combo synergies

3 years ago

Here are some I use, seperated by category:

Double Strike: Temur Battle Rage , Assault Strobe , Psychotic Fury , Buccaneer's Bravado , Raking Claws

Haste: Expedite , Crimson Wisps , Accelerate , Fever Charm

Evasion/Unblockable: Distortion Strike , Slip Through Space , Artful Dodge , Crypsis

Protection: Dive Down , Mizzium Skin , Glint , Shell Shield , Lazotep Plating

Power Pump: Rush of Blood , Balduvian Rage , Dynacharge , Unleash Fury , Sure Strike , Brute Strength , Titan's Strength , Rouse the Mob , Infuriate

Other than that, I run some value cards, like Birgi, God of Storytelling  Flip, Storm-Kiln Artist , and Aetherflux Reservoir to just go on, and on, and on, and on, so on and so forth. Plenty of Draw Spells to keep the gas going, and some other Spell-slinging accoutrements.

libraryjoy on Skies Filled with Wings Budget Casual

3 years ago

The goal of this deck is just to stack on the Lord abilities. The only one that's possible is Jubilant Skybonder instead of Mizzium Skin , but there's not enough of them in there to make Of One Mind work reliably. I think the current build is pretty much where I'd want it to be, unless I found something like Military Intelligence gave more benefit.

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