Angelfire Ignition

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Angelfire Ignition


Put two +1/+1 counters on target creature. It gains vigilance, trample, lifelink, indestructible and haste until end of turn.

Flashback (You may cast this from your graveyard for this card's flashback cost, then exile this.)

plakjekaas on does paying an activated ability …

1 year ago

Boneyard Scourge has a triggered ability that puts it on the battlefield, that's not casting a spell.

Casting a spell means moving it to the stack, paying the casting cost in the process. Casting spells typically happens from your hand, but there's cards that allow you to cast spells from elsewhere. Cards with Flashback like Angelfire Ignition allow you to cast the spell again from graveyard for an alternative cost. Rivaz of the Claw allows you to do that with any dragon spell, but only once per turn. Spells with Cascade (Bloodbraid Elf ) allow you to cast a spell from exile from the top of your library for free. What these cards all have in common, is their reminder text (italic, in brackets) literally mentions "You may cast". If it says "Return to battlefield" or "Put onto the battlefield" then it's an ability or an effect from another source, but you didn't cast the creature.

Casting Reanimate on a dragon in your graveyard is not casting the dragon. Ebondeath, Dracolich can be cast from your graveyard whenever any other creature died this turn. If you do that with Rivaz in play, thàt one will get exiled if it would die again.

Hope that helps '^^

SufferFromEDHD on A Solid 4/10

2 years ago

Blazing Shoal and Shining Shoal would be cool tech for this strategy.

As for cuts:

Volcanic Salvo big CMC is useful but the card is lackluster. Greater Gargadon and Heroes Remembered are at least neat exile tech (especially with the Shoals I just suggested)

Emeria's Call  Flip the tokens are useless to this strategy and there are cheaper ways to grant indestructible.

Loxodon Warhammer and Maul of the Skyclaves for the 2 Swords I suggested. All your other equipment serve a clear purpose.

Steel Seraph is this just swiss army knife value? Angelfire Ignition at least exiles for a trigger. I'd swap Semblance Anvil for the Seraph unless I'm missing something.

Torbran, Thane of Red Fell great card but I don't see it as being degenerate in this strategy. Jester's Cap can ruin the combo opponent or at the very least use other people's high CMC to feed Bell Borca.

Winds of Abandon > Contraband Livestock

forneyt on

3 years ago

No problem! Of course, based on your meta and personal playstyle, my suggestions may not be the best options for you. Feel free to test out the cards and pay attention to what cards put in the most work, and then make changes based on that. After all, a card you own does you more good than a card you don't haha. And maybe it will win you some games! The reason I suggest the man lands is because they give you extra options when your spells are not enough and they are budget options. Basics could also be fine to replace some of them too, it just depends on your spells. As for Nephalia Academy, while you can keep your cards from going into the graveyard, there is no gained advantage by putting the cards back on top of the deck, but the lack of colored mana can seriously hurt you. If the meta is that full of discard-themed decks, then maybe throw in some cards that can take advantage of being in the graveyard like Angelfire Ignition, Reduce / Rubble, or Insult / Injury. These cards can be cast from the graveyard with relevant effects, and that is on theme with Aikido. Past in Flames is also a strong card, but it is mana intensive, so it probably wouldn't be helpful in a deck like this (figured I'd at least put it out there). Discard decks can be frustrating and difficult to combat, but they just require accurate plays and smart management of resources to get ahead.

Good luck out there, let me know how these games go this week.

Peppofman on Boros Shitstorm Feather

3 years ago

Hi, Thank you very much for the analysis which is really very accurate and technically good. The Defiant Strike card is definitely in there, as well as individual 2-color countries! Probably haven't updated the deck yet... sry

Sudden Breakthrough is definitely very interesting because you can push and maybe if you have mana left over you can also save mana (treasure tokens)! Thanks a lot for this

Blacksmith's Skill is also worth considering, 1 mana wards are very useful

I once had Angelfire Ignition on the shortlist but decided against it because it's a sorcery and costs 3 mana but it's still a good card, maybe it'll be tested sometime.

Mavinda, Students' Advocate is also great if a spell come in the graveyard, also it can fly herself and is good for pushing. I'll think about it too. I think I updated the deck correctly last time before Strixhaven ^^.

I actually have Blasphemous Act twice one in the Sliver Horde deck and even one left. Since I don't play with many creatures and also have many protective spells, it would definitely be worth considering, thanks!

Sol Ring is always good ^^ but i need colors to cast my cheap spells.

Yes, I'll rebuild the deck when I have time, but I have to say it's good for the price! It's the most hated together with my Tergrid, God of Fright; Germinate from the deaddeck in our gaming group of 5 people.

It's quick to set up and usually kills the first player between 5-7 turns and mostly with commander damage

Thanks again for the analysis and always upvote!

multimedia on Boros Shitstorm Feather

3 years ago

Hey, nice version of Feather for less than $100 bucks.

Defiant Strike is another instant one drop good card draw with Feather. Sudden Breakthrough, Angelfire Ignition and Blacksmith's Skill are three powerful for their mana costs new budget spells for Feather. Angerfire alone can replace a lot of cards because of so many effects it gives for three mana and flashback is a bonus. Cards Angelfire makes redundant here are Gird for Battle, Desperate Stand, Swift Justice, Sure Strike.

Mavinda, Students' Advocate is nice with instants for Feather letting you cast one on each player's turn from your graveyard and then exile it with Feather. This effect is helpful to cast instants when you don't control Feather to then when you do control Feather get those instants back.

Budget Chain Reaction and more expensive price Blasphemous Act wrecks opponent's creatures and not Feather because you have so much indestructible and color protection. Protection from red prevents damage from Reaction or Act.

Consider more ramp especially staple mana rock Sol Ring? Talisman of Conviction, Star Compass and Sudden Breakthrough will also help with color fixing. Battlefield Forge, Furycalm Snarl and Temple of Triumph are some budget Boros dual lands that could replace a few basic lands.

Some cards to consider cutting are you could cut a few basic lands for more ramp. Aurelia, Exemplar of Justice and Favored Hoplite are the two lesser creatures here. Settle Beyond Reality's effect is not worth five mana at sorcery speed. Martial Glory and Inordinate Rage are subpar pump spells compared to the others here. If you choose to add Angelfire then Gird for Battle, Desperate Stand, Swift Justice, Sure Strike are not really needed.

Good luck with your deck.

Omniscience_is_life on Feather - Low to the Ground

3 years ago

I'd cut Angelfire Ignition and Veilstone Amulet, but past that I don't know :/

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