Avacyn, Guardian Angel
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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Avacyn, Guardian Angel

Legendary Creature — Angel

Flying, vigilance

: Prevent all damage that would be dealt to another target creature this turn by sources of the colour of your choice.

: Prevent all damage that would be dealt to target player this turn by sources of the colour of your choice.

Recommendations View more recommendations

Serra Bestiary
Warrior Angel
Femeref Healer
Sacred Guide
Herald of Serra

DemonDragonJ on Why Have There Been So …

7 months ago

Defensive cards have always been a part of the game, but I have noticed that recent defensive cards have been instants and sorceries, rather than permanents; of course, Teferi's Protection, Flawless Maneuver, and Flare of Fortitude are all excellent cards, but the fact that they are instants requires a player to spend additional resources to reuse them, which I dislike; when was the last time that there was a card such as Story Circle, Righteous Aura, or Martyr's Cause, which are all permanents, so players can easily reuse their abilities; recently, WotC did print Avacyn, Angel of Hope, Avacyn, Guardian Angel, Gisela, Blade of Goldnight, or any version of Sigarda, but they are the exception, rather than the norm, for defensive cards, so I very much would like to see a greater frequency of permanents that protect players and prevent damage.

What does everyone else say about this? Why have there been so few defensive permanents, recently, or am I simply complaining and seeing only what I wish to see?

LivingThing on Sexy girls with wings

4 years ago

ok, cut the following:

Noble Purpose, Defy Death, Entreat the Angels, Angel of Grace, Angel of Sanctions (for Christs sake just run Path to Exile ), Avacyn, Guardian Angel, Serra's Guardian, Segovian Angel, Daxos, Blessed by the Sun (you're not going wide when you play one expensive angel a turn), Angel of Dawn.

Add more efficient angels, and add better removal/board wipes.

shadow63 on Need Some Help Brewing. I'm …

4 years ago

Damage prevention/reduction with Holy Day and Avacyn, Guardian Angel and Hedron-Field Purists

LittleBlueHero on DARPA Deck***

4 years ago

I feel much better about your creature base. However you should lose Gustcloak Cavalier just not that good for 5 mana. Also you are a little high on 7 mana cards. Sure you get to cast many for free but too many might still get stuck in your hand with so few ways to put them back on top from your hand.

Maybe swap out Nezahal, Primal Tide and Grave Betrayal. You could put in Venser's Journal and Reanimate for similar cheaper effects. The journal still gives you no max hand size but adds a little life gain buffer each turn and reanimate only brings back one creature but it can hit anyones graveyard not just your own... also only costs one so is flippable.

Also to bring costs down a little further I would swap out Avacyn, Guardian Angel for Mother of Runes. Effectively does the same thing but only able to protect one creature a turn which should be fine. Also has the added benefit of making a creature unblockable if the opponent only controls one color creature.

Lastly take out Nullstone Gargoyle. This card is brutal and obnoxious and won't make you any friends. Which is normally fine in this game but this card also affects YOU, and your deck isn't built to play around it. If you haven't cast a non-creature and yennett flips one this guy counters it... kind of a nonbo. Maybe replace it with something like Diluvian Primordial (though 7 is much better CMC) or Necromancy for another reanimation spell that can target opponents creatures as well.

Mortlocke on God's Beloved Daughter

4 years ago

As a Vorthos player the name of your deck just irks me. Avacyn, Guardian Angel was created by a freaking VAMPIRE. To keep the other vampires from eating all the humans Sorin made Avacyn - unless you're trying to say that Sorin is God?

MintyThe1st on God's Beloved Daughter

5 years ago

I try to keep it up to date too (^-^)

this is probably the only Avacyn, Guardian Angel deck still alive, everyone would rather use Avacyn, Angel of Hope .

babushkasara on Giada Counts to ANGELS

5 years ago

Thank you for the suggestions! Iona we're specifically avoiding due to the no-fun factor associated with it. Also because I play, among my decks, mono-black, mono-red, and mono-green, lol. For the same reason we've avoided Linvala.

Luminarch Ascension we've considered before, however if you don't get it out early, many decks can make it so you never get to four counters.

Ghostly Prison/Authority of the Consuls/Blind Obedience are interesting includes, though I'd doubt we'd put more than one of the three in. As ways to slow down opponents, I think I favor Authority as it comes down the earliest and is the least intrusive, keeping us from being marked as a threat early on.

As for Adarkar Valkyrie, I personally think it's fantastic, but he thinks he has enough recursion already. I'm trying to convince him that since he has snow synergies he should put it in, but we'll see.

I should mention we just replaced Avacyn, Guardian Angel and Light of the Legion since the Avacyn never felt good to play. The Light is still in testing, but it seems like a good support for the combat-oriented strategy we've got going on.

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