Kykar, Wind's Fury
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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Kykar, Wind's Fury

Legendary Creature — Bird Wizard


Whenever you cast a noncreature spell, create a 1/1 white Spirit creature token with flying.

Sacrifice a Spirit: Add .

Recommendations View more recommendations

Brinebound Gift
Crimson Roc
Chapel Shieldgeist
Twinblade Invocation
Clash of Realities
False Dawn

lil_cheez on Best color for this type …

2 weeks ago

Hiya friend, I assume you're talking about Commander Format.

Blue and white are the colors for buying time: Propaganda, Ghostly Prison, AEtherize, Holy Day, Silence, Counterspell.

Green has "Fogs", namesake Fog, Spore Frog, etc.

If you want to slowly "burn" your opponents, red and black are your friends: Impact Tremorsfoil, Blood Artist.

I'd recommend to do a little research and be creative, but, top of my head, maybe you'd like a Kykar, Wind's Fury deck, play the "buying time" enchantments, hold countermagic and other interaction, use the tokens to burn players, etc!

Flarhoon13 on Saskia keeps hitting

1 month ago

Fifth loss in a row with this deck was one where I could have won if I had seen the line. Instead, Saskia lost a very, very close one to Dave infecting me with a Phyrexian Swarmlord after a Putrefax put me to 5 poison counters. Saskia managed to kill The Ur-Dragon player, Harrison, who had won the previous game this evening with Kykar, Wind's Fury and an infinite Grapeshot. I put the wrong card under a Spinerock Knoll: Tymna the Weaver *f-etch* instead of an Utter End, which I could have used to remove a Phyrexian Swarmlord instead of dying to poison damage. Still, I could have won. I cast a Headliner Scarlett with two opponents. Either one had enough to kill me on the crack back. I cast a Tyranid Invasion pre-combat in order to get two 3/3 tokens, rather than one token post-combat. Either way, I didn't have enough blockers to survive. I drew with Tymna the Weaver *f-etch* and I'm not entirely sure what card it was but I died holding a game winning card in hand... Casting a Naya Charm to tap down David's board in his combat step instead of the Tyranid Invasion on my last turn would have let me survive and take out the remaining player. Taking out David instead of Jesse might have gotten me the win, too, since I had gained a ton of life via a turn 2 Serra Ascendant to possibly survive another massive Horde of Notions elemental army attack.

Flarhoon13 on Hey Macleod, Get offa my ewe! (Angus Mackenzie)

1 month ago

Angus lost another long game to Kykar, Wind's Fury, who killed us with Underworld Breach (baiting away my Perplexing Chimera with Narset, Enlightened Exile) Frantic Searching 20 times into Isochron Scepter imprinting Dramatic Reversal, with a Sol Ring for an infinite storm count and enough Grapeshots to kill us all. I would have been able to kill Harrison with my Uyo, Silent Prophet, which had 10 counters from Jesse's Orzhov Advokist but Jesse sent a sorcery speed Generous Gift at Uyo. Gluntch, the Bestower giveth, and he taketh away.

I had extended the game with a Cyclonic Rift and a Sublime Exhalation into a Faith's Reward but I died holding an Enchanted Evening I never drew a use for.

StarRushford on Elsha, Spin Top

2 months ago

legendofa I know my friend's deck uses Sensei's Divining Top, Omniscience, and Enter the Infinite, so I could get one of my combo pieces, or steal one of their combo pieces.

Oh, I just realized it said creature card, I'm blind lol. Being removed right now.

Crash Through would be very good if I am running Narset, Enlightened Exile as my commander, or have Jeskai Ascendancy out.

I'm switching Jace, Architect of Thought and Bribery out.

As for whether unblockable or trample is better, probably unblockable, as here are the current common decks:

My friend: a Merry, Warden of Isengard and Pippin, Warden of Isengard token deck, or Sliver Hivelord slivers deck.

My mom: Kykar, Wind's Fury deck, or a Krenko, Mob Boss krenko deck.

My dad runs a Hazel of the Rootbloom token deck, a Tergrid, God of Fright  Flip discard deck. Sometimes a Kydele, Chosen of Kruphix *f-etch* and Thrasios, Triton Hero draw deck.

StarRushford on legendofa

3 months ago

legendofa sorry I was reading an article.

I just got a job, so I'm willing to spend up to $10 on a single card, up to about $60 dollars of improvements at a time.

I usually play against combo decks. Here's my common opponent decks:

A Tergrid, God of Fright  Flip control deck.

A Kykar, Wind's Fury combo deck.

A Rhys the Redeemed token deck, sometimes headed by Ghalta and Mavren tho.

A Hazel of the Rootbloom token deck.

a Sharae of Numbing Depths control/stun deck.

And a very budget Sliver Hivelord sliver deck.

I usually play Baird, Steward of Control, Me, The Mighty, or Valduk, Keeper of Equipment.

Hypersayia9001 on Kykar kicks ass (Suggestions needed!) (Budget)

9 months ago

As a general addition, it always helps to keep your win condition in consideration when deciding on what cards you want to use in a deck.

Looking at it as is, I'd say you primary goal is to storm out your board with tokens form the likes of Young Pyromancer, Third Path Iconoclast and Kykar, Wind's Fury themselves, using the spirits Kykar gives you to help fuel a storm off.

This in mind, I think you'd actually want at least another full-board haste granter like Rising of the Day so you have an easier time swinging out when you go through a turn building a board state, and a few more 1 mana red cantrips like Expedite

kpres on Commander Deckbuilding Advice - A …

11 months ago

leon_bulminot, my 10% rule is "20% unless it interacts with the commander" and I end up including very few "win-more" cards because of that. Perhaps I should be more lenient? Take Anointed Procession for example: If I cast this card, it does nothing by itself. If my commander makes tokens (e.g. Kykar, Wind's Fury or my deck is making tokens, (e.g. Trostani, Selesnya's Voice, then it makes sense to include it.

For a while, I had been keeping Rooftop Storm in my Nevinyrral, Urborg Tyrant deck because it lets me cast my commander for free, and this combos infinitely with an Ashnod's Altar in play, making infinite zombies or wahtever. But, as I took the zombies out and replaced them with more non-zombie aristocrats, I decided to finally remove the card. Again, just not enough interaction with the rest of the deck. Win-more cards are deckbuilding traps, in my opinion.

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