Expressive Iteration

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Expressive Iteration


Look at the top three cards of your library. Put one of them into your hand, one of them on the bottom of library, and exile the third. You may play the exiled card this turn.

doktoras on Grixis Cruel Control

4 months ago

Predator_90 I like Expressive Iteration. What do you suggest to replace? Azcanta?

Predator_90 on Grixis Cruel Control

4 months ago

As a grixis deck i think you should run some discard, which is an excellent thing in control deck, cards like Thoughtseize and Liliana of the Veil are almost mandatory. Also Drown in the Loch is exceptional and i'm a fan of Expressive Iteration. I have a more for fun build (Which still aims of being competitive tho) for grixis control, if you wanna check it: Bolas-friends Control

DatShepTho on Elf & Monkey Money Laundering - R&R Treasures

8 months ago

Some of my favorite card draw spells in these colours are:

Fact or Fiction Most reliable

Seize the Spotlight Also gives treasures. The other choice isn't bad either

Expressive Iteration Gives more card selection. Best played before land-drop

Reverse Engineer. If you have treasures spare to tap.

Thoughtcast Efficient if you typically have => 3 artifacts in play

Tidings Straight card draw mid-late game. Mana efficient.

Wrenn's Resolve and Reckless Impulse Efficient impulse draw, the cards can be used next turn. Also gets around "card draw hate". Most efficient in low avg CMC decks.

Balaam__ on Lightning Cajones

9 months ago

@BadRandolph I think if I were to replace Expressive Iteration I’d revert back to Cathartic Reunion over Consider. It’s not as simple to cast, but by the time we would want to use it, the utility is marginally better I think.

Consider isn’t bad, per se, so maybe I will end up using it after all. It’s been awhile since I played this particular build. Thanks for the suggestions, as always.

BadRandolph on Lightning Cajones

9 months ago

One could also consider Consider instead of Expressive Iteration. During playtesting, I never had the mana open to use the card exiled with iteration, plus I want to filter out all the X/1 spells and put them into the graveyard instead of casting them.

Tic12 on Turn 5 - Darth Vadrik strikes back

1 year ago

Next mayor update: I cut the complete Extra-Turn-section, cause these cards doesn't perform the way i was hoping. So, i replaced it with some little helpers and 2 more lands, cause 33 Lands were way too less.

Out: Alrund's Epiphany, Beacon of Tomorrows, Capture of Jingzhou, Part the Waterveil, Temporal Mastery, Walk the Aeons

In: Island, Mountain, Vandalblast, Expressive Iteration, Seize the Spoils, Swiftfoot Boots

IXALAN_Crazy on

1 year ago

Some thoughts from a fellow Murktide player:

Expressive Iteration over Serum Visions for greater card advantage.

I would add more disruption such as Unholy Heat and Spell Pierce over cards like Manamorphose and Izzet Charm.

This is more of a meta call but cutting 1 or 2 Ledger Shredders might be a good idea so your first game isn't miserable against Orcish Bowmasters

I've seen other people say this on here, but running a one of or maybe even 2 Blood Moon would be great in here, I would just cut Fiery Islet for off color fetches such as Misty Rainforest and add an island or two.

I like that you included Stormwing Entity a lot but depending how it plays the Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer would put more pressure on your opponent.

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