
"Pick a card, ANY card! No, this isn't just Sleight of Hand -- it's real MAGIC™!"

Disciple of Deceit is a deceptively powerful value engine when combined with Smuggler's Copter. The deck becomes a wishboard built to answer any problem.

Disciple of Deceit + Smuggler's Copter allows us to consistently tap Disciple for inspired triggers while also amping her power from a measly 1 on the ground to an impressive 3 in air (plus looting!). This provides an effective card selection engine so that you can always have the answer you need. It's also a synergy which allows you to make use of the extra pieces. Have an extra Copter? Discard it for a Snapcaster Mage! Don't need that Springleaf Drum? Discard it for a Pithing Needle!

This requires the deck to be constructed with a very precise curve in mind; although you could just use only 2 CMC cards, I think opening it up to 1, 2, and 3 is more effective.

If Disciple+Copter is the magician, than the rest of the cards are our sexy assistant! There are a few interesting things to note besides the basic Grixis Value cards:

Hand Disruption: typically hand disruption like Thoughtseize and Inquisition of Kozilek are fantastic early but horrible draws late -- nobody likes to topdeck an inquisition. But with the Disciple engine going, you can just discard it away and grab something better -- often a Lightning Bolt to finish off a low health opponent.

MDFCs: Zendikar's mythic flip land cards already help us avoid flood or screw, but it's amplified by the Disciple engine, which can now effectively tutor lands when we need them or toss them away for something better -- at 2 and 3 mana because of the X cost in Agadeem's and Shatterskull.

Squee, Goblin Nabob: Part meme part value, Squee combined with Disciple can fetch us any 3 CMC card every turn, popping back right after we discard it! Also a nice thing to discard to Copter's looting.

Pain Seer: I picked up a couple of Seers after I couldn't afford a 2nd and 3rd Snapcaster Mage, and after some testing, I actually really like this split. Seer is a budget Dark Confidant, but there are key differences. Bob always draws the card, which can feel bad if you're low health or playing vs burn/aggro, whereas Ouchy Bob™ only draws on the untap, which means in a pinch I can simply choose not to tap him with Copter (and lay him purely as a chump blocker when needed). Ouchy Bob™ also doesn't die to Wrenn and Six ping, which is minor but noteworthy.

The reason I find this build effective (moreso than a normal Grixis value build) is that it allows me to run less orthodox mainboard cards, such as Ashiok, Dream Render-- a fantastic sideboard card that I can run in the main to hose graveyards and tutors (like Stoneforge Mystic or Prime Time). It also gives more precise control and rewards tight play. For example Collective Brutality is a fine card in the main -- a duress vs control, all three modes vs burn -- but there are some matchups where it's dead. With the Disciple engine, you can tutor it up in those relevant matchups, but also get rid of it (maybe for Eliminate vs Jund).

With the engine going, you don't have dead draws, so it's game 1 is very good, but it also isn't easy to hate out post-board. Baby Ashiok doesn't feel good, and it's mildly weak to artifact hate, but the other value in the deck can usually pick up the slack.


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