Shambling Ghoul

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Shambling Ghoul

Creature — Zombie

Shambling Ghoul enters the battlefield tapped.

Joe_Ken_ on Cards to make DND icon …

5 years ago

So recently on YouTube and just going around people have found a good way to make DND minis for cheap by taking a 1.5 inch hole punch and using it on magic card art and then placing it on a small wooden disk with glue. Obviously I don’t plan to punch anything that could be considered valuable, but I have noticed cards in my possession that are just bulk commons.

So cards like Tavern Swindler , Dwarven Lightsmith , Fan Favorite , Shambling Ghoul , and other couple cent cards.

If there are any mtg card art people who know some good art on commons and such I may make an order to just buy a bunch of those to make plenty of discs for minis.

LordBlackblade on Dawn of the Dead

6 years ago

Two things right off the bat:

  • You need to run more lands, 32 is way too few even for a mono-color deck. Bump it up to at least 36, personally I would run closer to 38.

  • You're running some creatures that just aren't that great in EDH, namely: Diregraf Ghoul, Highborn Ghoul, Order of Yawgmoth, Shambling Ghoul, and Walking Corpse. While cheap, they're mostly vanilla, low-power creatures which won't get you very far.

As far as upgrades go, some great cards that I didn't see on your list are: Cryptbreaker, Graveborn Muse, Lord of the Accursed, Plague Belcher, and Shepherd of Rot. These cards have more relevant abilities and are Zombie tribal staples.

Something else to consider is running the mono-black mana package since you are able. While not really a budget option, all mono-black decks can substantially benefit from its inclusion.

Lavidicus on Help me out? Mono-black Zombie

6 years ago

I need some help deciding to remove some cards to make it 100 cards commander legal, it’s 105 right now.

Throw me some ideas to add or replace cards too. Feel free to criticize me, tell me if there should be changes. First time really trying to put a deck together. I think I’m having mana and creature cost issues? I’m not sure? Thanks!

From Dust

bushido_man96 on Sidisi and the Milling Brood

7 years ago

Ok, lots of cards there. I think for milling creatures, you should go with Hermit Druid, Undercity Informer, and Gisa and Geralf. Altar of Dementia should go in, too.

For recursion like Oversold Cemetery, Meren of Clan Nel Toth will be great. Palace Siege is another good option. Also, Eternal Witness and Regrowth. I don't think Reclaim and Vile Rebirth do enough in here. I see why you have Repopulate, Death Denied, and Gravepurge, but not sure there aren't better cards to go with, like maybe Haunted Crossroads.

I think I'd get rid of cards like Cremate and Dark Dabbling. If you have them there mostly for the cantrip, better card draw engines like Necropotence, Phyrexian Arena, and Rhystic Study will serve you better. Sylvan Library would be better for card draw early on. Also, it goes along with the library manipulation I mentioned earlier with cards like Mirri's Guile, Soothsaying, and Sensei's Divining Top.

Rooftop Storm + Altar of Dementia + Gravecrawler give you an infinite win combo if you can get the pieces set and go off. I always like to have some combo like this in a deck if I can work it it. Fatestitcher is a great Zombie to have, too. Intruder Alarm might also provide some combo potential.

To help your mana base out, consider adding lands like City of Brass, Reflecting Pool, and Command Tower, along with Commander's Sphere to smooth the colors you need.

Shambling Ghoul, Slitherhead, and Winged Coatl don't seem to fit with what you want do here, and I think those could be replaced.

I'm not sure the infect theme would fit in with what you want to do here, but that's up to you to decide. I hope this helps some.

Mairon_Bauglir on Zombie

8 years ago

You have some good cards and combos in there. But you might want to work on it to make it more efficient. Here are some of the best zombies for a fast styled deck you might want to look at.Gravecrawler Highborn Ghoul, Relentless Dead, Carrion Feeder, Nantuko Husk, Diregraf Ghoul, Shambling Ghoul, Geralf's Messenger, Lord of the Undead are just a few that maybe you haven't seen yet. All the zombies you have are good ones, but the only real problem I see with your deck design is you way too many high mana cost things that really slow down your deck, for example a fast easy combo to pull off in the first few turns is Cryptbreaker can discard Gravecrawler from your hand, generate a 2/2 token, then Diregraf Colossus comes along and it gets a bare minimum +1/+1 counter for Gravecrawler in the grave yard, then next turn cast Gravecrawler from the grave yard and generate a 2/2 token as you cast the crawler from the graveyard. I would recommend in short to focus on a few zombies and shore up what you need to play your deck out and win and then spread out for variety and versatility with your deck, the best ones to shore up on to have 4 of are Cryptbreaker, Grave Crawler and Diregraf Colossus which those can make and generate a LOT of zombies very quickly and work best with Endless Ranks of the Dead coming out. Hope this helps, nice deck!

Yokaiinu on

8 years ago

Thank you so much for your suggestions. I actually cut Zombie Infestation, Black Oak of Odunos, Crow of Dark Tidings, Servant of Tymaret, Walking Corpse, Abattoir Ghoul, Shambling Ghoul, Diregraf Ghoul, Doom Blade, Voracious Null, and Demon's Horn for a few things (I'm actually about to edit the deck with the additions, if you wanna look back. :) )

I've played it a bit and I've found that it's only problem is that it's slow, and can't deal with flying very well.

chirz2792 on

8 years ago

I'm not one to like zombie decks or theme decks but I like this deck. Anyway some suggestions: Agent of Erebos and Withered Wretch for graveyard hate; Apprentice Necromancer, Relentless Dead, and Balthor the Defiled for recursion; Blood Scrivener and Corpse Augur for card draw; Cabal Interrogator to help fuel Waste Not and further disrupt your opponents hand; Corpse Harvester and Corpse Connoisseur because they're both good. If you're looking for suggestions on what to cut I'd suggest: Walking Corpse, Shambling Ghoul, Rancid Rats, and Diregraf Ghoul don't really do anything besides attack and block; Liliana's Indignation because it doesn't seem like there are enough creatures to make it worthwhile; I'm not sure whether or not you need lifegain(if you do ignore these next two suggestions) but Demon's Horn and Whip of Erebos seem like they could come out because the lifegain doesn't look like it's relevant in this deck and zombies generally prefer recursion where they don't get exiled at the end of turn because they usually have so many other ways to get themselves back; You don't seem to have enough sac outlets to really abuse Dictate of Erebos; and I honestly think you could cut yourself back to 37 lands and maybe drop a basic swamp.

Anyway +1 from me.

Laszlokh on Unholy Alliance

8 years ago

Okay! You do have one card too many. Maybe take out the Shambling Ghoul?

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