Ring of Three Wishes

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Ring of Three Wishes


Ring of Three Wishes enters the battlefield with three wish counters on it.

, , Remove a wish counter from Ring of Three Wishes: Search your library for a card, put that card into your hand, then shuffle your library.

Profet93 on Yosei Stasis

2 months ago

Mistmoon Griffin is cool, I've never seen it until now

What would you be tutoring for with Planar portal, whatever you need at the time or something specific (ex: sun titan combo)? Perhaps instead of planar portal you could go with Planar Bridge for the 83% permanents in the deck? Or if you need a non-permanent card, then the Ring of Three Wishes is a cheaper option mana wise by cost and activation by 1 which could be key. I'm unsure if you would be tutoring more than 3 times, or if you meta doesn't wipe/destroy it by then.

capwner on Doomsday Clock | Budget No-Combo Urza Eggs PRIMER

1 year ago

AArrgh this deck wants Urza's Saga so bad it hurts! Respect the budget though. Love seeing cards like Riddlesmith and Sai, Master Thopterist, these bring me back. I've not played much artifacts in a while but I remember Memory Jar is pretty freakin sweet, also a big fan of God-Pharaoh's Gift although both of these are probably better in red decks that can do more Welder-y things. Sculpting Steel, Phyrexian Metamorph, Worn Powerstone, Ashnod's Altar are all affordable classics that seem like they'd fit nicely. Skyship Weatherlight and Ring of Three Wishes are budget friendly tutors (also artifacts!) that find your wincons!

NV_1980 on In Response... Hold my Beer

1 year ago

Nice. Not sure if you're trying to keep this to a certain budget, but if you like the combos in your description so much as win-conditions, I'd include some stuff to find its components like Enlightened Tutor or maybe even Oswald Fiddlebender or Ring of Three Wishes (I'd replace Open the Armory with any of these). I'd probably change out Valor in Akros for Goldnight Commander. I know, the commander is a creature and thus easier to get rid of, but he's also a Soldier himself and that synergizes better with Myrel's secondary ability. Lastly, Cathars' Crusade; I just can't see a deck like this without one. But you probably have a good reason to not include it.

Azoth2099 on The Iron Giant

1 year ago

Have you considered Emergence Zone, Crystal Vein, City of Traitors or Urza's Saga for your land base? A few Tutors and choice card draw pieces like Ring of Three Wishes, The One Ring, Planar Bridge, Planar Portal & Citanul Flute could help you quickly outvalue your opponents with your Commander's ability, as could Ramp pieces like Ashnod's Altar & Doubling Cube. Portal to Phyrexia & Grimoire of the Dead could potentially win some games here as well, depending on the pod!

Oromuerto on Enchanted, I’m Sure

1 year ago

Or Planar Portal / Ring of Three Wishes, which are more expensive but probably less risk of possibly getting it exiled. Tamiyo's Journal could work but it would take some time to build enough clue tokens.

SufferFromEDHD on Once you go Surrak, you never go back

2 years ago

Big fan of Primal Surge lists. I have a Jund and an Abzan version. I'll link them if you are intrested.

Maybe Ring of Three Wishes to always find it.

Cut one of the mana dorks for Elvish Reclaimer. Maybe Birds of Paradise too.

Cyclonic Rift is a great card but clunky to the strategy. Maybe Dissipation Field or Ward of Bones instead.

SufferFromEDHD on Keranos' Treasure Assault

2 years ago

Huge fan of Lands.dec especially in EDH.

I like your straightforward concept but this glass cannon needs a playset or 2 of support cards to streamline your strategy. Stuff like Gamble, Mystical Tutor, Personal Tutor, Muddle the Mixture, Drift of Phantasms, Ring of Three Wishes

Land's Edge #2 incase Seismic Assault has been dealt with.

Otawara, Soaring City much needed removal that doesn't mess up your strategy.

Dust Bowl is incredible with basic lands.

Sunstone convert to snow covered lands and this card alone would grant you real time via green/white Fog tech.

If you were to use every suggestion I just made your land percentage would be 87% which still wipes out a table of 4.

DemonDragonJ on Liliana Vess or Tezzeret, Artifice …

2 years ago

I have a copy of the original Liliana Vess in my Atraxa, Praetors' Voice EDH deck, which replaced Ring of Three Wishes, and who is in the deck primarily for her second ability, which is obviously useful, but it merely places the card atop its controller’s library, not into the player’s hand, and her other two abilities are highly situational, dependent upon the types of decks that my opponents are playing.

Therefore, I am considering replacing Liliana with Tezzeret, Artifice Master, whom I believe would be a better fit for the deck. His first ability produces creature tokens, which the deck shall certainly appreciate, since +1/+1 counters are one of its central themes; his second ability is always nice, and my deck contains more than sufficient artifacts for it to consistently draw two cards; and his third ability is the main reason for which I am considering him: being able to continually place permanents directly onto the battlefield shall quickly sway the game in my favor, and, unlike some emblems, multiple copies of that emblem are cumulative, not redundant.

What does everyone else say about this subject? Should I replace Liliana Vess with Tezzeret, Artifice Master?

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