Qarsi Sadist

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Qarsi Sadist

Creature — Human Cleric

Exploit (When this creature enters the battlefield, you may sacrifice a creature.)

When Qarsi Sadist exploits a creature, target opponent loses 2 life and you gain 2 life.

Balaam__ on Mono-Black Burn?

2 years ago

Great build. I have a Modern version that works well, and I’ve tried my hand at a Pauper format variant too but I wasn’t able to get it off the ground. You have some interesting and effective card choices here (Qarsi Sadist among others) I hadn’t considered.

Strangelove on Perpetual Servitude

4 years ago

Hey Sauwse, +1

Here's my take on Shirei.

You want cards that, unless they ramp or draw, do at least two things (like sacrifice themselves and trigger). Also, I found death triggers to be more useful than ETBs with Shirei and the stack.

I'd say you can cut the following:

Tree of Perdition... I love it too, but... it paints huge target on your head. I almost never get this to go off without boots, etc. Anything that has to tap is going to be clunky.

Piper of the Swarm... also clunky.

Tattered Mummy / Cauldron Familiar... compared to Sling-Gang Lieutenant? or Qarsi Sadist?

Deathgreeter... I'm not sure if I like this more than Bottle Gnomes, and I like that Deathgreeter costs 1, but I think you have enough lifegain as is.

Macabre Waltz... one of the weakest cards for sure.

Hope that helps! Good luck.

Swilliam on Lurrus Aristocrats (with primer)

4 years ago

I like the Priest of Forgotten Gods. It seems good for card advantage and draining, which is what I was trying to get at recommending Qarsi Sadist. That might just be better though. Do not cut Corpse Knight because it seems important to your strategy at the moment. I still like Bloodsoaked Champion because you never run out of things to recur. However, you can always have a couple of Hunted Witness or Garrison Cat which replace themselves for more targets.

staggy97 on Lurrus Aristocrats (with primer)

4 years ago

Thanks for the feedback Swilliam. I didn't know about Pitiless Pontiff or Qarsi Sadist, good suggestions. I agree about needing another sac outlet. I was considering Priest of Forgotten Gods but I think she might be too fragile to be useful in Pioneer. Should I swap out Corpse Knight for one of them?

I was also looking at Final Payment as removal, but I thought Fatal Push would be OK assuming that this deck would amp it up a lot of the time.

I think the 1 drops might need to be looked at as well, Serrated Scorpion might be a better fit here than Bloodsoaked Champion with it's ETB.

Swilliam on Lurrus Aristocrats (with primer)

4 years ago

Hey, cool deck. +1 from me. I'd just mostly suggest adding more sacrifice outlets. Pitiless Pontiff and Qarsi Sadist are pretty good. Qarsi Sadist also has an enter the battlefield trigger if that helps. Final Payment is also really great removal for this deck.

Asyriel on Mono-Black Shirei Control

5 years ago

I did some playing around with your deck and this is the best i can really come up with for a synergistic deck. The main problem i had was getting shirei out fast

Creature (22) 4x Augur of Skulls 4x Bile Urchin 4x Blood Artist 3x Necroskitter 4x Qarsi Sadist 3x Shirei, Shizo's Caretaker Instant (12) 4x Force of Despair 4x Grim Return 4x Tragic Slip Sorcery (4) 4x Spark Harvest Land (20) 3x Mortuary Mire 3x Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx 14x Swamp

Maybeboard Artifact (1) 1x Ensnaring Bridge Creature (4) 4x Cruel Celebrant

SideBae on Benched

5 years ago

Mana Vault on turn one allows you to cast your general turn two. I imagine one of the challenges with this general is his costing 5, as lack of access to another color means your options for ramp are rather limited. By the same token, Charcoal Diamond , Coldsteel Heart , Chrome Mox and the Cabal Coffers + Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth combo are your friends as well.

Nausea is good for you, as it gives you a way to kill off a bunch of little creatures and rebuy their ETB triggers. As Non-Linear points out, Grave Pact is good in your deck. Nausea makes it into a one-sided board wipe.

God-Eternal Bontu seems kind of absurd, with all them creatures you can feed him. With all the sac-ing you're likely to be doing, you might have luck with Harvester of Souls .

I see Demonic Tutor is in your 'Maybeboard.' I feel that this should be in the main deck of any black EDH deck if at all possible. It simply gets whatever you need more efficiently than anything else can.

Qarsi Sadist allows you to drain an opponent for two at each end step, if you have it exploit itself each time and Shirei stays on the board.

Night of Souls' Betrayal is an interesting thought. With a carful build, it could probably bust the deck wide open, as it auto kills each 1/1 and then brings them right back each end step. Pairing it with something like Burglar Rat , Skyscanner , Pilgrim's Eye , Black Cat or other such creatures seems simply rude as ****.

Finally, regarding the lands, I haven't had much luck with Crypt of Agadeem . You might want to replace that, Mortuary Mire and Memorial to Folly with basic lands. I also don't think Ghost Quarter is very good in EDH, unless your meta plays some powerful utility lands like The Tabernacle at Pendrell Vale or Glacial Chasm . Ancient Tomb is a better Temple of the False God , but it is a more expensive card.

HalbrechtHalbrecht on Black Plague

5 years ago

You know what? No! I don't think you're crazy. After a few more playtests, I agree with your hunch about Ascension .

I mean, it's not a bad route (at least, not in a less fast-paced format than Modern). Assuming it was in my opening hand or I could fetch it turn 3 with Beseech , I was able to reliably get it activated by turn 5-6. Between Geralf's Messenger , the Priest , Qarsi Sadist , and Collective Brutality , I never had issue draining life.

That said, it does take a bit of work. Also consider that by the time you've activated it, you've drained nearly half the opponent's life (assuming no lifegain; if you face lifegain, this card might help catch up to them). This is an amazing card in slower formats like Commander, but definitely isn't suited to Modern.

Speaking of....

I couldn't help but chuckle at your most recent comment of frustration. You're expressing the exact reason that I got tired of Modern! I'm with you — I like creative deck building and formats that give each deck a chance to show off what it was designed to do. Modern isn't that anymore.

Anyways, yeah, you could try cutting the Ascension and perhaps shave off a couple copies of some of the other cards in order to fit in Zulaport Cutthroat and Bloodghast .

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