Patron Wizard

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Patron Wizard

Creature — Human Wizard

Tap an untapped Wizard you control: Counter target spell unless its controller pays .

WorldEater_42 on What do you have that I cannot obtain?

10 months ago

Thanks for taking a look fluffyeel !

  • You are spot on regarding mana. I've added a Reflecting Pool and a Scalding Tarn which should help. The new fetchable surveil lands look great for this deck given the graveyard synergies with caging.
  • Mana Crypt and Mana Vault are long term goals for the deck. With some luck we will have some reprints!
  • Commandeer looks like a ball of fun! I am a little worried about my blue card count here but there are several other decks it'll do very well in.
  • I'll have to give Displacer Kitten a try. It would go quite nuts with a haste source and a caged Gilded Lotus for instance. A cage off of Deflecting Swat and/or Fierce Guardianship would also be crazy.
  • Thanks also for the other recommendations. I've had great times with Fact or Fiction in the past, probably time to bust it out again. Force spiking everything with Patron Wizard would also be useful.

fluffyeel on What do you have that I cannot obtain?

10 months ago

Stealing things and caging is fun: I've seen a lot of degenerate things with Mairsil. That said, I have a few small suggestions:

Azoth2099 on i like draw card

10 months ago

Patron Wizard! Get him in there!

Azoth2099 on Inalla - Wizard Tribal

1 year ago

Excellent Commander choice, Inalla, Archmage Ritualist is my undisputed favorite Commander, and perhaps my most powerful decklist.

The main wincons I'm using in my list are lines through Spellseeker and/or Micromancer which ends up creating infinite Archaeomancer or Scholar of the Ages Tokens after like 15 or 20 steps with a series of Instants and Sorceries (I can teach you, if you feel like learning all of it). I'm also running Dualcaster Mage + Heat Shimmer & Thassa's Oracle + Demonic Consultation.

Some trigger doublers like Naban, Dean of Iteration, Harmonic Prodigy, Panharmonicon & Virtue of Knowledge could go a long way, too. Not necessarily doublers, but Archmage of Echoes, Molten Echoes & Reflections of Littjara have a similar effect.

Venser, Shaper Savant is a must in budget Inalla. I'd also consider Patron Wizard, Sigil Tracer & Voidmage Prodigy if your intention is to run a crapload of Wizard creatures. In my experience, though, Inalla doesn't actually need that many Wizards, just the right ones.

Here's my own Inalla, Archmage Ritualist list if you wanna peep it: MICROSEEKER (INALLA)

rakdosrunner on Ur-Dragon Tribal Tribal

2 years ago

DreadKhan You have a very good mindset for this deck!

I've actually heavily considered Stinging Study, there's another card similar that I have wanted to put in: Imposing Grandeur.

The deck mainly functions on tap and untap effects to get value and then eventually you find a way to get through for lethal but its not usually combat heavy so cards like Avenger dont quite fit.

I think Patron Wizard is an absolute add with all my tap synergy!

DreadKhan on Ur-Dragon Tribal Tribal

2 years ago

I get the feeling that you're not into wiping the board, but I suspect Crux of Fate would probably fit. You can even dig it out with Bring to Light, wiping non-Dragons will miss your Commander (if you had to cast) and any Changelings while wiping most other creatures.

I think you've got enough non-Changelings to make digging out Maskwood Nexus pretty solid, maybe Wargate? There are lots of other ways to dig out The World Tree fwiw, many pretty affordable, if you can set up both Tree and Nexus (and have lots of mana) you should win on the spot, and it's not even 'infinite combo'. Wargate is just a nice fit because it can find any permanent, so in a pinch it can also just ramp out a land for 3 mana, iirc that's better than the going rate for non-basic ramp.

With your CMC of 9 Commander, you might consider Stinging Study, it's like a tiny Ad Nauseum that costs way less life, works without casting your Commander too.

It's a bit of a weird fit (and is big and clunky), but Avenger of Zendikar is really good in a higher land count Changeling deck, each land pumps your Changelings for you too, in addition to making a bunch of blockers. I run it with some budget fetches like Krosan Verge, which can find non-basics like duals or triomes for great fixing, Myriad Landscape which is okay fixing because it can find Green, and Blighted Woodland which I feel has a low opportunity cost as it'll ramp me as an instant if kept mana up for something and didn't need it.

It's a bit small, but Scarecrone can be a so-so card if you ever decide to toss Haakon in, with your Eminence ability you can recast Universal Automaton for free, so it's just 1 to draw a card and get a sacrifice/death trigger.

If you don't want to run actual counters, you might sneak a Patron Wizard in to help deal with wipes, you've got some Vigilance sources even.

Cool build!

Guerric on [Primer] Casting the Mythal

2 years ago


Birgi, God of Storytelling  Flip is a great card which is a powerhouse in my Feather, the Redeemed deck. She certainly isn't bad here because, as you say, she basically makes Inalla's ability free. My main objection to her that I can't really think of something I'd cut to put her in. She isn't a wizard and doesn't really further any of our other gameplans aside from mana discount, and I wouldn't really want to tinker with the deck's other engines, which work well, just to try to slot her in.

The only real card at the moment that I definitely would like to put in is Patron Wizard, which you suggested some time ago. I think it would be better than Voidmage Prodigy and a real pita for our opponents, I just have never gotten around to ordering him because I am busy and always forget when ordering. It might be for the best because there is that new secret lair foil that looks quite cool, and with that printing the price is the lowest ever. There's probably also some tinkering with the mana base that I could do as well, but in general I'm mostly happy with the deck given those exceptions.

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