Gutwrencher Oni

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Gutwrencher Oni

Creature — Demon Spirit


At the beginning of your upkeep, discard a card if you don't control an Ogre.

ClockworkSwordfish on Creature Donation Ideas

2 years ago

If you want to think outside the box, try Phyrexian Negator. Every time it's blocked, its controller is losing a bushel of hard-earned permanents. Of course, you can always help the process along by pointing a Consume Spirit or Essence Extraction at the Negator!

Other good options include Gutwrencher Oni, Grinning Demon, Scourge of Numai, Pitiless Horde, Steel Golem, Grid Monitor, Evil Eye of Orms-by-Gore, Evil Eye of Urborg, Archdemon of Greed  Flip, Abyssal Persecutor, Ebonblade Reaper, Thrashing Mudspawn, Wretched Anurid, Ebon Drake, Moroii, Rotting Regisaur, Flesh Reaver, Asmodeus the Archfiend and the truly deplorable Infernal Denizen.

Coward_Token on Grixis!Zedruu

7 years ago

(I would add a proper community card but that feature seems to be malfunctioning right now.)

Farly straightforward, this card would mostly be Zedruu the Greathearted (although a different character, not simply her gone evil or something) with a casting cost of and an activation cost of . In EDH, this could lead to some fun usage of cards like the following:

(I realize you can basically already do this with any Grixis commander + e.g. Bazaar Trader, but that's a bit less straightforward.)

I'm unsure what would be suitable for its upkeep ability. Just copying Zedruu's straight off isn't too inappropriate, as drawing is certainly associated with black and life gain isn't too far out either, but that's kinda boring. Replacing the life gain with something negative towards opponents like milling, discard or plain life loss proportional to the amount of gifted permanent could be one option that's more in line with the color change (thought the negative effects would probably targeted in order to preserve some political potential). Putting a +1/+1 counter per gift on Zedruu the Grixishearted to take advantage of commander damage could also work (especially when combined with auras like Herald of Torment), in which case you could also change power/toughness from the original's 2/4 to 4/2 to signal greater aggression.

For the sake of flavor its subtype would be Horse Djinn, with the artwork depicting a djinn with a mare's head, wearing a mouth-covering veil.

Feedback would be welcome, especially on ways to make Grixis!Zedruu more distinct from the original while still fulfilling the basic function of giving out torturous black cards, in addition to the blue and red ones they both share.

(A version containing green could also be made for the sake of giving that color a chance to show off its painful cards, in which case the creature in question should probably have monkey paws.)

Byvci on Tribal Tech (Every Single Tribe in Magic! Part 1)

7 years ago

assassin: Scarblade Elite

assembly worker: Mishra's Factory Self-Assembler (only works with changelings and itself

atog: Atogatog

aurochs: Aurochs Herd Bull Aurochs Rimehorn Aurochs

bat: Skeletal Vampire

beast: Vitality Charm

cephalid: Aboshan, Cephalid Emperor

chimera: Brass-Talon Chimera Iron-Heart Chimera Lead-Belly Chimera Tin-Wing Chimera

druid: Gilt-Leaf Archdruid Seton, Krosan Protector

dwarf: Depala, Pilot Exemplar Dwarven Bloodboiler Dwarven Lieutenant Dwarven Pony Dwarven Recruiter Heart Wolf

eldrazi spawn: Brood Birthing

eye: Evil Eye of Orms-by-Gore Evil Eye of Urborg

fox: Patron of the Kitsune

giant: Hearthcage Giant

goat: Springjack Pasture

gorgon: Hythonia the Cruel

kavu: Coastal Drake Alpha Kavu Kavu Howler Kavu Mauler Kavu Monarch

kithkin: Goldmeadow Stalwart

knight: Knight of the Mists is sort of tribal. Also War Falcon

kobold: Kobold Drill Sergeant Kobold Overlord Kobold Taskmaster

minion: Balthor the Defiled

moonfolk: Patron of the Moon

nightstalker: Return of the Nightstalkers

ogre: (don't really work in an ogre deck, but I guess they sort of count?) Gutwrencher Oni Painwracker Oni Scourge of Numai Yukora, the Prisoner

orc: Raiding Party Orcish Captain

pegasus: Sacred Mesa

pentavite: Pentavus only card with pentavite, but sort of works with changelings

plant: Avenger of Zendikar

rigger: Steamflogger Boss

scarecrow: Scarecrone Reaper King

wall: Fortified Area Glyph of Life Rolling Stones Wall of Caltrops Animate Wall Total War Mob Mentality Glyph of Destruction Wall of Mulch Glyph of Reincarnation Glyph of Delusion Glyph of Doom

There's also the flagbearers: Coalition Flag Coalition Honor Guard Standard Bearer But they don't really have synergy with each other. You might be able to pull some shenanigans if you give a flagbearer hexproof or protection with a changeling out though.

Thelon of Havenwood, Fungal Bloom, Sporesower Thallid, Savage Thallid and Pallid Mycoderm are all listed as saprolings. I don't know if you merged fungus and saproling intentionally, but if you did it might make sense to change saproling tech to saproling/fungus tech.

Wallamin on Monoblack Kamigawa Ogres

8 years ago

Hi, thanks for the suggestions kobold_koenig. They were definitely helpful. While Goryo's Vengeance is strong, I do not feel it is necessary. And Footsteps of the Goryo, while very flavorful, just does nothing, since the creatures don't have haste and would just die at th eend of the turn, which could go very badly if I were to revive Yukora, the Prisoner. And while I do not feel Rend Spirit, I am definitely adding Horobi's Whisper to the Sideboard. I had originally considered Razorjaw Oni when I built the deck, but Scourge of Numai just seems better. While it has one less toughness its drawback is not as harsh. Seizan, Perverter of Truth on the other hand seems very good in this deck. I had not considered it, but he might be a better replacement for the Painwracker Onis and the Gutwrencher Oni. Thank you!