Ebonblade Reaper

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Ebonblade Reaper

Creature — Human Cleric

Whenever Ebonblade Reaper attacks, you lose half your life, rounded up.

Whenever Ebonblade Reaper deals combat damage to a player, that player loses half his or her life, rounded up.

Morph (3)(Black)(Black) (You may play this face down as a 2/2 creature for (3). Turn it face up any time for its morph cost.)

Coward_Token on Santa IreniClaus

1 year ago

Mattio38: yeah I mostly rely on nasty gifts like Ebonblade Reaper to sufficiently weaken the last opponent. The deck is more about creating funny situations than winning anyway.

Cmi1103 on Crouching Kadena, Hidden Phage

1 year ago

Awesome deck! Ever considered Ebonblade Reaper?

Cmi1103 on You Just Activated My Trap Card!

1 year ago

Love it! Recently built Kadena myself! Curious about your thoughts on cards like Ebonblade Reaper in there. Going to swing with it as a morph will negate us losing life, but flipping it over if the opponent doesn’t block it will take half of theirs!

ClockworkSwordfish on Creature Donation Ideas

2 years ago

If you want to think outside the box, try Phyrexian Negator. Every time it's blocked, its controller is losing a bushel of hard-earned permanents. Of course, you can always help the process along by pointing a Consume Spirit or Essence Extraction at the Negator!

Other good options include Gutwrencher Oni, Grinning Demon, Scourge of Numai, Pitiless Horde, Steel Golem, Grid Monitor, Evil Eye of Orms-by-Gore, Evil Eye of Urborg, Archdemon of Greed  Flip, Abyssal Persecutor, Ebonblade Reaper, Thrashing Mudspawn, Wretched Anurid, Ebon Drake, Moroii, Rotting Regisaur, Flesh Reaver, Asmodeus the Archfiend and the truly deplorable Infernal Denizen.

RambIe on Advice For Olivia CMDR

3 years ago

I think Olivia, Crimson Bride has the potential for competitive 1v1 if you pack some serous rocks, and optimized level in pod games

good rakdos functions that would support her
Etb Creatures like: Rune-Scarred Demon & Terror of the Peaks
Extra ETB: Molten Echoes & Mirror March
Direct Damage:Flayer of the Hatebound & Syr Konrad, the Grim
Dredge: Shenanigans & Necroplasm
Extra card: Sin Prodder & Dark Confidant
Recursion: Charmbreaker Devils & Sheoldred, Whispering One
Extra Combat: Port Razer & Breath of Fury
Load GY: Burning-Rune Demon & Shifting Shadow
Infect: Ogre Menial & Skithiryx, the Blight Dragon
Big Ouch: Ebonblade Reaper & Malignus

burferking on Marchesa Hugs You to Better Stab Your Back

3 years ago

I wonder if I should keep Nightscape Familiar instead of Heartless Summoning. The former lowers the cost of 28 cards for 1 (I include Vandalblast's Overload) , and the latter lowers the cost of 20 creatures for 2, where only Ebonblade Reaper dies in the nonbo. Mathematically, I potentially save 40 mana with Heartless Summoning, but for only 20 cards.

Kyle_Winter on Zagras and the Dethtouch Party

4 years ago

This Commander looks dope! Personally, my favorite part about him is his ability that makes all your other creatures have Deathtouch. My take-away is now, your opponents never get to have creatures or yours get through their defenses unblocked! I looked in to some cards that fit the new 'party' mechanic in Zendikar to help your Commander come out.


Oona's Blackguard

Relic Robber


Ebonblade Reaper


Mikaeus, the Unhallowed


Azra Oddsmaker

Bloodshot Trainee

Fireblade Charger

Goblin Chainwhirler

Godo's Irregulars

Jeska, Warrior Adept

Kolaghan Aspirant

Ornery Goblin

Pashalik Mons

Somberwald Vigilante

Viashino Fangtail


Blood Cultist


Grim Lavamancer

Reckless Embermage

Spark Mage

Direwulf on King Killer

4 years ago

Also if you're looking to go to the face harder, there are options like Master of Cruelties, Virtus the Veiled, Raving Dead, or even Ebonblade Reaper.

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