Fourth Bridge Prowler

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Fourth Bridge Prowler

Creature — Human Rogue

When Fourth Bridge Patrol enters the battlefield, you may have target creature get -1/-1 until end of turn.

azja on Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow (1st CEDH deck)

2 years ago

If I had to pick some creatures to cut, I'd potentially go with these:

Forsworn Paladin: menace is even less reliable than flying, and you generally won't have the mana to activate its abilities

Fourth Bridge Prowler: if your playgroup is heavy on mana dorks it can be really powerful, but otherwise it's pretty underwhelming

Phyrexian Walker/Ornithopter: good if your playgroup's decks are light on creatures, otherwise they cant get through often

Thassa's Oracle: not worth playing unless it's for the Demonic Consultation/Tainted Pact combo, since there's better topdeck manipulating enablers such as Augury Owl

Walker of Secret Ways: looking at someone's hand can provide useful info, but it's one of the weaker 2-drop ninjas in my opinion, it may not be necessary to include now that Kamigawa is out

Mist-Syndicate Naga: can definitely take over the game if someone doesn't have blockers, but making one non-evasive token can be underwhelming for 3 mana

Also I checked my list and I'm playing 29 creatures, so 32 isn't that far off!

Snips500 on Soul Sisters Machine Gun - Pauper (Update Friday!)

4 years ago

I feel like this is one card away from an infinite combo. Something that says when an opponent loses life you can that much or something. But I don't think a card like that exists at common. But a suggestion for you would be Deathgreeter. The thing that I noticed though is that you have a lot of ways to gain/drain life but no way of making the creatures necessary to do that though. Something to consider would be creatures that when they enter or die makes a token. Something like Doomed Dissenter or cards with afterlife. Although the only playable creature with afterlife is Imperious Oligarch. Other creature that might be good: Doomed Traveler, Lazotep Reaver, Wakedancer, Fourth Bridge Prowler, Fume Spitter, Dusk Legion Zealot.

I would probably cut Epicure of Blood, five mana is just too much, and I would go down to at most 2 Suture Priest. I would even go as far and say cut him because you want more creatures like the ones listed above, this is because you don't really need 12 copies of that effect even if he does a bit more. The main thing this deck wants to do is play out creatures that gain u life which in turn will damage your opponent.

Red_X on Mono-Black ETB

4 years ago

This would be an example of one of the best midrange decks in Modern right now, Jund:

A midrange deck wants to have the strongest cards at each point on the mana curve, and wins by having cards that are just better than your opponents. In the case of Jund, your mono red opponent's Monastery Swiftspear gets embarrassed by Tarmagoyf, and Wrenn and Six is a whole lot better than something like Snapcaster Mage from azorious control.

Now, as for changes, I will tell you what I would do, but you can take only some of the suggestions and make the deck your own.

First, remove anything that costs 5 or more mana except possibly Gray Merchant of Asphodel, along with all of your ramp or land search cards like Armillary Sphere and Cabal Stronghold. You want to put on pressure early and destroy your opponent's creatures, and you can't do that if you are spending mana trying to ramp or have big creatures stuck in your hand.

Second, remove all of the artifacts you have left, with the possible exception of Panharmonicon. Panharmonicon is really fun and I would up it to 3 copies if you really want to go all out on the ETB abilities, but just know that it won't be the most competitive. The rest of your artifacts are really only good when you're already winning, and the majority of the time they would be better as another creature or a piece of disruption.

Third, remove some of your weaker creatures. Fourth Bridge Prowler is decent if your local scene has a lot of decks like spirits and bant snowblade where decks have a lot of creatures with one toughness, but it's a lot weaker if your opponent's are playing big creatures or no creatures at all. Burglar Rat and Yarok's Fenlurker are often weaker than Brain Maggot or Kitesail Freebooter since opponent's can choose the weakest card in their hand to give up with your current line up, but with a switch you get to choose what to get rid of (Yes, they get their card back if your creature dies, but they generally have to use a removal spell on a 1/2 creature and don't get to play their card as early as possible, so you end up ahead). If you decide to play a lot of those, Wasteland Strangler can be a cheaper Skinrender and prevent your opponent from getting those cards back when your disruption dies. Quag Vampires is never an impressive card, and Cauldron Haze is really awkward to play because you really want to be using all of your mana each turn to deploy threats, and you very rarely will have 2 mana open, haze in hand, and not want it to be removal or disruption.

Fourth, add more disruption and removal. Cards like Inquisition of Kozilek and Victim of the night will help supplement your creatures ETBs by either being cheaper or at instant speed. Disruption is essential against control and combo decks so that you can get rid of sweepers like Supreme Verdict, win conditions like Teferi, Hero of Dominaria, or their combo spell like ad nauseum. Removal is required to deal with creatures from aggro and midrange, along with big beaters like Primeval Titan in big mana decks (Tron, Amulet Titan, etc.)

Finally, play multiples of the stronger cards, go up to at least 23 lands, and fill out the rest of the deck with meta game cards. Wrench Mind and Despoiler of Souls can be solid against control, Gifted Aetherborn and Nyxathid are good against aggro, and things like Sign in Blood and Pack Rat give the edge in midrange matches. Pick whichever ones best address your local meta/ you like the best, and then you'll use your sideboard to cover other matches.

You'll also want a sideboard if you're actually playing at a local tournament, but start with the main deck first to figure out what you actually need to sideboard for.

A couple of additional resources: For figuring out how many lands: For a more in depth explanation of Mid range decks:

Finally, if you're looking for ideas, just google " modern mono-black midrange budget" and you'll find a decent number of options.

I hope this helps.

Chasmolinker on BLACK EVIL STUFF

6 years ago

The sideboard just looks like 15 cards that didn't fit into the 60 card main board.
But focusing on the Mainboard, I would suggest Gifted Aetherborn over Fourth Bridge Prowler. Accompany that with 4 copies of Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx or Cabal Stronghold if you're on a budget. Bump in the Night is good if you are looking for a cheap and easy way to trigger Bloodchief Ascension. I would go with Sign in Blood over Night's Whisper since it can target your opponent and make them lose 2 life in the process. Or if you need gas you can target yourself. I don't know what format you plan on playing this in, but Demonic Tutor is banned/restricted in every format. I would go with Infernal Tutor or just swap it for those Bump in the Nights. Cut Diabolic Tutor. Ultimate Price is OK. I would add a 3rd Bloodchief Ascension in its place. +1 for me. Cool build.

Shadowdarkraity on The Touch Of Death From the Serpents

7 years ago



So using the wording of Hapatra, which cards I am using don't trigger her ability?

Example Fourth Bridge Prowler. Would that trigger Hapatra

Unlife on Advice on Monoblack devotion

7 years ago

Ive been building this deck for a couple of ears but recently I started seriously trying to improve it. To that end, I was hoping for advice from people who have played vs or with the deck before; or anyone who has any ideas. Im currently thinking of cutting the two Fourth Bridge Prowler for two Collective Brutality and finding something else for the sideboard. Any advice is appreciated, thanks in advance.

Callmegkill on

7 years ago

A few cards you may want to consider adding: Lay Bare the Heart, Harsh Scrutiny as a sideboard against more creature heavy decks, Torrential Gearhulk would be great for grabbing some cantrips and other discard cars at a moment's notice (probably a 1-2 of), Duress is also pretty good at grabbing things out of hand.

Open Into Wonder may be worth looking into to make sure the damage from Dreamstealer goes through.

You may also want to have 3-4x of both Dreamstealer and Raider's Wake since that's the main synergy of the deck.

The Scarab God may also be a decent 1-2 of since it'll cut the eternalize cost on deamstealer by 2.

Some things that could be cut out: Skullduggery and Cartouche of Ambition dont do enough to warrant a spot (although I do like cartouche of knowledge for some evasion). Fourth Bridge Prowler also doesn't do much toward your strategy either (could probably be slotted out by duress).

You may also want to up the land count a bit if you're going for more of a control variant. Having 4x Drowned Catacomb would be useful as well.

That's about all I've got for the moment. Let me know if any of these work.

sebtuch on

7 years ago

This deck lacks consistency. Is it about +1/+1 counters? Is it about zombies? What's your strategy?I think you should think about it how you would like to destroy your enemy. I am sorry to say that but now it looks like bunch of random cards. You need to look for consistency. Try to find 6-7 creatures, get 3-4 copies of each and try to make a deck with these. Then throw some spells to support these creatures or to destroy your opponents creatures.

Since you got Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet maybe you might want to focus on Vampires and Zombies? Festering Mummy would work really well with it and it just zombie version of Fourth Bridge Prowler. You might want to look for creatures with eternalize or embalm ability so regular creature will come back to battlefield as a zombie, that could work really well with Embalmer's Tools. You should look for more synergies. It's really hard to have any more suggestions for you at this point.

You need to do some research on your own.

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