Infernal Tutor

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Infernal Tutor


Reveal a card from your hand. Search your library for a card with the same name as that card, reveal it, put it into your hand, then shuffle your library.

Hellbent — If you have no cards in hand, instead search your library for a card, put it into your hand, then shuffle your library.

Tic12 on Clockwork Black

6 months ago

Squee_Spirit_Guide and capwner Thanks for your comments and upvotes :) Maybe i'll try 2 Infernal Tutor, they seems to have the potential to speed this Deck up.

capwner on Clockwork Black

6 months ago

Squee_Spirit_Guide Man I haven't thought about that Heartless combo in forever, I tried building that in modern aaaages ago with Infernal Tutor and Spoils of the Vault to dig for the combo cards. Also Grim Haruspex or Fecundity with Simian Spirit Guide and Grapeshot to kill since the Heartless Summoning will remove pretty much all the Blood Artist type pingers. The deck was pretty bad lol but it was fun when it worked.

Lycheex on The Spanish Inquisition

2 years ago

@ArtPunch: Thanks! Glad to see someone with lot's of experience comment on the sideboard. Are there any cards you would recommend for going broad? I thought that a cheeky Dark Ritual into Rotting Regisaur might catch opponent's off guard, but that isn't exactly going wide... Perhaps Bitterblossom?

I don't, however, see what the value of Aeve, Progenitor Ooze would be in the sideboard? I might be overlooking something, but except for Flusterstorm I believe that most storm-hate cards would also stop Tendrils of Agony or Goblin Charbelcher. I agree that Aeve is a big nonbo with Summoner's Pact, but you never want to pact for it. I also agree that you want to maximise your T1 win rate. But for just 1 slot, Aeve basically guarantees a T2 win on a low storm count.

Consider a mulligan to 5 and you get the following hand: Dark Ritual, Infernal Tutor, Cabal Ritual, Bayou and Lion's Eye Diamond. This is a good hand. The play would be:

  • Play Bayou
  • Cast LED (storm 1)
  • Cast Dark Ritual (BBB) (storm 2)
  • Cast Cabal Ritual (BBBB) (storm 3)
  • Cast Infernal Tutor holding priority and sacrificing the LED for green (BBGGG) (storm 4)
  • Get and cast Aeve with the Infernal Tutor for storm 5

The line above is a win on T2, short of an Entreat the Angels of the top of the deck, or an opponent that turbo's out Ensnaring Bridge on T1/2. It's (nearly always) a T2 win. I find this preferable to grabbing a Draw 4 spell, hoping to continue building the storm count. You might get there, but might also not. In this regard, I view Aeve to be similar to Wild Cantor. You don't often cast the cards, but they're in the deck for the few times you need them.

Having said all this, I don't use Aeve that often to win (I usually have a high enough storm count for Tendrills). So, you could argue Aeve doesn't merit it's spot based on the frequency you cast it. Despite this, I still want to have an Aeve in my mainboard.

ArtPunch on The Spanish Inquisition

2 years ago

PSI is really designed with a T1 win in mind and go broader after SB. I played it for over a decace and will revisit it again soon. Here are 2 thoughts right now, I would like to share:

@raccoon808: With Lion's Eye Diamond you can get Echo of Eons in to the graveyard, yes. But sometimes it just feels good to be able to immediately evoke + sac. with Slithermuse or Infernal Tutor with 3 blue floating and then draw 7 with Slithermuse

@Lycheex I like the inclusion of Aeve, Progenitor Ooze for the postboard idea, not sure if you want to play Summoner's Pact and a creature w/ storm which needs another turn altogether though. Maybe we can find something else? ( assuming to maximize a T1 win )

Gidgetimer on How Good is Ring of …

2 years ago

Atraxa contains black and you don't currently run any of the traditional black tutors. If you want objectively good cards that tutor then you are looking at Demonic Tutor, Vampiric Tutor, Diabolic Intent, Imperial Seal, and Grim Tutor. Cruel Tutor, Mastermind's Acquisition, Wishclaw Talisman, Scheming Symmetry, Infernal Tutor, Profane Tutor, and Diabolic Tutor can be useful as in the right deck or if you need more black tutors. Passable options in low powered metas include Diabolic Revelation and Increasing Ambition.

wallisface on Rack Prison - No-U Control

2 years ago

Modern rack decks these days are often running a playset of Urza's Saga. It lets you grab the rack itself, while also offering secondary wincons (usually by making constructs and grabbing Shadowspear), and more toolbox-answers for other threats.

Some other thoughts:

  • mainboard Leyline of Sanctity feels wrong. Card is a sideboard option at best. I’m not sure its worth running in Rack at all though.

  • Liliana's Caress feels like a weak card, and a strange choice when you aren’t yet running full playsets of Rack or Affliction, both of which are much stronger.

  • only 2 copies of Raven's Crime feels sub-optimal. That card is often fairly important to draw.

  • i’m really not convinced you need effects like Infernal Tutor (particularly if you run Urza's Saga).

Chasmolinker on Rack Prison - No-U Control

2 years ago

4 Blood Crypt and 4 temple garden seems like overkill for the number of spells that need R/W mana. Boseiju, Who Endures could be useful as a 1-of. Profane Tutor might be worth checking out in place of Infernal Tutor

nbarry223 on A New Type of Amulet

2 years ago

I'm thinking Eladamri's Call and/or Plunge into Darkness are probably my best bets. If I considered more of a pox route, Traverse the Ulvenwald or Infernal Tutor might be viable, but I don't think I'll end up going a pox route, but I'll keep it in mind as an option.

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