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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Arena | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Gladiator | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Historic | Legal |
Historic Brawl | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Pioneer | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Consign / Oblivion
Return target nonland permanent to its owner's hand.
Aftermath (Cast this spell only from your graveyard. Then exile it.)
Target opponent discards two cards.

azja on
Yuriko (Optimized) Primer
2 years ago
Hi magwaaf!
I'm currently testing Shadow of Mortality in place of Draco, but I haven't officially updated the decklist yet.
As for high cmc cards in general, adding more than a few of them hurts your deck more than it improves it. The reason being that we play a very low number of lands and ramp spells, so we can't cast anything more than 6-7 mana very reliably. Although it feels awesome to flip an eldrazi titan to Yuriko's trigger, we're not casting it anytime soon, so we're better off filling our deck with "pretty high cmc but still playable" cards like Consign / Oblivion, Dig Through Time, etc.
bushido_man96 on
Ninja Tribal
3 years ago
You've got a really low curve here, but Yuriko plays better with a bit higher curve, grinding down opponents faster. Like I mentioned on the Hidetsugu deck before, split cards really shine in Yuriko, too. Consign / Oblivion, Far / Away, Never/Return, Spite / Malice, and others can really turn the results of the deck up. Spells high CMC that you can reduce the cost of, like Dig Through Time and Treasure Cruise and even Snuff Out are great synergy.
privatepook on
Processing Throat Pain with Yuriko
3 years ago
Nice, multimedia! That has me off to a good start.
Bolas's Citadel - I just like playing this card when I have the mana to pull it off.
Overwhelmed Apprentice - A placeholder until I can get a few more powerful scry cards.
Temple of the Dragon Queen - I honestly don't know how this even got in here, but "Bye, Dragonicia!" along with 2 basic swamps and 1 island.
Bone to Ash -- Wasn't suggested, but I honestly never use it when it's in my hand anyway...
Still on the lookout for some others, especially Fallen Shinobi cause I want a set for my Modern Ninja deck as well!
privatepook on
Processing Throat Pain with Yuriko
3 years ago
Awesome suggestions, multimedia! I have some ideas on filler cards to pull, but would def appreciate your thoughts if you're able.
I'm definitely throwing in the following for now...
... and will be obtaining some of the others soon.
multimedia on
Processing Throat Pain with Yuriko
3 years ago
Hey, well done so far on a budget for your first Commander deck.
Command Tower, Sol Ring, Arcane Signet are some budget staples to consider adding. Some budget Rogues to consider adding:
Budget cards that have high CMC, but can be cast for much less mana then their CMC are good with Yuriko. They can do lots of damage by revealing them with Yuriko and then cast them later on for less mana.
Dig and Cruise have Delve which lets you exile cards from your graveyard to reduce the colorless mana of the casting cost. Discovery/ Dispersal is a Split card and the CMC of it is the combined cost of both sides. It has a CMC of 7 and you can choose to cast either side, but only one side. The other two cards have Aftermath and just like Split cards the CMC is the combined cost of both sides. Commit / Memory has a CMC of 10. You first cast Commit, then if you want to can cast Memory from your graveyard, but then exile the card.
More budget cards that can let you manipulate the top card of your library give more control over what card you can reveal with Yuriko.
Brainstorm is powerful for one mana instant because if you have a high CMC card in your hand you can draw three cards and then put that card on top of your library before you attack.
Walk the Aeons and Notorious Throng are budget extra turn spells to have another turn to attack again. Throng works with Rogues when any Rogue does damage to a player you can cast Throng for it's Prowl cost to create Faerie Rogues and take an extra turn.
If interested in any of these suggestions I offer more advice including cuts to consider. Good luck with your deck.
bushido_man96 on
4 years ago
Boardwipe count is really up to you. Some sources like 5 of them. Some like just a couple, because they tend to slow down the game.
I think with Yuriko, you want to live on the higher end of the mana curve a bit more than you are. You could probably cut some of your small evasive creatures to add some more higher CMC spells that smack the table when you flip them with Yuriko. Consign / Oblivion , Discovery / Dispersal , Rags / Riches , and Connive / Concoct are all some budget options that you could probably make work. There are also non-budget options to look into, but I'll let you search those out. In Garruk's Wake is a high CMC, one-sided boardwipe.
Good luck with your deck building!
azja on
Yuriko (Optimized) Primer
4 years ago
@Snake57 No problem! I love to talk about Yuriko, so your questions and suggestions are always welcome!
My plan is to cut 1 island, 1 swamp and Darkslick Shores for Sea Gate Restoration, Agadeem's Awakening and Clearwater Pathway.
As for Yawgmoth's Will, I think most Yuriko decks are fast enough that we can't bring out the card's full potential. I find this deck wins sometime around turn 6-7. At that point in the game, I usually have around 6-7 mana to work with, which only leaves 3-4 mana to cast things from my graveyard after casting it. But since you have one, I would definitely say to try it out. Let me know how it goes!
I actually just bought myself a Commandeer! So I'll be trying it out soon, but I haven't decided what to cut for it yet. It seems like exiling 2 cards is quite a steep price, but if it counters an early Pithing Needle or Dictate of Erebos, it's probably worth it.
I think Snuff Out is an amazing card for Yuriko decks. My playgroup is heavily focused around black decks, so I unfortunately can't play it often. But in a blind meta, Snuff Out is my second favourite removal spell after Deadly Rollick.
I also think that Dismember is a great card for Yuriko, I've considered running it for a long time. I just don't think its as effective as Deadly Rollick, Submerge or Curtains' Call, and it doesn't hit as hard as Consign / Oblivion or Commit / Memory. So its mostly an issue of finding a place for it, rather than it not being good enough!
I had Cyclonic Rift in the deck for a long time. I found myself not being able to hit 7 mana consistently, so it ended up being a 2 mana bounce spell too often. Coastal Breach is usually pretty strong, but Evacuation sometimes feels lackluster. I've been thinking of replacing Evacuation with Devastation Tide for a while, seeing how consistently this deck can cast Temporal Mastery for its miracle cost.
Hopefully this was helpful! Feel free to post questions/suggestions for me anytime, friend!
Meachman on
Yuriko's Assassins
4 years ago
Cards like Far / Away, Consign / Oblivion, Connive / Concoct, Discovery / Dispersal, Rags / Riches, and Spite / Malice are nice since you get the flexibility of the two spells on one card plus the fact the the card's CMC is the total CMC of both spells.