Back for More

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Back for More


Return target creature card from your graveyard to the battlefield. When you do, it fights up to one target creature you don't control. (Each deals damage equal to its power to the other.)

Gleeock on Challenging Maarika

2 years ago

Out - Bear Umbra Phyrexian Obliterator Spinning Wheel Kick Back for More

It'll be a labor of love for sure, dropping 30 is no joke.

TypicalTimmy on The Wizard of Ooze | The Mimeoplasm [Powered]

2 years ago

Just so you are aware, Worldspine Wurm does not have a may ability for its graveyard trigger. Once it is in there, it absolutely must be shuffled into the library, assuming it is still there when the ability resolves. For example, Back for More and the Adventure side of Ghost Lantern both will work in response to Worldspine Wurm's ability being placed on the stack, thereby circumventing it from being shuffled into its owners library.

At least, I assume so. The ability may still actually see Worldspine Wurm, regardless of what zone it is in. I have never actually thought about this, to be honest?

Either way, your sorcery speed Reanimate will not work.

legendofa on Strixhaven spoiler season

3 years ago

I'm getting the odd feeling that is getting better at old-school Reanimator decks than , especially in Modern. A lot of key cards are either banned in Modern, or too old to use outside of Legacy or Commander. Recently, it's been getting stuff like Back for More , Return Upon the Tide , and Nissa of Shadowed Boughs ( is trying to be a support color). Yeah, Goryo's Vengeance is still around, but when was the last time it was used for anything but Griselbrand ? Unburial Rites is easier to cast for from the graveyard than from the hand.

Now, I haven't actually seen a competitive dump-and-revive Reanimator deck since Dread Return , Golgari Grave-Troll , and Bridge from Below all went away, and losing Faithless Looting didn't help either. But there's a lot of recent cards trying to do that, and I'm wondering if Mardu or even Boros will be the first to crack the code.

ChrisHansonBiomancin on Unchain the Titans

3 years ago

This is a cool deck. The only cards i think could be cut are Titanic Growth and Inscription of Abundance . The most powerful part of this deck is reanimation effects and neither card contributes to that strategy. Imho it's better to be really good at one thing and not try to have a deck do too much, or you'll dilute the best part of the deck. Also, fight effects aren't really a great fit with a lot of your creature lineup (tho Back for More is good since it's a 2-for-1), especially in the early game, so you'd probably be better off with black removal to survive long enough to start reanimating.

Ebro on Exploring new lands.

4 years ago

Run Back for More and some cycling creatures that are big and meaty. Do that and this deck can be even more savage

ImaginitiveRascal on Deadly and Plotting

4 years ago

Whoops, I forgot that Back for More is great with deathtouch. I would still trade out swamps for Agadeem's Awakening  Flip though.

ImaginitiveRascal on Deadly and Plotting

4 years ago

It looks very solid. The only things I'd suggest would be to cut Back for More because it is too pricy and add a few Agadeem's Awakening  Flip because it will probably have a larger impact bringing back more stuff. I would also suggest more one-drops because you only have 3 Duresss you can play turn 1 even though it looks like more because Village Rites, Alchemist's Gift, and Lash of Thorns need creatures.

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