Archfiend of Depravity

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Archfiend of Depravity

Creature — Demon


At the beginning of each opponent's end step, that player chooses up to two creatures he or she controls, then sacrifices the rest.

DemonDragonJ on Should I Replace Visara the …

11 months ago

I have a copy of Visara the Dreadful in these two EDH decks, because she can destroy creatures for the generals of those decks to steal, but I wonder if she is the best possible way to do that, since I cannot both attack with her and then user her ability; each of those decks also does contain a copy of Seedborn Muse, but there is no guarantee that I shall draw both of those creatures in the same game, so Visara is rather a risky choice.

For my Teneb, the Harvester deck, I am considering Archfiend of Depravity, Archpriest of Shadows, or Indulgent Tormentor, and, for The Mimeoplasm deck, I am considering either Acidic Slime or Nemesis of Reason, because all of those creatures synergize with the themes of those decks.

What does everyone else say about this? Should I keep Visara the Dreadful in those decks, or replace her with other creatures, and, if I do, with what creatures should I replace her?

DemonDragonJ on Waste Not

11 months ago

I have replaced Vulturous Zombie with Archfiend of Depravity, since the latter creature better fits the theme of this deck.

DemonDragonJ on Diabolical Machinations

1 year ago

I have replaced Diabolic Revelation, Elder Mastery, and Lightning Reaver with Archfiend of Depravity, Indulgent Tormentor, and Rune-Scarred Demon, because the newer cards far better fit the theme of this deck than did the older cards, which, unfortunately, increased this deck's average converted mana cost from 4.40 to 4.42, but that increase is deceptive, since I would need to spend a minimum of 7 mana on Diabolic Revelation to truly get a good bargain from it.

Doombeard1984 on The Song of Phyresis

1 year ago

Virulent Plague hoses most tokens permanently until its removed. Aether Snap deals with all token and counters on permanents. Key point is it doesnt remove poison counters from players.

I use Archfiend of Depravity in my Kaalia of the Vast deck to deal with big wide decks myself. Unless all those things have haste, this hoses their board each turn.

Just my initial thoughts if they help :)

debuf on Last_Laugh

1 year ago


ok, so the 36 basics is not a placeholder and is meant to have a reliable source of mana

I forgot Oubliette even existed (I think I will add it but I will need to find something that can be replaced, the same thing for Chaos Warp.)

Black Vise did get him down to 29 or 26 before he could even do anything about it.

I will think about Archfiend of Depravity but I do think I will add Chaos Warp

Last_Laugh on It's time for their daily penance, honey.

1 year ago

Price of Progress and Blood Moon will hate on good mana bases (assuming the 36 basics is accurate and not just a lazy placeholder... I've been there lol). Blood Moon can definitely cause some saltiness though.

Archfiend of Depravity will screw go-wide creature strategies. Tainted AEther is another card that punishes creature strategies. Feed the Swarm and Chaos Warp are your only 2 answers to enchantments in these colors. Oubliette is another premium piece of removal (use on commanders for maximum effect).

Vicious Shadows, Emberwilde Captain, and Unquenchable Fury will hate on large hands. I'm not sure I like the Black Vice effects (or at least so many of them).

Exsanguinate would be a nice finisher here.

You are a bit light on creatures. Koskun Falls can be hard to find if you aren't shopping online but it does provide some defense.

Last One Standing and Blasphemous Act are a pair of good budget friendly boardwipes here.

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