Quilled Sliver

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Quilled Sliver

Creature — Sliver

All Slivers have "Tap: This permanent deals 1 damage to target attacking or blocking creature."

derpologist42 on Slivers are the worst

3 years ago

Unclaimed Territory is good land for sliver decks. It is any color land for creature spells that does not come in tapped. Replacing a couple of basics for them will probably help with color consistency. Also Quilled Sliver works better than Thorncaster Sliver in almost every way; quilled can be used both offensively and defensively where thorncaster only procs on the offense. Cloudshredder Sliver is also a good replacement for Blur Sliver. Blur cost 3 mana and only gives haste whereas cloushredder cost 2 and gives haste and flying.

rb701 on Xenomorphic Expanse

3 years ago

Pulmonic Sliver recycles slivers on death and gives flying, but has a high CMC. Poultice Sliver grants regen, which is handy. Thorncaster Sliver, Bonescythe Sliver, Quilled Sliver, Essence Sliver, Fungus Sliver are all fun. it really just depends on how high you are willing to go with your mana curve. for any tribal deck, i always recommend Door of Destinies to give the extra "thump"

Arktaurous on Sliverlanche

4 years ago

Muscle Sliver is worthy of consideration.

Ward Sliver is evil but a useful option.

Blur Sliver and Reflex Sliver could help your guys get faster.

Quilled Sliver is an option.

Sentinel Sliver could allow you to attack and still have blockers or have mana dorks during and after combat phase.

Harmonize is that green card draw I mentioned.

Glimpse of Naturewould work well in this deck.

Shamanic Revelation and Collective Unconsciousare pricy but can yield great card draw.

Hunter's Insight can let you draw a lot.

The Immortal Sun could be useful.

Bring to Light is a way to tutor a sliver like hive lord.

Harmonic Sliveris helpful removal.

Sliver Hive could be a useful land.

Randybrooks217 on The Cascadeddeon

5 years ago

Also for the same reason as thorn caster I would add Quilled Sliver to go with Venom Sliver

colton815 on SlIvErS!!!

7 years ago

marowakcity: unless Sliver Hive counts as a rainbow land, then my version of 5c slivers doesn't run any. but even if it does count, it should be noted that even if i don't draw it, I very rarely have color issues.

gbugtfh: your deck is currently 67 cards. cut it down to 60, and don't use a full playset of any sliver whose effect does not stack. an example would be Quilled Sliver. another pro-tip is that Phantasmal Image can be utilized to become an extra sliver body and copy stackable effects such as Predatory Sliver and Diffusion Sliver. Aether Vial and Collected Company help immensely, but even a single Aether Vial will cost you the $35 you were hoping to keep the deck under.

Izu_Korasu on First-strike + Deathtouch = Win

7 years ago

um Concerted Effort feels mandatory here,Cairn Wanderer feels especially powerful, Bone Picker isnt bad, and Vampire Cutthroat is worth a look especially with all your creatures having low power to compensate for keywords at low cmcs.

Quilled Sliver,Crossbow Infantry ,Brigid, Hero of Kinsbaile and Steadfast Armasaur seem like decent (but more fragile) replacements for longbow, but Heart-Piercer Bow might be better.

JAPuckett85 on Slivershod

7 years ago

ZendikariWol I would side in for 4x Harmonic Sliver for Tron- for Burn I would probably side in for a total of 3x Syphon Sliver, 3x Diffusion, & 2x Quilled Sliver. I didn't include a sideboard here, though, since this deck is meant more for casual play than competitive, & I usually don't do sideboards when playing at home or in casual play at a shop, unless it's a tournament.

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