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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



Target player discards three cards.

Suspend 4— (Rather than cast this card from your hand, you may pay and exile it with four time counters on it. At the beginning of your upkeep, remove a time counter. When the last is removed, cast it without paying its mana cost.)

lagotripha on $10 Controlled Burn, Arcane Edition! [UltraBudget]

2 years ago


I'm used to my modern games getting grindy with a lot of hand disruption and lifelink, especially in budget matches - a lot of 'Mindstab, removal and stall'. Sea gate is neat there because it + 2 mana spell is usually enough to close out a game, and veil's splice cost sets it up to be repeated as a draw engine in that environment.

If speed is the problem and your meta demands it, Goblin Electromancer type creatures can do a lot even if they aren't shrinking splice costs massively.

The big mana might also be managable by leaning on either 'burst' mana like Pentad Prism or sticking a Khalni Gem / ticking up a Pyramid of the Pantheon but yeah, it would change the style of the list. I normally run through about 8-10 drafts of a budget list before I find something I like enough to play with.

equimanth0rn on Pillage and Burn

6 years ago

TheSurgeon, I love the suggestion of Thoughtseize there, I'll definitely give that a look in. Suspending Mindstab also seems like great fun, so that and Wrench Mind will go in the maybeboard!

TheSurgeon on Pillage and Burn

6 years ago

I don't know what your budget looks like, but I would suggest the following simply because of cost/effect improvement:

Thoughtseize or Inquisition of Kozilek for Duress

Wrench Mind or Mindstab for Mind Rot.

LuxCannonator on Bounce~Discard

6 years ago

Seems like a fun deck! A few cards to ramp it up a notch (and keep it budget)

Consult the Necrosages Just good utility for the deck

Mindstab That delayed discard can be really rough

Probe for late game silliness

Skull Fracture

Nordlys on U/b discard

6 years ago

Hi there, i'll share all the knowledge i've gathered after playing discard decks for more than 5 years (i've built monoblack creatureless discard, monoblack creature discard, UB discard, RB discard, Grixis discard, specter discard, etc.).

The first i see here is that you don't have anything to deal with the board, so you'll more than probably die to anything that hits the board, even a simple 3/1 two-drop. Your deck relies too much on damaging your opponent through giving him many cards and forcing him to discard not that many; the only card in your deck that punishes him this way is Liliana's Caress and that's it, it's not reliable. You also run two copies of Painful Quandary which it's ideal mechanics are to punish your opponent for having no hand, but since you are forcing him to draw so many cards, he'll always have the option to discard while playing a spell (only taking 2 damage from Liliana's Caress and only if you have the enchant on the battlefield).

You have many cards that allow you or your opponent to draw and discard cards, but you only have Alms of the Vein to exploit this mechanic, so get rid of those or stick in more madness cards.

The description says "the goal of this deck is to get your opponent as low as possible", but you can't do that quickly by relying only on 4 copies of Liliana's Caress while you'll be recieving lot's of threats and hits. Master of the Feast will for sure get destroyed by any of the thousands removal spells you'll force your opponent to draw, so it won't be dealing too much damage if any.


Let's work on the solution. First of all, you need your deck to have more consistant way to deal damage and you also need to get rid of your opponent's threats until you've reached mid-late game and you can develop your winning mechanics.

  1. Since you have almost no creature, let's take advantage of that so that you can trade one card of yours for many cards of your opponent. Good cards to do this, depending on the money you want to spend are, for example, Drown in Sorrow , Yahenni's Expertise , Languish and Damnation.

  2. You also need to be faster or at least to be able to delay your opponent's strategy. A way of doing this is by disrupting his early moves to wreck his plan. Cards like Inquisition of Kozilek , Thoughtseize , Duress and Despise excell at doing so.

  3. To strenghten the draw and discard engine you have many cards at your disposal. I don't know if you want to keep the deck in the modern format or to build a casual free of legal restriction deck, so I'll recommend a variety of cards like Chains of Mephistopheles , Probe , Wheel and Deal , Ill-Gotten Gains , Urza's Guilt , Anvil of Bogardan , Whispering Madness , Dark Deal , Font of Mythos , Forced Fruition , Geier Reach Sanitarium , Memory Jar and Temple Bell.

  4. You need more cards than Liliana's Caress to punish your opponent for discarding or drawing cards. All of these are good for the task, suit yourself: Underworld Dreams , Psychosis Crawler , Fate Unraveler , Waste Not , Megrim and Words of Waste.

  5. Since you and your opponent will be drawing lots of cards, you will be able to discard cards too or abuse your card-drawing. This does not only work well for madness, but also with delve, retrace and other cards. Consider some of these: Chain of Smog , Last Rites , Big Game Hunter , Raven's Crime , Syphon Life , Cunning Lethemancer , Necrogen Mists , Psychotic Haze , Call to the Netherworld , Dark Withering , Gibbering Descent and also Sphinx's Tutelage.

  6. You'll be forcing your opponent to draw many many cards, so you'll need cards that make him discard more than one to win the trade. Consistant massive discard cards are for example this ones: Brink of Madness , Mindstab , Mind Twist , Mind Shatter or Delirium Skeins.

Which ones and how many

  • Pick the ones you like the most according to their mana costs and their price. Also consider the ammount of black mana symbols in their cost, because you'll be playing a two colors deck.

  • Try to keep it as balanced as you can in terms of cards functions. Maybe 30% draw/discard engine - 30% draw/discard punishment - 20% massive discard - 10% 1drops quality discard - 10% board whipe. You'll have to test and adjust the numbers.

  • I know most of those cards are black, but you can keep it UB if you want to. Best version I've made of this strategy was using Grixis (Blue Black and Red) because there's a lot of red cards that force both players to discard and draw like Burning Inquiry and Reforge the Soul for example. Grixis also enables the use of Nekusar, the Mindrazer , Blightning , Sedraxis Specter , Blazing Specter and Dack Fayden.

I hope it's helpful! Best wishes!

Frytrix99 on

7 years ago

I'm not sure I like the Spirit/Arcane synergy here. Kyoki, Sanity's Eclipse cost 6, and I feel it may be too slow (I may be wrong). Without this synergy, you could use cards like Duress, Mind Rot, Mindstab or Ravenous Rats, instead of Sink into Takenuma and other arcane taht I feel are too.. unneficient. Also, you can use Doom Blade as removal, but I would probably look for -2/-2 or low cost removal, cause you mainly need them in very early game.

As noble Nezumi Shortfang could be an interresting option.

Oh, and if you want to be evil, you can play Rancid Earth and side board Contaminated Ground. I always feel that's so not fair to screw lands XD

Snap157 on *Insert lame name to do with time*

7 years ago

Suspend is the best! I run a grixis build with cards like Nihilith, Lost Hours, Festering March, Phthisis, and Mindstab. Really neat deck, +1

wigglytuff6645 on blood rack

8 years ago

Liliana's Caress

Barbed Shocker goes good with Liliana's Caress, but only if you are going that route of fast discard damage.

Hymn to Tourach

And dont forget Duress, its a classic discard card that people still use in legacy for a good reason.

Unmask is a good card as well for key pieces in an opponents deck.

and in certain match ups, Mindstab would be good.

Painful Quandary is a good late game card if you like.

Shattered Dreams is a good side board card against artifacts.

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