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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Rules Q&A
Creature — Weird
: This deals 1 damage to any target (creature, player, planeswalker or battle).
Whenever you cast an instant or sorcery spell, you may untap this.

![Psychic Puppetry feature for $10 Controlled Burn, Arcane Edition! [UltraBudget]](http://static.tappedout.net/mtg-cards-2/champions-of-kamigawa/psychic-puppetry/psychic-puppetry-cropped.jpg)

Craeter on
$10 Controlled Burn, Arcane Edition! [UltraBudget]
5 months ago
Nice Gelectrode is one of my favorite Izzet cards ever, I may have to try this out for that unbeatable price tag.
Dazard on
pew = PEW PEW PEW (Ghyrson Starn)
2 years ago
@Reltzs: Thanks for your comments! not sure how the mechanic of Rings of Brighthearth work: does it mean that ghyrson deals an additional two damage (so 4 altogether) once one damage has been dealt? Does it mean that a pinger like for example Gelectrode gets to deal two times 1 damage for one tap?
@Dre4mc4tcher: Aegar, the Freezing Flame looks like a nice addition. Thanks a lot!
After getting my hands on Mystical Tutor i just had to put it in this deck. My main issue i have with this card now is: What should i actually tutor with it? While being in the mid- or lategame it's obviously something to answer threads, a missing combo piece, protect myself or straight out something to close the game. But what if i have Mystical Tutor in my starting hand? So far i usually got Fierce Guardianship with it as i consider this spell the most powerful one in my deck. But it kinda looses its surprise effect, once everybody knows that i have it in my hand. which card would you chose? or would you even wait and keep it in your hand and play it later?
plakjekaas on Looking for cards that have …
3 years ago
If only it were modern legal '^^ how about Gelectrode ?
TempestArmor on
Great kite weather today
3 years ago
Looking good! After a few playtests, it's clear just how quickly you can assemble a small but versatile army. If I may, I have a few questions and/or recommendations for the deck. I'll start with the overarching notes.
First: why isn't there more red? It seems that you've bulked up on white and blue despite having all this red mana at your disposal. I can certainly understand the appeal when it comes to cards like Jaya's Immolating Inferno or Finale of Glory , but unless this is a dedicated combo deck bent on tutoring out a similar win con (may I suggest Comet Storm ?), I have to wonder how you're planning on making it work. If you aren't as dedicated to that, I would look into ways to turn red (or colorless!) noncreature spells into cantrips. Jori En, Ruin Diver comes to mind. While you're at it, Birgi, God of Storytelling Flip and Runaway Steam-Kin , if not price-prohibitive, would be decent additions.
Second, it would seem you need a few more dedicated spirit token generators. Spirits can get expensive, but it is certainly possible to pick out Court of Grace , Geist-Honored Monk , and Promise of Bunrei .
I realize those are not red cards. Have you considered Electrostatic Field , Gelectrode , or Thermo-Alchemist ? Maybe take a look at modern Arclight Phoenix decks? I would also look up boros anthem effects, which are probably better than mono-white ones. Nobilis of War is free after 5 spirits.
Overall, I think being clear about how tall and how wide you want this deck to be will help streamline its consistency. Kykar has a lot going on; make the most of him (or her)!
enpc on Self Hate
4 years ago
There are a few key things here:
MtG uses a thing called "the stack". This is effectively a pile of events, however the key is that the last event to go on the pile happens first, kind of like if you had a stack of papers on your desk. To you can add papers to the pile, but to get to the bottom of the pile, you have to first deal with the papers on top. the technical term is "First in, last out (FILO)" compared to "First in, first out (FIFO)". FILO makes it possible for counterspells to exist, unlike FIFO since in FIFO, the spell would lawyas resolve before the counterspell would. It also makes interactions like this possible.
Once an effect is on the stack, it becomes independent of the source. This means that if you tap a Gelectrode to deal one damage to something, killing the Gelectrode in response will not remove the damage ability from the stack.
So what is happening here with Tree of Perdition is that the first thing you do is put the life swap ability on the stack and then before it resolves you cast Turn to Frog. This means that turn to frog resolves first, making the tree a 1/1 with no abilites. The life swap ability however is already on the stack (and independent of the source - i.e. the tree) so that even though the tree currently has no abilities, the instance of the ability which is already on the stack will still resolve.
If you were able to untap the frog tree , you wouldn't be able to use the ability agin, since it no longer has the ability (until end of turn). However becasue of the way the stack interacts, you can use it once, prior to turning it into a frog.
HybridPK on
Channel the Tempest
4 years ago
Saw the link and request for budget suggestions. I haven't played Melek but I am currently playing Mizzix of the Izmagnus and used to play Keranos, God of Storms. I'm a fan or UR all-around. The suggestions below are fairly generic since I'm unsure of how you want to win. Suggestions are based around cards I've used before in 60-card formats or in EDH with the previously mentioned legendaries, and should be under $5 each.
Spell-cost Reduction
- Primal Amulet Flip
- Goblin Electromancer
- Thryx, the Sudden Storm
- Curious Homunculus Flip
- Seal of the Guildpact
Token Generators
- Firebrand Archer
- Electrostatic Field
- Gelectrode
- Thermo-Alchemist
- Niv-Mizzet, Dracogenius
- Sphinx-Bone Wand
- Sentinel Tower
Copy Effects
Podkomorka on
Pauper EDH Deck Compendium
5 years ago
Deck added:
Oh no you can use any tags you wish in the deck titles. The issue with brackets is syntax so I have to remove them when adding the decks link. (<{||}>) can all stay.
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