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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal


Sorcery — Arcane

Destroy all enchantments.

RiotRunner789 on Lands vs Enchantments

1 year ago

Any commander with green and white could do with green being more important for mass enchantment removal.

Cards to consider: Aura of Silence, Bane of Progress, Aura Shards, Aura Mutation, Allay, Aura Blast, Farewell, Austere Command, Back to Nature, Calming Verse, Cleansing Nova, Heliod's Intervention and Cleanfall.

If course the best enchantment removal is Disenchant.

dingusdingo on Counterpoint: White doesn't need ramp …

4 years ago

I totally agree. While it would certainly make mono white commanders far more viable, white already has enough going for it to make it a sought after color for wedges or dual colored commanders.

White sees lots of play in stax decks, as it packs the most hatebears of any color. Thalia, Guardian of Thraben Leonin Arbiter Aven Mindcensor Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite Grand Abolisher Hokori, Dust Drinker Ethersworn Canonist Kataki, War's Wage are all cards that see competitive play. You have far more fringe cases like Vryn Wingmare Alms Collector Thalia, Heretic Cathar Loxodon Gatekeeper and others which are seen on the fringe. The hatebears become a secondary wincon for competitive by pressuring life totals while also stopping the game.

White also gets a BUNCH of incredible supporting effects for stax builds. Armageddon and the expensive Ravages of War close games. Smothering Tithe plays great under stax. There are also numerous enchantments are shut off combos or lines of play, such as Rest in Peace Stony Silence Leyline of Sanctity Suppression Field and all kinds of less effective variants.

White also gives some of the most efficient 1-for-1 removal. While you will fall behind with 1-for-1's in a 4 player pod, its still important to pack StP and Path. White also gets sweepers for EVERY SINGLE PERMANENT TYPE. You read that correctly kids. You can do A-lot-for-1 trades with cards like Wrath of God Austere Command Cleanfall Paraselene and others.

White also gets one of the best pieces of combo protection available, Silence . White has a few tutors that are playable, Enlightened Tutor Steelshaper's Gift Open the Armory Academy Rector Stoneforge Mystic . You get card advantage via effects like Land Tax Tithe Weathered Wayfarer and more.

True, white doesn't have very many cards with the word "Draw" explicitly on it. You're able to accrue advantage, but its mostly incremental. What white lacks in raw draw you make up for with value. The sweepers are the best example of this imo. The opponent may have drawn more cards than you, but trading 1 card for 10 creatures on the board is effectively 9 card advantage.

I personally enjoy most duals or wedges that include White + Black or White + Blue. I find it to be similar to Green, in that I don't feel bad with having it as a secondary or tertiary color, and that it solves a lot of problems and gives me access to cards I want to run.

Lanzo493 on Budget God-Eternal Oketra

5 years ago

If you’re having a problem with pillowfort decks then you can try out Austere Command and Cleansing Nova . A good budget option is Cleanfall , Leave No Trace , Paraselene , and Nova Cleric . If Ashnod's Altar is only in here to provide mana to attack through pillowfort than you’d be better off with a board wipe.

dragonstryke58 on If a spell or ability …

5 years ago

Ah right...I forgot to touch upon the items before...

From Rules:

608.2b If the spell or ability specifies targets, it checks whether the targets are still legal. A target that's no longer in the zone it was in when it was targeted is illegal. Other changes to the game state may cause a target to no longer be legal; for example, its characteristics may have changed or an effect may have changed the text of the spell. If the source of an ability has left the zone it was in, its last known information is used during this process. If all its targets, for every instance of the word "target," are now illegal, the spell or ability doesn't resolve. It's removed from the stack and, if it's a spell, put into its owner's graveyard. Otherwise, the spell or ability will resolve normally. Illegal targets, if any, won't be affected by parts of a resolving spell's effect for which they're illegal. Other parts of the effect for which those targets are not illegal may still affect them. If the spell or ability creates any continuous effects that affect game rules (see rule 613.10), those effects don't apply to illegal targets. If part of the effect requires information about an illegal target, it fails to determine any such information. Any part of the effect that requires that information won't happen.

So actually a Decimate that targeted four legal targets, but then a target became illegal (in stated case: the Commander's Sphere was sacrificed) would still resolve with illegal targets being unaffected.

Illusionist's Stratagem as you stated, would still resolve if only one of your creatures got removed due to not all of its targets being illegal.

And as Colgate mentioned, if you cast Cleanfall splicing Blessed Breath , it will not resolve if its only target was removed.

tl:dr - If all of a spell or ability's targets are illegal, it will not resolve.

Colgate on If a spell or ability …

5 years ago

You were not wrong, if you cast Cleanfall , splice Blessed Breath on it and targeted creature is no longer legal target as you are trying to resolve spell, that spell won't resolve as that creature was its only target. If fblthp's second ability worked that way, proteus staff's ability wouldn't resolve indeed, but as it is, it only triggers from spells targeting so Proteus Staff won't trigger it.

Yesterday on If a spell or ability …

5 years ago

I was under the impression when I was first learning Magic that once a spell failed in having 100% of its targets as it tried to resolve, it would be countered by the game (back when being countered by the game was a thing). So a Decimate I cast that targeted four legal permanents including a Commander's Sphere would fizzle if the controller of the Commander Sphere sacrificed it in response.

I later came to understand that as long as a spell has at least one legitimate target, it will try to resolve to its fullest ability. So if you cast Illusionist's Stratagem targeting two of your creatures and one gets removed in response, you would still blink the remaining creature and draw a card.

But was I still wrong? So if I cast Cleanfall w/ Blessed Breath , and the only target of the spell becomes illegal in some way, the rest of the spell will still resolve as normal?

Now, as I was typing out this next part, I realised I've been misreading Fblthp since his spoiler. For this next part of the question, just to help me understand the ruling, please pretend Fblthp's second ability triggers from being targeted by anything:

When I first saw the creatureless deck techs for Fblthp, the Lost that revolve around Proteus Staff , I thought somebody must have made an error because the staff's ability would fizzle when Fblthp gets shuffled away. But is it true that the Staff's ability will not only continue to resolve, but will also use the last known information of the creature to determine the missing permanent's controller when it was last on the battlefield?

Rurara_Rahura on Diplomatic Immunity

7 years ago

bean How is Tempest of Light better than Cleanfall exactly?

Rurara_Rahura on Diplomatic Immunity

7 years ago

I took Cleanfall and Sphere of Safety out of the sideboard. They never see play and frankly they just aren't strong enough.

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