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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Rules Q&A
Chandra Ablaze
Planeswalker — Chandra
+1: Discard a card. If a red card is discarded this way, Chandra Ablaze deals 4 damage to target creature or player.
-2: Each player discards his or her hand, then draws three cards.
-7: Cast any number of red instant and/or sorcery cards from your graveyard without paying their mana costs.
jon_hill987 on Le coq est mort... (Syrix, Carrier of the Flame)
11 months ago
Chandra Ablaze might be a good fit. Discard a Phoenix and deal 4 damage with the +1
tkjanacek on Mogis Ravel
1 year ago
I really like the Teferi's Puzzle box, that's a cool addition. Street Wraith only replaces itself and does nothing else, that's not really card draw. Thrill of Possibility is a good card, but it's not really a replacement for Theater of Horrors, as it's one-off card filtering rather than repeated card advantage. Underworld Connections, Crystal Ball, Sarkhan the Mad, Chandra, Pyromaster, Chandra, Torch of Defiance, Chandra, Fire Artisan are more comparable.
Filtering, or looting, is also very strong. Bitter Reunion, Faithless Looting, Daretti, Scrap Savant
Wheeling deals a ton of damage with Underworld Dreams, refills your hand, and often disrupts your opponents. Magus of the Wheel, Incendiary Command, Chandra Ablaze
I have a couple more suggestions you might like: Ill-Gotten Inheritance, Mayhem Devil, Burning Inquiry
mrweaselman on America Control
2 years ago
Chandra Ablaze does not seem very good in this deck, I can't see a time you really want to use her +1 and her -2 is pretty situational for control. Neither is really worth the cost either. Chandra, the Firebrand is alright, but I think that there are better planeswalker options. Chandra, Torch of Defiance is probably the best Chandra, although she's a bit more expensive. Ajani Vengeant is another pretty solid option.
Detention Sphere is better than Banishing Light in your colors. Mana Leak is probably better than Negate. You can always sideboard swap them if you have the space too.
Fire / Ice can replace Lightning Bolt if you find yourself light on card draw. You'll want to replace Drawn from Dreams with instant draw. A couple options are Precognitive Perception, Sphinx's Revelation, Chemister's Insight, or Thassa's Intervention.
Going over the land base, you may be able to go down 1-2 and replace them with draw, your high end is only 4-5 mana. Take out basics for 4 Mystic Monastery, 3 Battlefield Forge, and 2 either Celestial Colonnade or Wandering Fumarole. I'm not completely sure what your colored distribution is, so those numbers may not be optimal.
If you run any of the artifact bridges like Razortide Bridge you can also run Cleansing Wildfire, which may not be competitive, but is pretty spicy.
Phule451 on Chandra Tribal
3 years ago
Chandra, Novice Pyromancer, Chandra Nalaar and Chandra Ablaze could help you add even more Chandra power. Burning Earth is another great way to add more non-combatants damage, especially since minored relies so much on basic mountains. Embermaw Hellion will also help you do more damage. Blood Moon is great, but kinda mean. Enjoy the deck, I know I always have fun with my Chandra tribal deck! May you draw well….
TheSlowestBro on Squee the Looter
3 years ago
Awesome deck, I'm a big fan of Squee both the card and the character, I thought about going a similar route when choosing which mono-red commander to go for, but in the end I had to go with my man Norin the Wary , I ofc have Squee in that deck though. But I digress.
Regarding your list, personally I'd probably add Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle , Valakut Awakening Flip and Scavenger Grounds over a few mountains. I'd also suggest trying out Chandra Ablaze , her -3 can help you hoze everyone, yet not so hard you get hated out, and her +1 is gravy with Squee.
MindAblaze on Favorite Mtg Art?
4 years ago
Icbrgr I’m Batman.
I have to throw Chandra Ablaze and Mayael's Aria out there, as some examples of Steve Argyle’s work that I love. I have a foil Chandra Ablaze and it’s still one of my top five favourite cards in my collection.
Also, Seb McKinnon and Rebecca Guay have created some amazing work for this game.
Xenephrim on Wheel of Mill
4 years ago
Also, looking further over the deck, I would strongly recommend replacing Chandra Ablaze with Jaya Ballard. An overall lower cmc and more synergy with your deck as a whole outweighs the additional red mana needed to cast her, in my opinion.
Specialsauce on Hazoret
4 years ago
Awesome deck! I love the creative discard theme! I'm always skeptical of discard in mono red given its issues with card advantage, but the value you're generating here definitely makes an exception! Going with the Chandra subtheme, have you considered Chandra Ablaze? I like this one here because she utilizes the graveyard, a resource you're constantly loading. Second, I think that Brallin, Skyshark Rider Flip and Glint-Horn Buccaneer might be cool for combining discard with a red deck wins/burn the world gameplan. Overall, I love how this deck creatively combats red's problems with graveyard related value and just smart deckbuilding.