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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal


Creature — Salamander Drake


: Adapt 4. This ability costs less to activate for each instant and sorcery card in your graveyard. (If this creature has no +1/+1 counters on it, put four +1/+1 counters on it.)

Brecche on $5 Izzet Drakes

7 months ago

5dollarMTG I'm having a blast playing this deck, super fun. i put Delver of Secrets  Flip instead of Pteramander for a little bit more early pressure, and Thing in the Ice  Flip as a side.

wallisface on UR 101st Airburn

1 year ago

Some thoughts:

carpecanum on Niv Starter

1 year ago

Mystic Speculation maybe? Replace that Pteramander. Scry 3 and draw a card is nice.

multimedia on Spellweaver: The Deck

2 years ago

Hey, you're welcome, thanks for all the upvotes at my decks. Well done with changes so far, but you still didn't add Tower, haha. Good job trimming the creatures and nice Guardianship :)

If you're playing casually, not trying to win the game quickly then in my opinion more lands is better than less lands. Missing a land drop when you're expecting the game to go long is not something you want to have to worry about. Ramp sources are the sorcery speed cards you want to cast more than others since they help you to have mana to cast instants on your opponents turns. Sorcery speed ramp sources with Spellslinger are more important than using that same mana to cast a creature. When instant ramp is available it can replace a creature since then you're ramping at instant speed instead of sorcery speed.

Solemn Simulacrum is a fine card for most decks, but Unexpected Windfall is better ramp/draw with Spellslinger simply because it's an instant that also draws cards right away. Pteramander isn't doing anything until much later in the game, if ever. It would be better if Pteramander was another two drop mana rock such as Fellwar Stone. There's lots of four drops here and Crackling Drake is the least good of them simply because it's just a flying beater who you don't really need. Replacing Crackling with another instant that gives you some card selection and a card such as Impulse would do more.

You've added Young Pyromancer which is good especially for blockers because the tokens are created by you casting instants not creatures. Saheeli, Sublime Artificer is another blocker creator and the tokens she creates are artifacts which has excellent interaction with Galazeth Prismari.

Interacting with opponents by casting a spell or spells during their turns is what Spellslinger is all about. Instant draw are the cards that keep you engaged on each players turn with cards in hand to potentially interact at instant speed with an opponent. If you think a creature is filler such as Academy Drake and Skyclave Sentinel, instead of playing them play more instant draw spells such as Brainstorm and Thrill of Possibility.

Burn spells such as Flame Spill that have only one target, a creature, are much less impactful in Commander because you have multiple opponents who are going to have many different kinds of permanents, not just creatures. Versatility is important to have with instants if you're strategy is to interact with your opponent on their turns. Chaos Warp is an example of an instant speed removal spell that is an upgrade for Flame Spill because Warp removes (tucks) any permanent you target. Into the Roil is another example of a versatile removal spell.

In my last comment I mentioned to streamline the creatures and you can do the same thing with instants. Flame Spill is an example of an instant that's not needed because you have other burn spells that are better such as Lightning Bolt and Lightning Strike because they can target any target not just a creature. Draw spells don't really need to be streamlined since they draw cards which theoretically helps you to draw into more impactful cards, they trigger Niv and chaining draw spells also gives you a big advantage with magecraft.

I haven't played Veyran, Voice of Duality as Commander yet, only as a card in the 99, but Spellslinger would be much different with her as Commander. Sorceries are just as important as instants with Veyran because you want to pump her on your turn to attack. Lethal Commander damage is possible and should be a strategy for winning with Veyran, but you can only get to enough power with Veyran to do lethal Commander damage by casting instants and sorceries on your turn, not on opponent turns. One drops spells that draw a card while giving Veyran evasion such as Shadow Rift, Leap, Crash Through, Slip Through Space and Expedite are good for Spellslinger with Veyran as Commander, but these same cards are not needed with Spellslinger when Niv is Commander.

You technically need less lands and ramp with Veyran as Commander than Niv because she's less mana to cast and low CMC instants/sorceries are priority cards to play to pump her. With Veyran you would also want less creatures and unlike Niv she's only a three drop who can be cast much earlier in the game. Birgi, God of Storytelling  Flip, Storm-Kiln Artist, Dualcaster Mage, Young Pyromancer are the kind of creatures you want with Veyran as Commander. Once you get her on the battlefield you want to spend your mana on spells that interact with her or protect her. Since she can be cast early then it doesn't leave many turns to worry about casting other creatures.

GiantOctopodes on Taxes Hold 'em

2 years ago

Spell_Slam Indeed it's lands, so Withdraw is much worse than Aether Tradewinds, since it can't bounce their lands. I agree regarding Silver Raven though. I understand if you need the 1 drop for consistency, but even if you do, it doesn't seem like the best choice. Spellstutter Sprite could be good, but if you absolutely want it to be a 1 drop, I still think you have better options - Merfolk Windrobber, Pteramander or Jace's Phantasm fill the same role early game of getting a flyer on board before them and getting a target for ninjutsu, while offering some small late game upside. Jace's Phantasm and Pteramander can scale up to be somewhat beefy to help speed things along if the game runs long, Merfolk Windrobber is clearly worse than them but could be good in conjunction with Jace's Phantasm. Could be that I'm undervaluing the scry 1 of course, I'm definitely intending to test this one out! Looks fun and original, strong theme, I love it!

1337Lobster on UR 101st Airburn

3 years ago

I did mean to add that to the maybe board. I'm wondering if Delver is actually kind of holding this deck back from being more of a beatdown creature deck. I think DRC has a bigger fit here than some of the other Delve mechanic decks I see (Primarily Murktide Regent). Being able to keep different cards in the graveyard, but still get good value on creatures like Pteramander seems appealing. Maybe find space for Mishra's Bauble

Grubbernaut on

3 years ago

I like Vapor Snag a lot for low-curve delver decks like this. I'd also definitely sub out Deprive for Counterspell. You'll almost never kick Into the Roil in a low-land-count deck, so it's worth the switch.

Also: regarding your description, just wanted to point out that Test of Talents cannot, in fact, counter an un-counterable spell.

I also think Pteramander is better than Serpent, especially if you swap to Consider over Opt once it's released and legal.

I also like a few cards for actual advantage, like Chart a Course or even Hieroglyphic Illumination. You could also consider Disrupting Shoal as a budget "force."

Another good consideration is Spellstutter Sprite.


Daron6 on

3 years ago

Opt , Unsummon , Pteramander , Riddleform , Tempest Djinn , Brineborn Cutthroat , Brazen Borrower , Curious Obsession are tempo cards. I'd recommend go down to 18-20 lands xD

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