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Mutant Menace, Upgraded (Rad Counter Focus)

Commander / EDH BUG (Sultai) Mill Mutant Proliferate


[ (Card Removed From The Precon) -> (Card Added To The Precon) ]

1) Alpha Deathclaw -> contaminant grafter

  • Expensive Removal, + creature with trample and proliferate on combat

2) Biomass Mutation -> Hunter's prowess

  • expensive, single use anthem, + large card draw on damage

3) Branching Evolution -> adaptive sporesinger

  • extra +1/+1 counters, + single use proliferate

4) Cathedral Acolyte -> cankerbloom

  • +1/+1 counters (1/turn) and ward 1, + single use removal OR proliferate

5) Contaminated Drink -> last March of the ents

  • large card draw (at the expense of health and mill), + large card draw and cheating creatures into play

6) Corpsejack Menace -> core prowler

  • extra +1/+1 counters, + infect and proliferate on death

7) Evolving wilds -> Planewide celebration

  • land filtering, + 4xproliferate, reoccursion, etc

8) Hardened Scales -> gulping scraptrap

  • extra +1/+1 counters, + proliferate on etb and die

9) Harmonize -> Hunter's insight

  • 3 card draw, + large card draw

10) Harold and Bob, First Numens -> Evolution Sage

  • slow ramp, + proliferate on landfall

11) inspiring call -> guildpact informant

  • card draw = creatures and 1 turn indestructible, + proliferate on damage

12) Jason Bright, Glowing Prophet -> ThrummingBird

  • conditional death triggers and creature sacrifice, + proliferate on combat damage

13) Lily Bowen, Raging Grandma -> merfolk skydiver

  • growing beater w/eventual lifegain, + repeatable proliferate

14) Marcus, Mutant Mayor -> Viral Drake

  • beater w/card draw, + flying, infect and repeatable proliferate

15) nesting grounds -> everflowing chalice

  • colorless land w/ counter synergy, + mana rock that synergizes with proliferate

16) Piper Wright, Publick Reporter -> Flux Channeler

  • first amendment, + second amendment

  • +1/+1 counter synergy/expensive card draw, + proliferate on non-creature cast trigger

17) Strength Bobblehead -> Chromatic Lantern

  • mana rock w/ +1/+1 synergy, + mana rock that makes lands tap for rainbow

18) Strong, the Brutish Thespian -> Tainted Observer

  • self mill and lifegain, + proliferate for (2) when casting creature spells

19) terramorphic expanse -> Karn's bastion

  • bad land, + proliferate land

20) Tireless Tracker -> Contagion Engine

  • clues, + repeatable proliferate

21) Vault 87: Forced Evolution -> Astral Cornucopia

  • creature steal, draw, + mana rock w/ proliferate synergy

22) watchful Radstag -> Scheming Aspirant

  • creature tokens, + proliferate synergy

23) Winding Constrictor -> Park Heights Maverick

  • counter synergy (not optional for rad counters), + proliferate on damage

24) Young Deathclaws -> bloated contaminator

  • +1/+1 counter synergy, + proliferate on damage


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97% Casual


Date added 1 month
Last updated 4 weeks

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 0 Mythic Rares

41 - 0 Rares

30 - 0 Uncommons

10 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.59
Tokens Alien 0/0 U, Citizen 2/2 WUBRG, Radiation, Zombie Mutant 2/2 B
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