Flamewright is a pretty sweet artificer! She generates artifact creature tokens at a bargain price. What would happen if she were in charge of her own war machine?

This is a Pauper style EDH deck, using an Uncommon creature a the general and an allowance of 8 Uncommon other cards in the 99. The lack of powerful tutors and draw kinda hurts, but after goldfishing a few hands, it feels like it could be fun.

==example engines==
0001 :: Flamewright + Silverskin Armor +Blasting Station+Dross Scorpion+[any mana engine]

  1. Spend (1) and tap Flamewright for a Construct Token
  2. Sacrifice Construct Token with Blasting Station, dealing 1 damage to target creature or player
  3. Untap Flamewright with Dross Scorpion
  4. Spend (1) and tap Flamewright for a Construct Token
  5. Untap Blasting Station with itself
  6. Repeat from step 2
0002 :: Flamewright +Thornbite Staff+Thermopod+Impact Tremors
  1. Spend (R) and tap Flamewright for a Construct Token
  2. Deal 1 damage to opponents with Impact Tremors
  3. Sacrifice Construct Token with Thermopod for (R)
  4. Untap Flamewright with Thornbite Staff
  5. Repeat until table is dead
0003 :: Pili-Pala+Paradise Mantle+Heartstone
  1. Tap Pili-Pala for (1) of any color
  2. Spend (1) to untap Pili-Pala for (1) of any color
  3. Repeat from step 1
0004 :: Gold Myr+Thornbite Staff+Scuttlemutt+ Antler Skulkin + Cathodion +Ashnod's Altar+Dross Scorpion+ Woeleecher
  1. Tap Scuttlemutt, granting Cathodion White until end of turn
  2. Spend (2) with Antler Skulkin , granting Cathodion Persist until end of turn
  3. Tap Gold Myr for (W)
  4. Sacrifice Cathodion with Ashnod's Altar for (5)
  5. Untap Scuttlemutt with Dross Scorpion
  6. Untap Gold Myr with Thornbite Staff
  7. Return Cathodion to play with a -1/-1 counter on it.
  8. Spend (W) with Woeleecher to remove a -1/-1 counter from Cathodion and gain 2 life.
  9. Repeat from step 1


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Date added 8 years
Last updated 7 years

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

1 - 0 Rares

21 - 0 Uncommons

56 - 0 Commons

Cards 98
Avg. CMC 2.71
Tokens Construct 1/1 C Token w/ Defender, Dragon 2/2 R, Myr 1/1 C
Folders EDH Ideas , Possibly Build, Pauper Commander
Ignored suggestions
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