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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Arena | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Gladiator | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Historic | Legal |
Historic Brawl | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Pioneer | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Return target spell or creature to its owner's hand.

ASalesman on
Unesh, Ultimate Guide (Tribal)
8 months ago
New Revision here!
- Replace Unsubstantiate with Flare of Denial. At 2 mana its hard to justify unsubstantiate when the rest of my interaction is 1 or 0 cmc.
- Replace An Offer You Can't Refuse with Strix Serenade. The downside of 'an offer' is a big downside. With the meta being more creature heavy, strix is a welcome addition and an homage to my Baleful Strix that can't be ran in this deck.
- Shrieking Drake got a foil printing in MH3!! Now just waiting on Gilded Drake and Enigma Thief (yeah right)
Azoth2099 on
Chun - li countless tokens
1 year ago
Ohh yeah man, Crystal Shard is great here for sure. As many economically feasible ways to reset Chun-Li as possible is a must here, certainly. Unsummon, Vapor Snag, Fading Hope, Rescue, Curfew, Chain of Vapor, Alchemist's Retrieval, Unsubstantiate, Familiar's Ruse, Geistwave, Call to Heel, Snapback & of course Capsize (so much utility here) are all worth a thought here imo, seeing as how they are also instants that can easily be recurred via the Commander's ability.
Other less synergistic synergies like Vedalken Mastermind, Waterfront Bouncer, Trusted advisors, Shrieking Drake, Faerie Impostor, Seal of Removal, Turbulent Dreams, Aether Spellbomb, Otawara, Soaring City & Sanctum of Eternity could potentially help the deck push through to victory as well!
And then there's Intuition, which is obviously just insane lol.
ASalesman on
Unesh, Ultimate Guide (Tribal)
1 year ago
Minor Revision
- Replaced Rewind with Unsummon. Rewind is expensive, and like Treachery it feels bad when it doesn't resolve. The main reason to include Rewind over another counterspell is that it can gain additional mana in combination with mana doublers. However this usually only happens when you counter your own spell which is not always ideal. Unsummon keeps the value train rolling baby. This mana cheap spell keeps the win con rolling. So it keeps the deck faster and more focused.
- Replaced Cryptic Command with Mystical Tutor. Cryptic command is an expensive spell to hold up. With other recent additions making the deck fast, it is probably better to speed the deck up more and win the race to a wincon rather than defend against other wincons. This card will mostly end up fetching Rite of Replication, but it can also grab your only board wipe Cyclonic Rift, Ghostly Flicker for value, or a piece of interaction.
- Replaced Swiftfoot Boots with Trickbind. Swiftfoot boots feels a little slow with the 1 cmc equip cost. It is easier to defend Unesh with some of the other additions like Unsubstantiate or Unsummon (these also defend against a boardwipe while the boots don't. Trickbind is included because it can stop a lot of cEDH combos that don't rely on spells resolving. This spell can also be tutored by recently added tutors Spellseeker and Mystical Tutor.
ASalesman on
Unesh, Ultimate Guide (Tribal)
1 year ago
GHoag I respect the Mystical Tutor choice, and I think it is good in my build too. I think I like Spellseeker in my build more because I like that the tutored card goes directly to my hand rather than the top of the library. I also like that Spellseeker’s ability is ETB. It can benefit from Panharmonicon, and it can also benefit from cost reduction of Defiler of Dreams and Sapphire Medallion. In conclusion, I think Spellseeker’s synergies and utility are worth the extra 2 cmc in my build.
I do really like Irenicus's Vile Duplication, but because I am going to go with spellseeker for now, I’ll keep Sakashima in. I am not sure which suite is more powerful, I will have to try out both in the near future to make a better conclusion.
I do like Unsubstantiate more than Unsummon. I think the 1 more cmc is definitely worth the versatility. I still want to squeeze in Trickbind, this spell is very strong depending on the pod. Maybe it is better to keep it in the binder until I think I need it.
If I may, what did you decide to take out for Isochron Scepter and Dramatic Reversal?
ASalesman on
Unesh, Ultimate Guide (Tribal)
1 year ago
GHoag you make a great arguement for Unsub. The versatility for the extra 1 cmc would be nice. Side-note, with sapphire medallion on the field it would be the same price anyway! So a little bit better synergy there. I have also been heavily considering Trickbind in this slot too. My thinking is that several competitive combos don't require spells to be cast, rendering all of our current interaction moot.
With the addition of Unsubstantiate or Trickbind, I am thinking it might also be worth to run Spellseeker to find an instant spell you actually need. This thins the deck without starving you of islands, and manicures your hand. Also, it notably hits Cyclonic Rift. I was thinking of taking out either Pongify of Rapid Hybridization for it. I am not completely sold due to the higher cost and would love to see how it plays. Maybe Mystical Tutor is even better in that slot.
ASalesman on
Unesh, Ultimate Guide (Tribal)
1 year ago
GHoag, thank you very much for the compliment! A lot of time and effort went in to considering these changes. Also, thank you for your perspective, it is incredibly useful to talk through decisions more thoroughly.
I agree on Solemn Simulacrum. I think it is a pet card of mine that I need to let go of. I would much prefer to have faster ramp in this slot. 4 cmc feels like such a high cost every time. I'll have to do some math when considering Mox Opal. I am not sure how frequently it will be online in the early game, obviously it is still great in mid/late game though. I like the idea of throwing Metallic Mimic back in because of the low CMC. It helps with the beat down plan, and helps with getting more FoF's.
I am also still considering Cryptic Command as a possible cut. I think it's actually good because of the different modes, even at 4 cmc. It is a very versatile card. Unsubstantiate is an intersting proposal. In that vein we can also consider the 1 cmc Unsummon. I am hesitant on An Offer You Can't Refuse, because allowing another cEDH deck 2 more mana could be a big swing in their favor.
I think you might be right about Sea Gate Restoration Flip. Having actual islands is important to the deck. I can understand why shutting off High Tide in the early game could be the difference between winning and losing. You can actually draw more than 7 without max hand size. My thoughts were if you hit that card during a big chain of sphinxes, you could draw many many cards. But at 7 CMC I think you definitely want to doing something else. Reward is not worth the risk here. The other thought I had, if it is in your discard when you cast Scholar of the Lost Trove, you could get great value by casting it for free. Then again, I think casting the artifacts/instants from your graveyard for free is more valuable. I'll likely put an Island back in this slot.
For the fetches, the main positive is deck thinning. My thought is, the biggest negative is that it makes all of your Islands more valuable during FoF's. If you make your islands TOO valuable, your opponent could starve you of lands on your FoF's. I might be overevaulating this threat right now, but I am not sure. I definitely need to play test this more.
zapyourtumor on
3 years ago
General notes:
Running less lands increases your chances of flipping Delver--it also increases your chances of not being able to play any of your spells which feels like shit. 14 lands is insane, you probably want at least 18-20.
Cards like Unsubstantiate are bad because they are pure card disadvantage. Against spells that can't be countered its better to just let them resolve instead of running bad cards against them.
If you want the deck to be budget, just cut the Force of Negation. 1 copy isn't going to be doing anything the vast majority of the games you play, and its half your deck budget alone.
I highly recommend splashing another color. Blue has good card draw and countermagic, but lacks removal. Splashing red or black would be the best imo. Even though it does make the manabase a little more finicky, it should be fine as long as you don't run any cards with RR or BB mana cost. If you run around 8-12 cheap duals it should be fine.
Red would be for Dragon's Rage Channeler, Lightning Bolt, Unholy Heat, and Expressive Iteration.
Black would be for Fatal Push, Inquisition of Kozilek, Drown in the Loch.
t5686monroe on
U/W Spirits Tempo Deck
3 years ago
DragonzBane a big goal of mine with this deck was to keep it as tight as i could while keeping it under $100 while the two shock lands, so Unsubstantiate and Mana Leak were the budget alternatives i had decided to use for Remand and Counterspell . with that being said though, i think those are good changes. drop Glacial Fortress for a Plains to cover some of the cost difference ?
Have (1) | metalmagic |
Want (3) | Jumping_Jordan , beesaurs , ACrispyTaco |