Magma Opus

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Magma Opus


Magma Opus deals 4 damage divided among any number of targets. Tap two target permanents. Create a 4/4 blue and red Elemental creature token. Draw two cards.

, Discard Magma Opus: Create a Treasure token.

RogueDeck on THE FIRST SLIVER EVOLUTION 【Primer&VorthosThings!】

11 months ago

Nice List!

I'm building one First Sliver commander too.

Link: Sliver Falls

I would like to suggest using high costed ramp with alternative costs like Road / Ruin, Spring / Mind, Magma Opus, Creative Outburst, Elemental Masterpiece, Beanstalk Giant, Shefet Monitor and Greater Tanuki as ramp that can be dodged by cascade so the cascade won't get interrupted by ramp spells after you already have the mana, becoming more likely to find slivers to have more cascade triggers.

Also, there are some new slivers for commander that might be interesting for your list. Consider Lazotep Sliver, Hatchery Sliver and Sliver Gravemother

RogueDeck on THE FIRST SLIVER EVOLUTION 【Primer&VorthosThings!】

11 months ago

Nice List!

I'm building one First Sliver commander too.

Link: Sliver Falls

I would like to suggest using high costed ramp with alternative costs like Road / Ruin, Spring / Mind, Magma Opus, Creative Outburst, Elemental Masterpiece, Beanstalk Giant, Shefet Monitor and Greater Tanuki as ramp that can be dodged by cascade so the cascade won't get interrupted by ramp spells after you already have the mana, becoming more likely to find slivers to have more cascade triggers.

AcidicArisato on Pew Pew

11 months ago

Creative Outburst and Magma Opus are also good adds both early and late game.

K4nkato on Thalia vs “Without Paying Mana …

1 year ago

My opponent controls Thalia, Guardian of Thraben. I resolve Torrential Gearhulk targeting Magma Opus in my graveyard. Do I have to pay 1 mana for Opus because of Thalia or can I ignore the tax because the spell is free?

SufferFromEDHD on Instantaneous Regret

1 year ago

Magma Opus was made for Hinata.

SufferFromEDHD on magnus magni

1 year ago

Magma Opus big spell that also makes tokens.

Sokenzan, Crucible of Defiance land tokens.

Mirrorpool clone token and spellslinger copying.

Unwind/Rewind counter and land ramp. Serious value.

ClockworkSwordfish on Good Cards That You Just …

2 years ago

I have a real loathing for all the "kitchen sink" cards that have been cropping up more and more lately - the type that give you a ton of fiddly little incremental advantages. Strixhaven was especially bad for this. Things like Magma Opus, Culmination of Studies, Multiple Choice, Pestilent Cauldron  Flip, Scale the Heights... there's being versatile, then there's being overdesigned and obnoxious.

The same goes for creatures with a number of "might as well" abilities that are likely to never come up in actual gameplay. Questing Beast is perhaps the worst offender, but Moritte of the Frost, Vadrok, Apex of Thunder, Koma, Cosmos Serpent, Graveyard Trespasser  Flip, Orvar, the All-Form, any double-sided creature... these things aren't even fun to read.

ZendikariWol on Questioning the Iona Banning

2 years ago

You... may be in the minority, Wuzibo.

Scour and Intro are not played cards, and EDHrec will support me on this, just look at the numbers. The reason for this is simple: they are insanely overcosted. There are two non-colorless decks where I think Intro is worth running (and Scour is right out), which I also got when I checked EDHrec: Mizzix of the Izmagnus and Vadrik, Astral Archmage, because they can reduce its cost to 0. That is sweet, and those colors don't have a lot of good enchantment removal, so tbh I'd run it there, but unless I drop its cost substantially, it's not a playable card at 5 mana because 5-mana one-to-one removal is very bad.

Looking at the top 100 instants, 8 (Cyclonic Rift, Return of the Wildspeaker, Force of Will, Dig Through Time, Inkshield, Expansion / Explosion, Magma Opus, and Sublime Epiphany) meet or exceed 5 mana. They largely fall into two categories: 1- cards you can choose not to cast for 5+ mana (Cyclonic Rift, Force of Will, Dig Through Time, Expansion / Explosion, and Magma Opus), and 2- the three others: a card draw spell, an ultra-fog, and a modal spell which, to your credit, is removal, but it's removal that draws you a card, makes you a token, and bounces an opponent's creature. So.

What I'm saying is it takes a LOT of sauce to be a worth-running 5-mana removal spell, in fact I was surprised not to see Windgrace's Judgment in the top 100, which is up to three Intros without the card draw clause. It is a bad card, mate. Scour is worse.

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