Storm Fleet Spy

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Storm Fleet Spy

Creature — Human Pirate

Raid — When this enters, if you attacked with creature this turn, draw a card.

MollyMab on The Admiral's Navy

6 years ago

So here is the thing. You only need about 40 or so cards that help pirates to make a deck feel piratey. And a lot of these pirates are kinda awful.

Creaturewise, I would cut Brazen Buccaneers, Cloud Pirates, Daring Buccaneer, Deadeye Tormentor, Dire Fleet Hoarder, Dire Fleet Interloper, Slippery Scoundrel, Storm Fleet Spy. They are pretty weak and their payoffs aren't great.

Crafty Cutpurse is a fun pirate who can surprise answer a bunch of EDH strategies. Dreamcaller Siren has some interesting surprise tricks. Kukemssa Pirates lets you steal artifacts from people. Ramirez DePietro is the original badass pirate. Shapesharer is a pirate and lets you copy value pirates, such as neckbreaker. Changeling Berserker is a 5/3 pirate with haste who lets you retrigger ETB effects later. Adaptive Automaton is another lord to help buff your pirates.

Land and mana wise, you want about 44 sources of mana. My rule of thumb is 38 lands, and 6-8 mana rocks for a 3 colour deck. Sol Ring is a staple as well. Signets, Commander's Sphere and stuff, all good. Path of Ancestry also gives a free scry when used to cast pirates.

For enchantments, Call to the Kindred basically is a 2-1 as people kill it before it gets going and it doesn't have great odds of hitting a pirate. Curious Obsession, Navigator's Ruin, Swashbuckling, Trove of Temptation are all low impact or actively harmful. I would cut all them.

Coastal Piracy is both thematic and rewards you for doing what you want to do. Attack. Kindred Discovery is less thematic but also helps reward you for playing pirates.

For artifacts, you have a lot of eh ones. Pirate's Cutlass is a low impact card, but thematic. Sleek Schooner and Dusk Legion Dreadnought are so weak they aren't even worth playing. Captain's Hook is just +2/+0, menace, as your creatures all have the pirate typing.

Door of Destinies is a powerful artifact in tribal decks that can get out of control pretty easily. Heirloom Blade is a more powerful, impactful weapon to equip your creatures with, as it also lets you chain through your deck. Herald's Horn lets you psudo draw more and gives a cost reduction. Obelisk of Urd is an anthem effect. Stoneforge Masterwork is an equipment that rewards a large boardstate. Skysovereign, Consul Flagship and Smuggler's Copter are both high impact vehicles who are good to tutor up, and from the new set Weatherlight fetches up artifacts when you deal damage which is fun.

For your instant/sorceries, you want to be more high impact or efficient. Duress only hits 1 person in a multiple player game. You also want some flat out draw cards. This is more up to you, but Terminate is good removal. Jace's Ingenuity is solid draw.

For more pirate themed spells, Spell Swindle and Brass's Bounty both are thematic and can be quite powerful, as well as push you to your alt win condition.

Easybr0wnies343 on Total noobs first deck

7 years ago


I'd like to consider myself good at making mtg decks but I don't honestly know how good I am. I can tell you a few things however.

  1. Primal Amulet is a good card, but doesn't fit in the deck. You aren't running enough instants/sorceries to make it good.

  2. You have a good theme going with the raid cards. Do more with them. It's also important to come up with 1, 2, or 3 colors to use and keep your deck focused around those three colors. You obviously like blue, and you could throw in black if you want since you already have some of those. From there, it's mostly about balancing colors. You want to make sure you have pretty much equal amounts of each color so you don't run into mana issues.

  3. Coming off of that, from there you want to come up with a theme and stick with it. You already have a good flying theme, and the raid theme partners well with that, so you could include more cards like Deadeye Tormentor or Storm Fleet Spy. Raiders' Wake could be another strong addition if you wanted.

Cards that I would replace: Air Elemental, Fleet Swallower, Desperate Castaways, Dire Fleet Hoarder, Waterknot and Wanted Scoundrels. These cards are either too expensive or not fitting with the theme.

Good luck making decks and have fun with it most of all. MTG is a game and meant to be fun after all!

IzzetMtG on Harmonious Sultai

7 years ago

Sherring92 Storm Fleet Spy seems like it could be a sweet budget alternative to Champion of Wits, however I think Champion is generally better than the spy. While the spy has the nice upside of not requiring you to discard cards, you do have to attack in order to get any value from it which sometimes isn't a great option, and the Eternalize on Champion provides a ton of value late game. Thanks for the suggestion though!

Sherring92 on Harmonious Sultai

7 years ago

Hello, what do you think of Storm Fleet Spy instead of Champion of Wits?

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