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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Pauper | Legal |
Pauper Duel Commander | Legal |
Pauper EDH | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Premodern | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Astral Steel
Target creature gets +1/+2 until end of turn.
Storm (When you play this spell, copy it for each spell played before it this turn. You may choose new targets for the copies.)
Hypersayia9001 on Martial Prowess
1 year ago
Made_Compleat, thanks for commenting. Some interesting things to consider.
Brain Freeze is a decent spell, but I think it'll be a bit too clunky to really get the best benefit. I'd need a storm count of somewhere in the ball park of 85-ish to guarantee a win with it. I'm not against using it to self mill to get a win with Jace, which sounds like it'd be a VERY good win con combined with Archmage Emeritus, Thousand-Year Storm and Veyran, Voice of Duality, or to fill the graveyard for me to cheat something out with Narset, but I wouldn't really consider that ideal in that circumstance because the ideal situation (in my mind, at least) is I'm using Narset to cast something twice.
Astral Steel is a solid-ish buffing spell, but Haze of Rage does similar with the added benefit of having a fairly easy buyback cost, especially with some of the combos I have available. Saying that, Someone I know IRL suggested Feather, the Redeemed, which would return Astral Steel to my hand at the end of turn. So that could actually be quite interesting to try out.
Galvanic Relay isn't bad, but I'd need to have a LOT of potential mana to truly benefit from it. It'll work with the Jeskai Ascendancy + Sorcerer Class combo, but for THAT to work I'd need something like Haze of Rage to build a good storm count and if I reach THAT point the smarter bet is usually to either swing in or Grape Shot
Mind's Desire, however... I like. For a few reasons but the key one is explicitly because of how it can interact with Narset. I find a way to discard it, probably though Jeskai Ascendancy, build up a decent storm count, then swing in with Narset. Exile Mind's Desire to cast a copy of it, during the combat phase, cast as many instants as I've exiled. On the second main, cast everything else. Even if that doesn't WIN I get a VERY solid board state.
Made_Compleat on Martial Prowess
1 year ago
Also Brain Freeze to either mill out opponents or deck and win with Jace, and Astral Steel is alrightish storm card that works well with Narset. So is Galvanic Relay.
I love this deck! It seems incredibly fun and evil. I've wanted to build a spellslinger deck for a while, so this seems like a good starting point.
I'm also looking for some feedback on one of my similar decks, Oops, all blightsteels! [Brudiclad EDH]. If you could look it over, that would be great!
TheOfficialCreator on Ink-treader ideas
2 years ago
Yes, things like Ancestral Anger would be insane in such a deck. You could include Storm cards like Astral Steel or Ground Rift to quickly maximize on Storm-Kiln Artist/Ral, Storm Conduit type effects. In fact, any Magecraft cards from Strixhaven (Archmage Emeritus comes to mind) will quickly put you over the top.
legendofa on Will WotC Use Phyrexian Mana …
3 years ago
I'm surprised artifact lands got printed, and I'm waiting for the MH2 lands to break, even with entering tapped.
Dredge is only a significant problem with a bug number; Shenanigans is basically a repeatable Shatter , since Dredge 1 isn't that threatening. The most used Dredge cards are Golgari Thug and Stinkweed Imp , which dredge 4 and 5, and Golgari Grave-Troll is banned in Modern. So this is a case of overbalancing.
There's a similar story with Storm: it's only a problem if it represents a win condition, like Brain Freeze , Tendrils of Agony , Grapeshot , or Empty the Warrens . I don't think too many games have been won or lost on Astral Steel or Reaping the Graves . It depends on the effect it goes with.
KongMing on Feather's Battle Spells
4 years ago
Here are some other vegetablely ideas. Some of these are obviously more effective than others, and some I had to think about for a moment to see the interactions, but they're all fun.
Arena Athlete, Astral Steel, Bonus Round, Coalition Flag and Standard Bearer (force people to target a creature, then give it protection at instant speed), Finale of Promise, Mirrorwing Dragon (because you can repeatedly protect your field even if someone tries to use this against you), Primal Wellspring, Pyromancer's Goggles, Radiate, and Veilstone Amulet.
cobbledcube on Gluten-Free Cheerios
5 years ago
Nice deck! I always love seeing new combos in pauper.
From what I can see, the deck might struggle to accelerate to enough mana to "go off" in a timely manner. Lotus Petal might help with this, since you could bounce it like any other cheerio, but then sacrifice it to add some mana for Astral Steel . Springleaf Drum might accomplish something similar. Unfortunately, I don't really know what you could cut to make room for these, maybe Welding Jar ?
Also, Golem Foundry , while a bit slow, could prove interesting with the number of artifacts this deck looks to cast.
seshiro_of_the_orochi on Birds of a Feather Storm Together
5 years ago
Astral Steel is an insane tool for feather.
ZendikariWol on Feather, Jank Redeemed
5 years ago
You have a couple spelling errors in the description. Hate to be that guy, but I feel it's better you know, ya know?
"shuold" -paragraph 1, there's a properly-spelled "should" in there too, but trust me I'm not just playing gotcha!.
"not" -paragraph 7, I'm assuming you meant "now"?
Anyhow, down to the actual deck. You have a couple bulk cards I'm honestly a little perplexed by the inclusion of.
Cathar's Companion is a strictly worse Seeker of the Way.
Flamewright, while a fun card, doesn't have any synergy with the deck.
Shower of Coals is just not a good card. 4 damage for 5 mana? I know it's repeatable but it's really not great. I have a pretty hefty removal package and Imma be linking my deck below, if you'd like to look.
Assemble the Legion is in the same vein as Flamewright; a great and very fun card, with little to do with this deck. In fact- you should make a Marath, Will of the Wild token deck!
Pump spells that probably have better alternatives include Astral Steel (unless you're planning to have 5+ mana up), Captain's Maneuver (though a ton of fun, how often do you actually cast it?), Dual Shot (very weak), Enrage (also overcosted- love the flavor text tho), Kindled Fury (not bad, but there are better out there that do the same thing), Lithomancer's Focus (usually just a worse Brute Force), Onward / Victory (you can never cast the good half if Feather's out), Orim's Touch (there are just a lot of better protection spells), Radiate (worse version of Zada, Hedron Grinder or Mirrorwing Dragon), Spark Jolt (scry 1 for 1 every turn is decent, but better alternatives, bla, bla, bla), Sure Strike (worse Invigorated Rampage), Surge of Zeal (usually worse than Expedite, right?), Tandem Tactics (good, not great tho).
Sorry I kinda gave you a LOT of stuff. This is about what my Feather brew would be if I made it in real life. Fortunately I use tappedout to build my ideal deck and make sure I don't waste all my money on "ooh that's really good, I'll use it sometime" cards. Feel free to yoink some ideas from my brew!
Feather's No Lightweight
Commander / EDH
Have (2) | ItzJustChaos , reikitavi |
Want (0) |