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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Pauper | Legal |
Pauper Duel Commander | Legal |
Pauper EDH | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Murmurs from Beyond
Instant — Arcane
Reveal the top three cards of your library. An opponent chooses one. Put that card into your graveyard and the rest into your hand.

plaguuuuu on
Exploding Emrakul
5 years ago
Hi all,
The reason why I'm posting about this all of a sudden is that Exploding Emmy is making its way around the world, with ChannelFireball tweeting about playing it yesterday!
They were also kind enough to post my tappedout decklist...which I hadn't updated in two years.
And so this post is mostly to say that the tappedout decklist has been updated with the latest new Exploding Emrakul tech, with new cards and interactions that I've carefully sifted and curated through many hours on Gatherer.
Some new fun interactions:
Split Decision - It isn't a multiplayer game without some sort of politics. When people start voting to copy spells all over the place, things get really wild.
Murmurs from Beyond - Card advantage! Hopefully there isn't an Emrakul in the top three cards. If there is, you'd better be good friends whoever you targeted with it.
Radical Idea - 1.5/5 rating in Guilds of Ravnica limited, stone cold bomb in Emrakul constructed.
Remand - The best target for this spell is an opposing Emrakul. Rumours of Last Word being uncounterable have been greatly exaggerated.
Vendilion Clique - Okay seriously, there's is a LOT of nonsense with Vendilion Clique.
Anyway, I hope you guys have a lot of fun playing Exploding Emrakul - this game has become a staple amongst my playgroup, and it's been a blast every time. Shoutouts to Dark Sphere in London, where I may have taught the game to multiple people over the last couple of years.
If you tried it and enjoyed it, do tell me stories about how large the stack got, and other hijinks that your playgroup got up to. Unfortunately I live on London time, so I may not be able to get reply until later.
Until next time!
ToastedBagl on
Fun with the Thing in the Ice
7 years ago
Murmurs from Beyond and Wandering Fumarole would probably be better than Serum Visions and Sulfur Falls.
man lands would help against decks that don't rely on permanents.
FireRogue on
Kamigawa Will Make You Bleed
8 years ago
Thanks! Any suggestion for which Draw-2 I should use?This is the list of what I'm considering:
- Murmurs from Beyond: Both and instant and an Arcane is pretty appealing, but it's useless while digging and gives my opponent both even more knowledge of my hand, and the ability to prevent the most problematic cards from entering it.
- Compulsive Research: Also lets me see 3 cards, and the deck runs 22 lands which might be enough? It's a sorcery though.
- Consult the Necrosages: I like this one a lot less, but the ability to double as a Mind Rot is interesting.
- Dream Cache: not strictly a draw two, but it does have a Brainstorm-like effect with the added bonus of tucking away excess lands, which is good, because I don't think my manabase can support actual Brainstorm.
- Perilous Research: Instant speed draw two for two is really solid, and I generally should have tokens lying around to sacrifice.
- Take Inventory: My deck draws enough to find at least 2 copies every game, so maybe this is good enough?
lagotripha on
UWr Control on a Budget
8 years ago
I've just run three playtests on this and all three I had trouble casting spells due to the manabase and relative colour-intensity of the spells. You could drop a couple of plains for islands, and swap the Lightning Helix and Condemn with more stuff like Spell Blast, Wall of Omens for some Think Twice Whispers of the Muse or Murmurs from Beyond to try and stabilise that and run some Anger of the Gods or Roast. I prefer Spell Burst as my budget cryptic replacement, because of the increased earlygame coverage it offers. Dawn Charm could be useful in an 8 whack heavy meta, negating that big push, and hitting boros charm. Fractured Loyalty is budget and very playable, especially if you run Izzet Staticaster for tokenspam.
lagotripha on
8 years ago
Crab isn't a creature, really, its a [put a 0/1 token] [mill six cards] that can attract a removal spell sometimes- If they waste removal or you get to pitch it to an attacker that would otherwise get through all the better, cause its already done its job. And if it sticks around it'll dump more cards into the 'yard than anything else. Test it a little, you'll see.
I mainly like think twice because of the instant speed- Murmurs from Beyond might serve you better with the graveyard fuel, and compulsive research is just a flat great card if you don't mind sorcery speed. I do like the kitty whispers thing. One day I might make a Blood Funnel Rakshasa's Secret Harness the Storm combo deck.
lagotripha on
8 years ago
Have you considered running green instead of blue, for access to Cryptolith Rite, Triumph of the Hordes Warriors' Lesson and Natural Affinity to turn all their lands into dragons. Which you then Echoing Truth? Add in Mass Hysteria/ashlings for haste if your meta does boardwipes.In terms of manabase you have the premium manabases that run Scalding Tarn to fetch mountains and islands into Blood Moon, but Flood Plain and Wooded Foothills would work nearly as well for this. Cascade Bluffs and friends also exist.But these are super expensive for what they are, so cards like Shivan Reef, Sulfur Falls and plain-old card draw go a long way and for anything short of national tournaments will do fine. For draw spells, Divination is the most basic, but instant speed is where its at so you can hold counterspells, or fake counterspells. I'm a fan of Murmurs from Beyond and Think Twice. the new Bedlam Reveler also fills the role neatly. Traditional for the type of UR in your SB is Delver of Secrets Flip/swiftspear.So the deck core is almost there- you just need to decide your focus, and go all in on it- do you want to beat down with 4/4's? do you want to swarm with 1/1s. Do you want instant speed control or aggressive beatdown?Running 8whack is a big option too.
lagotripha on
Bouncing Faeries Everywhere
8 years ago
Ok, so a budget mono-blue faeries- i tried this idea with simic w. Day's Undoing and it sorta worked. Have you considered Spellstutter Sprite+Soul Foundry as a sideboard option for when you find youself stalling out? Whispers of the Muse/Think Twice as instant speed card draw to maintain card advantage- returning their stuff to hand and trading one for one is all very good, but it does tend to stall out unless you draw just a bunch of cards and have the right cards in hand, so things like Murmurs from Beyond, Spell Burst, Anticipate/Telling Time/Truth or Tale will help, as may things to cut down your opponent- a black splash for Mystical Teachings and Bitterblossom would be traditional but expensive, a red splash for Lightning Bolt and Shared Animosity would be fun. Knowledge Exploitation is a thing with all the rogues. Notorious Throng/Biomass Mutation can work.
Godhead of Awe I love to see in decks like this as a sideboard tool. If you find youself wanting more boomerangs cause you're using it to mess with your opponents landbase Eye of Nowhere is it in sorcery form and Squelch/Trickbind are great fetchland destruction.