Take Inventory

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Take Inventory


Draw a card, then draw cards equal to the number of cards named Take Inventory in your graveyard.

fatalzintomyum on Collected Conjouring, CoCo's weird cousin

4 years ago

Angrath's Rampage seems like just a very solid hit. If I see a decklist I will test if and send back results. Doublecast is fun, and is really just the best version of anything else to cast. Good card? Not really sure. Dreadbore is very good, maybe better than rampage. Feed the Swarm is coming for its place in the sb. Merchant Scroll is so close to being busted in this deck, even if it only hit conjuring, but no. Pyroclasm seems castable just normally but other thaan that is worse than our other removal. Take Inventory these "straight up worse" cards are not bad in our deck. I'm considering the best version of this deck Grixis by now. Wrangle hits a lot of modern creatures and works with Smallpox though I'm not sure how I feel about that combo myself.

Please someone create that decklist for me.

CheapnFast on Charix, CRAB OF DOOM

4 years ago

Frantic Inventory is a strictly better version of Take Inventory that lets you hold your mana up to counter stuff.

SnakeByte77 on Drowned Sanity

4 years ago

Frantic Inventory is the same thing as Take Inventory just at instant speed

Grubbernaut on Harnessing Storms

5 years ago

I love the idea. One card I'd consider is Take Inventory for the graveyard synergy. Opt also seems like a lot of value for this deck.

Only other thing I'd add is 3 or 4 Spirebluff Canal , and 4x Steam Vents for consistency. Shivan Reef is a good cheaper option, too.


inimically3 on SeekerofSecrets

5 years ago

On your Pioneer Phoenix deck, have you playtested it with Strategic Planning or Take Inventory over Tome Scour ? Take Inventory has been working out well for me. Someone suggested Nagging Thoughts to me. I thought it sounds sketchy, but the madness with Baral, Chief of Compliance was their logic. Anyway, it's all food for thought. :)

5dollarMTG on Speaker for the Dead

5 years ago

I love a good spirit deck. You could improve your curve a bit by removing some 2-drops and adding in a playset of Spectral Procession . Celestial Crusader is another good budget card for spirt decks (especially since most of your creatures are white). Finally, I'm not sure if it fits the theme as well, but for card draw I'd prefer Winged Words over Take Inventory .

SpookyToe on Mono Blue Pioneer

5 years ago

Since you're running a lot of fliers, you might like Winged Words instead of Take Inventory

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