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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Premodern | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Mind Sludge
Target player discards a card for each Swamp you control.

chrisiver on
Monoblack Sanguine Bonds Control 2021
4 years ago
Great budget deck but it's a little slow. Maybe run some Raven's Crime or Wrench Mind instead of Mind Sludge .
catmaster0 on
5 years ago
I'm not sure why you wouldn't run field wipes like Damnation , Toxic Deluge , Languish , Mutilate , etc. given your field wiping goals.
I imagine Cabal Stronghold might be up your alley. Lashwrithe is just a fun an efficient beater in black that works with any of your small guys as well. Heck, as a control deck Empowered Autogenerator should keep your high curved sated in time. Mind Sludge seems like reasonably powerful discard power.
Given this is control idk why you wouldn't have draw power such as Phyrexian Arena , or even Underworld Connections , Coercive Portal . Ob Nixilis Reignited even serves those goals with some removal splashed in.
Generally efficient options like Dismember and Go for the Throat exist as well for spot removal.
UpperDeckerTaco on
Kalitas, Traitor of Death
6 years ago
Some recommendations: Karn, Scion of Urza and Mind Sludge
lagotripha on
6 years ago
As much as I love the realmwright/emeria interaction, I'd love to see something a little more substantial to go with realmwright- Plow Through Reito isn't it, and Valor isn't gamechanging.
If you're looking at swamp synergy though, Korlash, Heir to Blackblade,Mind Sludge and similar 'swamps matter' spells are generally strong, and Vedalken Shackles is interesting sideboard tech.
Twicebetty on
Abusing Graveyards Since 1993
7 years ago
If you have Oppression+Windfall+Torment of Hailfire+Mind Sludge+Despise+Duress+Lay Bare the Heart. you should, at least in the sideboard get : Waste Not and maybe Raiders' Wake
Chiberia on
Erebos, God of the Dead - Discard
7 years ago
You could definitely use some more efficient discard spells, look up an 8rack deck to get a few cards you could use. Also your commander choice for this deck is rather strange, she's not a good commander and seeing as how most of your creatures are not gorgon shes terrible. Seeing as how this seems to be on a tight budget Id recommend:
Commander You Should Go With In my Opinion:Greel, Mind Raker
Good Discard Spells and Synergy:
The Rack, Liliana's Caress, Dreamstealer, Gray Merchant of Asphodel, Larceny, Rackling, Cao Cao, Lord of Wei, Dark Ritual, Mind Twist, Mind Sludge, Mind Shatter, Read the Bones, Raven's Crime, Mind Slash, Scepter of Fugue, Malicious Affliction, Go for the Throat, Walk the Plank, Shrine of Limitless Power, Necrogen Mists, Black Market, Underworld Connections, Greed, and Archfiend of Ifnir
Thats a lot I know but this deck seems to be just what you had lying around (not a bad thing thats how my decks start) so I thought Id try to help a bit, good luck!
Rzepkanut on
7 years ago
I forgot to suggest Expedition Map that card is important to be able to get your good lands more often. And Palace Siege is another great way to refill your hand each turn to use Greel more easily. I think Mutilate is great in your deck since you actually have very few creatures to worry about killing. Now that I'm looking for cuts maybe forget the Mind Sludge suggestion i made...because my first inclination is getting rid of 1 use discard spells like it and Duress and Persecute. They seem unnecessary with so many other repeatable discard effects in addition to your commander's ability. Other cuts and reasons... Whip of Erebos it exiles and you don't have many creatures to use, Feast on the Fallen there's more efficient ways to kill opponents, Mindcrank mill strategies don't work unless you are all in, Contamination not enough fodder to sacrifice to make it stick, Temporal Extortion opponent always chooses life every time...I guess that could be good still, Sangromancer is just a life gain spell basically, & Sewer Nemesis is okay as a big creature but the mill angle seems pointless. Cheers :D
Rzepkanut on
7 years ago
Looking good!! Got some ideas for you:
Corrupt, Mind Sludge,Mutilate, The Rack, Rackling, Paupers' Cage, Wheel of Torture, Sanguimancy
Happy gathering!!
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