Lullmage Mentor

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Lullmage Mentor

Creature — Merfolk Wizard

Whenever a spell or ability you control counters a spell, you may put a 1/1 blue Merfolk creature token onto the battlefield.

Tap seven untapped Merfolk you control: Counter target spell.

TheoryCrafter on Card creation challenge

1 year ago

TypicalTimmy, combine Roxy with Guile and either Baral, Chief of Compliance(with help from Laboratory Maniac or Jace, Wielder of Mysteries) or Lullmage Mentor and its insta-win.

Font of Remedies

Whenever you pay life, put that many serum counters on ~.

, pay four serum counters: Regenerate target creature.

Create a non-enchantment permanent rewards you for paying life

jaymc1130 on Which non-partner commanders would you …

2 years ago

legendofa Probably to be more tribal oriented and entertaining than competitive. It seems like the kind of deck I'd take to the LGS rather than use with my playgroup in our cutthroat competitive sessions. I really just like the idea of finding a loop where I counter my own spell with a Lullmage Mentor indefinitely while it's on the stack, make a bunch of Merfolk, and then sit back and play table police with my army of 1 million mermen.

legendofa on Which non-partner commanders would you …

2 years ago

With permission, or even without, I'm going to take a cue from Last_Laugh and give a little background on my Bant Merfolk thought. Merfolk have a decent tapping/untapping theme, with effects like Lullmage Mentor, Merrow Commerce, and Stonybrook Schoolmaster. Good for , but it leaves out cards like Kumena, Tyrant of Orazca, Glare of Subdual, and Seedborn Muse that would push it to the next level. There aren't really any Bant commanders or partners that support this strategy, and the only Bant Merfolk commander is Tuvasa the Sunlit. I've been wanting to build this for a while, but I've never been satisfied with the available options. It doesn't help that Thrasios, Triton Hero is pretty much universally recognized as a combo commander.

Neotrup on Kalitas & Negan, replacement interaction?

3 years ago

You would get both the zombie and the treasure.

Sacrifice, destroy, discard, and counter are all keyword actions that ultimately result in a card being put into a graveyard, however. If the card doesn't go there. The action was still performed. Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet modifies the result of the action, but does not replace the action with an entirely new one like Eligeth, Crossroads Augur does (replacing a keyword action is rare which is why the example seems so unrelated). This is in contrast to 'dies' which a player is never directed to have something die and does care where a card ends up.

Leyline of the Void won't stop triggers from Negan, The Cold-Blooded , Liliana's Caress , or Lullmage Mentor , nor change the number of cards Decree of Pain would cause you to draw. It will stop Fecundity from letting players draw cards.

Pheardemons on The sea's rage is a mere glimpse of our power

3 years ago

blueiris - Thanks for the comment and compliment. I'm glad I could help you!

I have recently taken out Arcane Adaptation because, before Maskwood Nexus , I was only playing one effect like this and was doing fine. I'm testing Maskwood Nexus over Arcane Adaptation for the effect of making tokens. As of now, I have not missed having both effects, but it has been a recent change so I'm still testing.

The deck can operate just fine without everything being a merfolk. This is an effect to help with tokens from Master of Waves and so Seahunter can tutor out any creature that I need ( Frilled Mystic and Venser, Shaper Savant come to mind here). This kind of effect allows me to use the effects of Lullmage Mentor , draw ability of Kumena , and Merrow Reejerey to a better, more efficient extent. Not required, but helps greatly.

If you don't like Sensei's Divining Top for whatever reason, you don't need to play it. I'm the kind of player who will tell you to play with cards you like than what other people "expect" or "staple" type cards. I like Top because of the utility. This deck's number one goal is to be able to untap on other player's turn. I can draw a card (more likely with Kumena ), activate top to dig one deeper than before, to do it again on everyone's turn to try and ensure I draw what I need. I will agree that taking it out will definitely simplify the deck haha. Because Kumena is a powerful draw engine you don't need it.

I don't have Merrow Harbinger because I am playing Seahunter . He is FAR superior in my opinion. In saying that, a second tutor does become better if you play both Maskwood Nexus and Arcane Adaptation because it could become a Worldly Tutor with a body on the board. I would say playtest with and without it, and see how you like it.

I have gone through multiple iterations of this deck. I have recently left the infinite combo of Isochron Scepter and Dramatic Reversal because I didn't get it often enough to matter. It became a "win more." I will miss putting a Mana Drain on Isochron Scepter turn two haha. I'm trying to go back to one of my earlier iterations with Opposition and I'm REALLY trying to find a way to put Asceticism , Wrap in Vigor , Svyelun of Sea and Sky , and Illusionist's Bracers into the deck. They just seem like slower cards that I don't need, but want. That rant was just to say let me know if you have any other questions or options because I have probably tried a lot of them. If you have a list I'm down to look at it if you tell me what you're trying to do.

santuli on

3 years ago

My Kumena deck is one of my favorite decks. Very different strategy (and colors), since it likes to go wide to abuse tap/untap effects, but isn't too control-y. But there are some cards that might be useful.

Salvager of Secrets works as both a Merfolk and a Wizard. Deeproot Waters is so good at rebuilding a board if I'm unable to protect it. It also really helps Lullmage Mentor go off, which could also be good with all the counterspells you got. Speaking of, something like Muddle the Mixture can work as another counter spell or a tutor for your many 2 drops.

If you have it or it's within your budget, Kindred Discovery can be a beast at drawing cards. The newer Reflections of Littjara can also really expand your board in really gross ways (making a token copy of Merrow Commerce feels so good in Kumena). If you can reliably get your merfolk tapped, Fallowsage is also very good, but that might just be me thinking of how much work he does with Kumena.

iammute on Maskwood Nexus Goin Wild

3 years ago

Intruder Alarm could be another great untapper here. It’s especially strong with Gravespawn Sovereign , Voice of the Woods and Lullmage Mentor

I_Want_To_PlayAllTheDecks on I_want_to_playallthedecks’s Thada Adel deck

3 years ago

Yeah they seem like fun the only problem is my playgroup might not like them because I sorta control what they draw and that takes some of the fun away from drawing a card. I don't thin the probe is that high impact but root water thief might be fun, only I can slowly pick the win conditions out of my friends decks, and given I'm already stealing their ramp I'm not sure I want to do that. What do you think about Lullmage Mentor thou?

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