Forging the Tyrite Sword

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Forging the Tyrite Sword

Enchantment — Saga

(As this Saga enters the battlefield and after your draw step, put a lore counter on it and activate and/or enable the ability of tied to the required number of counters. Sacrifice it after you put a third lore counter on it.)

/: Create a Treasure token.

: Search your library for a card named Halvar, God of Battle or an Equipment card, reveal it, put it into your hand, then shuffle your library.

IHATENAMES on Akiri, Fearless equipment

1 year ago


Bedlam spicy card creatures cannot block. Agro your opponents out.

Imposing Grandeur neat wheel that let's you draw 6 and your opponents probably draw 2 or 3.

Surestrike Trident w/a free equipt cost your creatures tap to deal dmg equal to their power.

Forging the Tyrite Sword slow ramp w/ a equipment tutor.

Skullclamp can be op with all the tokens. Yes most aren't 1 toughness but they will die alot.

Goblin Gaveleer big creature when you add equipment

Goblin Bombardment alot of tokens to throw around

Bitterthorn, Nissa's Animus Sword of the Animist ramp 1 is a living weapon too.

Most x and y Swords are expensive but feel free to consider them.

Although these are interesting ideas I went back through your list and i think you need more interaction.

Think anything from Wasteland type effects to Path to Exile or grave hate Soul-Guide Lantern protection Blacksmith's Skill I'm sure you have some favorites. I'd add at least 3 or 4 more. I personally like it when even If I don't draw my answer to a problem I at least have one in my deck.

Especially grave hate. I don't think I'd suggest Rest in Peace but I really think everyone should run 1 or 2 pieces of grave hate recursion is so popular and powerful these days you need to have an answer or you aren't playing the game.

Happy brewing!

tkjanacek on Isshin Trigger Warning

1 year ago

Bitterthorn, Nissa's Animus is basically second Animist's Blade. Hero of Bladehold and battle cry cards in general seem strong with Isshin. You could make this deck more equipment focused with Syr Gwyn, Armored Skyhunter, Glimmer Lens, Hexplate Wallbreaker, Forging the Tyrite Sword, Nahiri, Forged in Fury, Jor Kadeen, First Goldwarden, Seraphic Greatsword and Akiri, Fearless Voyager. Talisman of Conviction, Talisman of Indulgence and Talisman of Dominance are good ramp options. The Mirran swords are really good with multiple combat steps, particularly Sword of Feast and Famine.

Austin_Smith_of_Cards on Repanse De Lyonesse (Knight Tribal and Recursion)

2 years ago

Some of the most critical components for this list to increase the amount of is mana ramp and card advantage, and increasing the quality of some of the removal; you generally want 10 in each category.

Top contenders that synergize with Knights and Equipment are Danitha Capashen, Paragon, Sword of the Animist, Sword of Hearth and Home, Forging the Tyrite Sword, Boros Signet, Orzhov Signet, and Rakdos Signet for ramp, Armored Skyhunter, Akiri, Fearless Voyager, Stormfist Crusader, and Mask of Griselbrand for card draw.

Cards worth cutting would be: Armored Ascension, Recumbent Bliss, Bond of Discipline, Duress, Integrity / Intervention, one of each basic land, Crashing Drawbridge, and Moon-Blessed Cleric to make room for the essentials.

TCK_Green on List of EDH Tutor Cards

2 years ago

Antking5000 good spot - I don't know how I missed Forging the Tyrite Sword since I use it as an equipment tutor in my Akiri/ Ardenn equipment deck! Will add it to the list this weekend when I go through all the BRO cards, thanks

Antking5000 on List of EDH Tutor Cards

2 years ago

Forging the Tyrite Sword does tutor for a specific card (Halvar, God of Battle  Flip), but it can also get an equipment instead of Halvar so I think it should be included in the list.

GoldenDiggle on The Sagas of the Mardu

3 years ago

I'm already on board! Kamigawa Sagas are going to be a gnarly addition to this!

Have you thought about Stony Silence to get under some skin, you can always get rid of it in a pinch!? If not Forging the Tyrite Sword can grab Illusionist's Bracers for double recursion! Daxos the Returned could be fun here as his tokens are enchantments! Solitary Confinement seems like a sweet combat trick AND a discard outlet!

Starfield of Nyx is a handy extra Opalescence!

Also Moon-Blessed Cleric and other soft tutors could be cool!

I'm glad to see one of my favorite users come up with a really sweet deck idea! I will be watching this VERY closely.

Hope you're well! -GoldenDiggle

king-saproling on Syr Gwyn, Knights with Swords! Casual EDH

3 years ago

All those great Sunforger options... and no Sunforger?!

You might like these too:

Personally I would cut the following:

  • Elite Headhunter (low impact)

  • Ogre Errant (low impact)

  • Dub (low impact)

  • Oathsworn Knight (low impact)

  • Sunrise Cavalier (low impact)

  • Giant's Skewer (low impact)

  • Shining Armor (low impact)

  • Resolute Rider (low impact)

  • Knight of Malice (low impact)

  • Draugr's Helm (low impact)

  • Cathar's Shield (low impact)

  • Hedgewitch's Mask (low impact)

  • Ingenious Smith (not bad but there are better sources of card advantage)

  • Citywide Bust (if you need to clear out certain creatures you could likely just alpha strike whoever has the problem creatures, forcing them to block)

  • Murder (similar to above)

Gleeock on Green Marchesa, True Hair

3 years ago

Forging the Tyrite Sword overperforms consistently for me (pseudoramp) then grabbing sunforger is solid. Fighter Class seems good here. Eventually (once monarch is rightfully back with you) forcing blocks is good - if you choose to level it up.

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