Champion of the Flame

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Champion of the Flame

Creature — Human Warrior


Champion of the Flame gets +2/+2 for each Aura and Equipment attached to it.

IHATENAMES on Building Voltron, in a cave with a box of scraps.

1 year ago

The line between equipment and creatures is a hard thing to get right i think it should always be skewed more towards creatures which i think looks decent here but be careful about this number!

I would encourage you to play more creatures/ equipment that get buffed when you get multiple equipment on it. Ideas being Goblin Gaveleer , Champion of the Flame , Thran Power Suit these may not look impressive but 1+ equipment and they go big. Newer card I have tried Kellan, the Fae-Blooded is probably good but slow.

When building your sideboard i would look at protection/ recursion/ meta based archetype hate. Think Mantle of the Ancients , Blacksmith's Skill , Unlicensed Hearse , Crumble to Dust , maybe look at what other people are playing with a junk sideboard full of removal and graveyard hate for a few times then see what you need from there.

Obligatory simple answer is look at what equipment decks are currently doing good in modern. Stoneblade decks and hammer time. Both use Stoneforge Mystic to find and put in Kaldra Compleat for a quick kill. Stone blade is a midrange tempo shell to support what your doing. The hammer time deck has a plan A combo of putting Colossus Hammer on a creature and swinging for lethal in 1 to 2 turns.

KongMing on Samurai

2 years ago

Oh, and you could cut Champion of the Flame for something with better synergy.

Mechanon on Dreaming is the Day Light

3 years ago

Champion of the Flame would be a great addition.

nathanielhebert on The Mighty Gaveleers

3 years ago

Very interesting, I haven't seen the flipped lands yet! I initially tried out Kazuul's Toll Collector in an earlier build, but found he ended up hogging equipment I wanted to give to others, or having his accumulated threat neutralized by random Llanowar Elves .

I playtested a sample hand, and there was something thematically satisfying about opening with a Battlefield Forge to crank out a Bonesplitter , that I placed an order for four. In the test-run, Champion of the Flame and friend hit for 16 damage on round 3. In the second draw of cards the intrepid Goblin Gaveleer smashed his way to 19 damage with trample by the third turn. Best case scenario, but at least it doesn't take long to assemble the crew.

jakeyuki12 on

3 years ago

Hiya! Long time Boros player here. Your list seems like a good start, but there are 2 main areas that I think it can be improved on.

1) Removal- Your deck is very lacking in removal. This is gonna lead to games where you won't be able to deal with threats and/or you won't be able to reset the board. I'd say you want 10-12 pieces of removal, with 4-5 of those being baord wipes. Akiri especially synergizes with board wipes since she's able to turn them into one-sided board wipes with her protection ability.

2) Creature choice- Akiri encourages you to have multiple creatures and suit each one up with at least 1 equipment. This can be mana intensive, and thus Akiri really likes creatures that can reduce equip costs, including free equip creatures. This also means Akiri doesn't like creatures that want to hog all the equipment onto themselves. Thus, I suggest cutting Kemba, Kha Regent , Valduk, Keeper of the Flame , and Champion of the Flame . Mirran Crusader and Wyleth, Soul of Steel are also questionable, but they're good enough with one equipment on them. I would recommend adding in those creatures that reduce your equip costs like Fervent Champion , Kazuul's Toll Collector , Zirda, the Dawnwaker , etc.

Aside from that, it's only individual cards that can probably be swapped out for better ones. I do recommend some of the recent commander legends and commander 2020 cards that get better when you have your commander out. I'm talking Deflecting Swat , Flawless Maneuver , Jeska's Will , and Akroma's Will .

corndiggitydog on Rograkh, Son of Keleth!

3 years ago

Some suggestions

This will give you a better chance at having a more explosive start.

corndiggitydog on Not my deck style, but it also kinda is...

3 years ago

Nice build

I would take out Elspeth, Knight-Errant and Scourge of the Nobilis for card draw engines Akiri, Fearless Voyager and Wyleth, Soul of Steel . The card draw will make a huge difference

Rally the Righteous and Boil could be replaced with Champion of the Flame and Kor Duelist for a more aggressive deck

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