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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Arena | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Gladiator | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Historic | Legal |
Historic Brawl | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Pioneer | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Breaking / Entering
Target player puts the top eight cards of his or her library into his or her graveyard.
Put a creature card from a graveyard onto the battlefield under your control. It gains haste until end of turn.
Fuse (You may cast one or both halves of this card from your hand.)

Hastapasta on
2 years ago
I had spring break and I pretty much can't use the computer. :(
Mind Funeral is pretty random. But what else can I use? Maybe Dauthi Voidwalker in the sideboard for control? I don't know.
I always feel that Breaking / Entering is not convincing enough. Please let me know.
Balaam__ on Balaam__
2 years ago
lespaul977 I don’t mind offering advice, but I’m not exactly a tier 1 player myself. So I’d definitely recommend shopping the idea for this deck around and collecting as much perspective as you can on it before you invest any time or money in finalizing it.
This may sound excessive but I’d cut
Djinni Windseer (doesn’t contribute)
Eternal of Harsh Truths (doesn’t contribute)
Homarid Explorer (cmc too high, not enough value)
Laboratory Maniac (useless, you’re milling the opponent and not yourself)
Minister of Inquiries (it’s ok, but with no way to get more energy counters his value fades fast. Blinking him to get more energy counters is not efficient)
Screaming Swarm (cmc way too high, won’t see play often and mill decks rarely have more than a handful of creatures, none of which are used for attacking)
Soulknife Spy (doesn’t contribute)
Essence Flux (Blink is ineffective here)
Trepanation Blade (seems good but rarely is, not to mention you won’t be attacking)
Curiosity (doesn’t contribute, your other draw spells are much better)
Wizard Class (doesn’t contribute)
So that’s what I’d cut. Dream Twist and Visions of Beyond are great and synergize well, Unsummon is good but Vapor Snag is better; I’d replace that with it if possible. I’d fill the remainder of the slots with Crabs if it’s an option (see below), countermagic (Counterspell, Mana Leak, Spell Pierce etc) and if you are adding (again, see below) there are oodles of instants/sorceries to choose from. If not, try to accommodate as many mono direct mill spells as possible.
I guess we have to address some of the elephants in the room. If you’re intent on keeping this mono , then you’ll miss out on what the complimentary color brings to the Mill archetype: cards like Breaking / Entering and Glimpse the Unthinkable.
Which brings us to the next obstacle, budget. If you’re looking to keep the price down and/or only build from your current collection, that also complicates things. Cards like Archive Trap and Tasha's Hideous Laughter are Mill staples, but are also costly. There are alternatives, like Fractured Sanity and Maddening Cacophony which are both cheap and mono , so that can help fill the gaps.
Third, you’ll want to run the crabs. Hedron Crab is pricey, but Ruin Crab is doable. Ideally you’d run both, but one is ok. You’ll be capitalizing on every possible opportunity to mill like this; every land played mills, nearly all your spells should mill, etc.
Hope this helps, and again—I’m no expert. But I’ve built one mill deck (check my page if interested, I think it’s called Trouble at the old mill or something like that) and have another in the works so I’m somewhat familiar with how they play. Ask around, collect info and don’t be afraid to inspect the ones the pros play for some ideas.
Nathanael97 on
Vial Smasher and Ludevic
2 years ago
Sure, it was mostly a suggestion in terms of having "multiple copies" of entomb, but since you also run stuff like Reanimate and Breaking / Entering I figured it might be worth considering :)
Squirrelbacon on
3 years ago
As you update the deck, don't underestimate the power of Hedron Crab and Ruin Crab. Both those little guys plus fetchlands are worth 6-cards a turn, excluding another Field of Ruin trigger over the top as well. Without fetchlands I agree, 3-cards per turn is probably not satisfactory. Mesmeric orb holds a similar role, if you look at it as residual/chip 'damage' that all adds up when being used efficiently/optimally.
Have you considered adding Breaking / Entering? You don't need to be able to cast both sides, the 8-card mill is more than worth it on your own if mill is truly the strategy you want to pursue.
Lastly, is Tasha's Hideous Laughter not as good as people were anticipating? I don't see that here, but mill is not a deck that I am extremely familiar with either...
lagotripha on
Budget Living Lore Control *Added MDFC*
3 years ago
I spend a while trying to get a Living Lore / Spellweaver Helix deck built around Raven's Crime / Breaking / Entering working, but losing Faithless Looting killed it, and the split cards rule shifts messed with it more. Its a cool idea that wasn't quite there.
One of the big things I learned was that Cruel Ultimatum loops win games, but getting to the point where a living lore hits your opponent is pretty hard. I had some more success once I looked to use it to cast Time Warp and ran some delve spells in Logic Knot and Temporal Trespass . Big creatures win games. Time walking a gurmag angler is incredible when your opponent doesn't realise you have 4 turns banked up, but the whole deck starts feeling like a pile of cards - lots of hands that are almost good but nothing that really works well together.
Efreet Flamepainter and the discard for a treasure tokens offer a set of eight four drops and cards that ramp to it and pay off in the graveyard, with Torrential gearhulk as another couple, but building for that is going to be a little tricky - treasure tokens and fast mana means that getting them on the battlefield leaves you less cards to keep them alive and run the rest of the deck.
Finding a way to make living lore's comparatively bulky body and love of high CMC spells in the graveyard will pull the deck in weird directions - I hope you have fun hunting down ones that work. Who knows- perhaps its a deck that casts Shape Anew for Torrential Gearhulk . All I know is making it good is gonna get weird.
pretendingtoalright on
Lazav Mill Commander
4 years ago
Breaking / Entering isn't a card that's technically legal in a dimir deck. house rules and all that means it depends on playgroups but in general that's a no-no.
Ryan689 on
Nightmare (Mill)
4 years ago
To save money you can use Breaking / Entering instead of Glimpse the Unthinkable.
Xzorgoth on
4 years ago
Voici quelques changements ''budget'' que tu pourrais faire pour optimiser ton deck.
Carte à enlever
Strategic Planning Urgoros, the Empty One Dimir Guildgate Izzet Guildgate Rakdos Guildgate Doom Blade Blood Curdle Annihilate Vampire Nighthawk Curse of Fool's Wisdom Eye of Doom Breaking / Entering
Carte à ajouter
Jace Beleren Raiders' Wake Megrim Ponder Glint-Horn Buccaneer Dimir Signet Izzet Signet Rakdos Signet Murderous Rider Terminate Dreadbore Dragon Mage
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