Boneyard Wurm

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Boneyard Wurm

Creature — Wurm

Boneyard Wurm's power and toughness are each equal to the number of creature cards in your graveyard.

jdogz32 on Weak Sauce Graveyard

1 year ago

I made a deck based around creatures like Boneyard Wurm here's the deck if you wanted to check it out. Self Mill Madness

rekkim on Ritual Mill

2 years ago

V2.0: Shifted aim toward answers from threats. Tokens aren't anything to worry about before turn seven, anyway.

Armored Skaab: Down by one.

Blex, Vexing Pest  Flip: Cut. Buffing the tokens to speed up lethal is counterintuitive to much of the rest of the deck's intention to stall. Rarely, if ever find reason to use the back side, and life is valuable to this deck only so far as delays are concerned. Once you're stable, you don't need to fish so desperately for pieces.

Boneyard Wurm: Down by one.

Combine Guildmage, Swarm Guildmage: See: Blex.

Lotleth Giant: I really like this because it dodges blockers, but it's never decisive like a seven-drop ought to be. Dropped.

Decisive Denial: Dropped. Couldn't justify its use when creature-based iterations can be used to keep the effect and fuel other spells.

Drown in Filth: Dropped. Part of the issue is the mana requirement. It's hard to reliably draw all three colors in the first two turns, so a lot of my starts were awkward with this. It could also fizzle early on by not having enough of the right thing in my graveyard.

Spider Spawning: Reduced by two. Slow, and the deck is pretty heavy on recursion. Despite issues with the tap requirement, Vilespawn Spider is a body, on or off the field, and anything in the way of attackers or pumping spells is important.

Spiketail Hatchling: Added four copies. Might look for one I like with a mana cost to make the tax a greater burden. Or maybe something with lower CMC and no flying.

Winds of Rebuke: Added three copies.

Spore Frog: Added four copies.

Svogthos, the Restless Tomb: Added another copy. Realized somewhere down the line that it plays really well with Crop Sigil to return two creatures to play.

Deadbridge Chant: Added one copy. Still not wholly sold on this, but it makes sprinting against other stall decks much more viable. Valid target for Winds of Rebuke, if you happen to need to reset with elixir.

Land: Reduced prominence of black and green for blue.

legendofa on Card creation challenge

2 years ago



Target player mills six cards. Return a permanent card from your graveyard to your hand for each land card milled this way.


has always felt more self-mill to me. That's probably influenced by the original Innistrad, with stuff like Splinterfright, Boneyard Wurm, Tracker's Instincts, Memory's Journey...

Anyway, create a land card.

jacobpmesser on testing ideas

3 years ago

Hit Turn 8 a few times. Still got work.

Wondering if I should aim for Grist ult. I want Ashes to happen for huge self mill but not complete. Maybe Boneyard Wurm over Splinterfright or Old Stickfingers for a few two drop 'goyfs.

Will (+) Emry. I'm going to try Shriekhorn for another target for Chancellor G.

zapyourtumor on Golgari dredge

3 years ago

Why Bonehoard over Boneyard Wurm? The latter counts as a creature, helping buff the other creature-cards-in-graveyard beaters.

Grist, the Hunger Tide produces tokens+self mills, removes pesky permanents, and also acts as a second wincon with Jarad to give the deck some late-game reach.

Unearth can get back a Grist, Splinterfright, Boneyard Wurm, or Nighthowler from the yard that you milled.

For cuts, I'd probably cut more noncreature spells since the whole deck is "creature cards in graveyards matter". I'd start with Life from the Loam and Raven's Crime, and maybe some Village Rites.

henrypan321 on Hogaak's Legion

3 years ago

Thanks for the suggestions killer_eye! Yeah Scute Swarm has definitely been great.

I used to run a lot of those big graveyard-based cards like Boneyard Wurm , Splinterfright , Spider Spawning but eventually cut most of them for reasons similar to the Worm Harvest one. Boneyard Mycodrax was one of those but I totally forgot that it also has a graveyard ability, so it could be interesting. Bonehoard is a like a reverse Nighthowler , definitely usuable.

Plumb the Forbidden is pretty good too.

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