This is my attempt at a Bad Santa deck. I toyed with doing Zedruu, but it seemed like this one fit my general play style better. Black has the best 'give away this terrible card' options by far, IMO, and so that's how we got here. Fateful Handoff, Harmless Offering, and Bazaar Trader make sure Blim isn't the only one cracking the jokes.

There are a couple of win-con options here:
1) Give away a Swamp (or three depending on how many opponents need killing) and abuse Swampwalk. The big baddie here is Sheoldred, Whispering One, but there are several other swampwalk options in the deck.
2) Give away Demonic Pact before the last choice and it's lights-out for one opponent. Or Nefarious Lich - leave it out there if the opponent's graveyard is nearly empty anyway, or play Telim'Tor's Edict to speed things up once they control it. Or Forbidden Crypt ... or drop an opponent to 4 life with Captive Audience ...
3) Commander damage. Blim only works if he deals damage. Flying is nice, but there are a few unblockability enhancements in the deck like Whispersilk Cloak and Rogue's Passage
4) Slow painful death. Many cards to be given away inflict damage a little at a time: Megrim, Oath of Lim-Dul, Demonic Lore, etc. Creatures get in on the act, too. If an opponent isn't playing black, time to give them Cosmic Horror (it will get sac'd before they can ever hurt you with it) and Demonic Hordes (they'll be tapped so they can't attack you either). Priest of the Blood Rite is great, too - you get a 5/5 for playing it, and can then saddle an opponent with losing 2 each turn.

Depending on luck and draw, other interesting 'combos' will develop, like giving away Lich's Tomb until an opponent has sac'd away all of their permanents and is at negative life. Slide Abyssal Persecutor over to them and then destroy the tomb.

Meanwhile, no one is attacking you because they can't play creatures (Steel Golem - yes it's a bit risky) and Crawlspace. And they keep losing permanents to the Blood Funnel, Aggressive Mining and so on ...

If one of your gifts isn't working out as planned, get rid of it with Despotic Scepter. Problem solved.

And if no one is having fun and the game is stalling, try Possibility Storm.


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94% Casual


Revision 11 See all

(11 months ago)

+1 Dirtwater Wraith main
-1 Master of Cruelties main
Date added 1 year
Last updated 11 months

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

5 - 0 Mythic Rares

35 - 0 Rares

21 - 0 Uncommons

14 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.30
Tokens Demon 5/5 B, Zombie 2/2 B
Ignored suggestions
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