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The Tarrasque But It's An Unintelligent Green Deck

Commander / EDH Budget Casual Mono-Green


The Tarrasque is a big, hungry boi. Nobody has fed him in ages. So he got a bunch of his tree-hugging friends and stompy beasties and is hunting down powerful mages for that sweet, sweet magic juju in their veins. Wanna help him out?

  • Because the Tarrasque is such a big boi, he needs lots of territory to hunt in. Twelve of his cards put extra Forests straight onto the battlefield so you can play your big boi cards more often.
  • Because your bois are so big, many of them have the ability Trample, which means that when they attack and get blocked, the opponent still takes damage most of the time. What an impact!
  • Sometimes you're feeling ornery. With cards like Epic Confrontation and Thorn Mammoth, your creatures can fight your opponents' creatures directly to soften them up before you attack.
  • Those tree-huggers sure do seem to hate when their friends are lost forever. Bring them back with cards like Reclaim and Eternal Witness!
  • Grr, artifice makes you mad. Many of your creatures smash enemy artifacts when you play them, and some other cards can destroy enchantments too.
  • So many cards!! Fourteen of your cards will gradually but surely put more cards in your hand so you don't run out of gas.
  • Card spotlight: Gigantosaurus is the cheapest big boi in the world! Look at that toothy smile!!

This deck is part of a cycle of five beginner decks I designed to pick up and teach an utter newbie over the course of ~90 minutes. I decided that the decks must:

  • Contain only cards that are individually simple, with few, game-ending exceptions.
  • Use only simple, self-evident wincons. (No combos. The deck must not require synergy with specific cards. Tutors must have a very specific purpose.)
  • Accurately and completely represent their colors. (The black deck must feel super black. The green deck must feel super green. Etc.)
  • Not be tribal decks.
  • Provide a consistent experience for the pilot.
  • Provide a mechanically unique experience/challenge when compared to the other decks.
  • Not require me to purchase prohibitively expensive cards.
  • Be able to compete fairly in 1v1, 40-life games against any of the other four beginner decks.
  • (Preferably) Be able to "punch upward", if inconsistently. (I like playing the decks I design.)


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93% Casual


Date added 2 years
Last updated 3 weeks

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

2 - 0 Mythic Rares

20 - 0 Rares

19 - 0 Uncommons

25 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.22
Tokens Phyrexian Beast 4/4 G, Snake 5/4 G
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