Red-X Vehicle Aggro - This deck can be fought with Blessed Alliance, or Appetite for the Unnatural/Fragmentize, depending upon how vehicle heavy or burn heavy the deck is. Generally, this is a favorable matchup.
BG Delerium - This is also a favorable matchup. The deck is full of removal, and creatures meant to outclass other creatures. It will end up with a host of dead cards in hand, since there is nearly nothing that the removal in the deck can hit. The planes walkers in the deck can be a bit frustrating to deal with, since usually Dynavolt Tower can't burn them fast enough, so bring in Negate will help. If Emrakul, the Promised End is an emphasized card in the deck, Ceremonious Rejection will stop it from hitting the field, and Summary Dismissal will prevent the card from doing any harm.
GW(U) Aggro - This matchup is similar to Red-X Aggro, since Turbo Fog is generally favored, but Negate can be helpful if the deck is packed with Gideon, Ally of Zendikars and Nissa, Voice of Zendikars.
UB Colossus - This deck can be an easy matchup, depending upon how "all-in" it is. If the opponent is dead set upon bringing out Metalwork Colossus and attacking with just it, Consulate Surveillance becomes incredible. Otherwise, all artifact hate in the sideboard helps here.
UW Control - Control matchups are probably the worst to face, but this deck is heavily reliant upon a select few creatures to win the game. If those can be kept at bay, the slow wincons of the deck can usually beat this deck. Since it usually runs Cataclysmic Gearhulk and Torrential Gearhulk, Appetite for the Unnatural is excellent here.
Temur Aetherworks - This matchup is pretty bad, since the mainboard has little hate on Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger. The deck can deal with Emrakul, the Promised End, using the wrath, but Ulamog's mill is efficient enough to kill without ever having to deal damage. In order to win this matchup reliably, board in Ceremonious Rejection to handle eldrazi or Aetherworks Marvel. Blessed Alliance can deal with an Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger on the board.
Blue-X Aetherflux - This deck can be a difficult matchup if not played right. Often times, interaction with this deck is problematic, as their win condition does not require any sort of attacking or combat based strategy. The deck is however, highly susceptible to Consulate Surveillance, since they could pay fifty life to deal no damage. Side boarding here is to keep pesky removal spells away, while destroying any Imprisoned in the Moons. Negate is always good, while Fragmentize/Appetite for the Unnatural becomes better if permanents take a larger role, and Invasive Surgery is great if the deck is primarily sorceries.
Zombies - This classical aggro deck is easy to beat. Bring in all removal and youll be fine. In a worst case scenario, leave the field full and burn them out with the damage dealing permenants.
(More to come...)