This is a fun, Ravnica themed Azorius deck. It is fairly casual and budget, so the power level of the deck is not incredibly high, but all are very decent for their price.

Foils were put into this because many of them are about $0.49 or less, so there is no reason not to get the foil.

With Azorius, there is order. There is law, justice, peace... and occasionally corruption.

The flavor and mechanics of this deck embody the Azorius.

Detain is the key mechanic of this deck.

As seen on Archon of the Triumvirate, Azorius Arrester, Inaction Injunction, Lavinia of the Tenth, Lyev Decree, Lyev Skyknight, Martial Law, New Prahv Guildmage, and Soulsworn Spirit.

This is an awesome mechanic that slows your opponent(s) down tremendously. It is subtle enough to not draw all of the heat onto you, while still allowing you big opportunities to flood the board and get ahead.

Paladin of Prahv, Skyscribing, Sky Hussar, and Writ of Passage being the examples of Forecast.

This is a unique mechanic that allows you to pseudo-cast these cards. Granted this is not the most mana productive, it still is useful by provide virtual 2 and 3 drop effects when needed.

As seen on Azor's Elocutors, these filibuster counters are not only flavorful and fun, but can win the game out of nowhere if neglected.

It's a simple addition to the deck. If I don't get attacked for five of my upkeeps, I win. With all of the detain cards, prison effects, and the stax effects it is not impossible to manage this. Paired with Blazing Archon, this is a fun little combo.

Gwafa Hazid, Profiteer is the master of bribery.

He is great for politics (buh dum tsk) as well as some extra control when needed. For , opponent gets bribed and draws a card, then target creature of theirs can't attack or block.

I believe the Senate would approve of this.

Aside from the Azorius and Ravnica exclusive theme, there are the general W/U "good stuff". These cards primarily consist of more control through the means of stax and pillow fort effects, followed by a sprinkling of other W/U effects.
As with any W/U deck, I believe there should incorporate some form of stax effect(s). Maybe that is because of my Spike mentality, but I just think of it as a staple.

Stax effects in this deck come from Authority of the Consuls, Crackdown, Grand Abolisher, Grand Arbiter Augustin IV, Kismet, Monastery Siege, Soul Barrier, and Thalia, Heretic Cathar.

These effects range from taxing our opponent for casting virtually anything to causing their permanents to be tapped. Ultimately, these cards slow our opponent(s) down to gain us the upper hand.

Typically seen in decks that build up their life totals and win through outliving their opponent(s), pillow fort decks incorporate ways to disincentives or prevent being attacked.

Generally, this is seen with prison effects like Ghostly Prison and Propaganda.

Other cards in this category include Blazing Archon, Dissipation Field, and Isperia, Supreme Judge, as well as others.

These are the remaining cards that do what W/U want to do, but don't fit into any previous category. This includes Archaeomancer, Momentary Blink, Soul Warden, and Vapor Snag.

In all honesty, these would be the first to be cut if, or when, I find more flavorful or synergistic cards. They are all good cards, but they don't really add fuel to the deck. Regardless, they belong in the deck for now and are still decent cards for the right time!

Just like the Azorius Senate, this deck likes politics. It is a fun and flavorful deck with unique mechanics and loads of control, can always be whipped out for a good game with friends, and won't break the bank.

So if any of that would interest you, this is the deck for you!


Updates Add

I have been wanting to keep everything updated—reply to comments, update primers, update deck lists and/or art—for some time now, but life has always come first and I haven't had the time that I once had to dedicate solely to Tapped Out and to Magic.

For awhile now all of this has become more tedious, mostly because of my lack of time and prioritization of other things. I still play, and I will continue to update my decks and add new ones, but I am writing this to let everyone know that I will be doing all of that at my own pace and on my own time. That may be months later, but it will happen...if I feel the desire to do so.

I am sure I will continue deck cycling as I always have, mainly because I have been doing that routinely for years now. So you'll still see me around from time to time, sort of. Long and the short of it, thank you all for the support and inquiries over the years. Feel free to still comment and whatever else, I do see it, but I am not able to communicate as I once did. I hope you all understand.


100% Casual


Revision 11 See all

(7 years ago)

Top Ranked
  • Achieved #25 position overall 8 years ago
Date added 8 years
Last updated 6 years
Exclude colors BRG

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

3 - 0 Mythic Rares

20 - 0 Rares

23 - 0 Uncommons

24 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.08
Folders Inspiration, Decks I want, +1 Non-Budget, Cool Control Decks, EDH, Potential Net-Decks, Decks, ben likey-likey, Inspiration, Fun decks from others
Ignored suggestions
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