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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
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Leatherback Baloth
Creature — Beast

9-lives on burn deck help to refurbish
1 year ago
What's so bad about Yavimaya Iconoclast if I cast it at least on turn 3? Haste and 4/3. That's not bad, considering that vanillas would normally be 3/3, not considering the best vanillas like Leatherback Baloth and Kalonian Tusker.
jdogz32 on
Mono green beasts
1 year ago
I don't see much purpose for the Roaring Primadox + Thragtusk combo. It's too slow to be any efficient at all. As for cards I'd add I'd add Leatherback Baloth is still a beast but has high power and only a 3 converted Mana cost. I'd also add Garruk Wildspeaker over Garruk, Primal Hunter unless you shift your focus away from big creatures and straight to beast tokens. If that's the case you could add Feral Incarnation instead and cards like Pulse of the Tangle hope this helps.
Barbarian_Sun_Pope on
$99 Front Loaded
2 years ago
Have you considered Leatherback Baloth's cousin, Steel Leaf Champion? It pretty much accomplishes the same thing but with a little more upside. Reverent Hunter is a pretty nice follow up since it would be at least a 4/4 for 3 after playing a Baloth.
Azusa, Lost but Seeking and Whisperer of the Wilds can speed up the early game considerably.
Ghalta, Primal Hunger as a 'one of' might also be a pretty good finisher that could come out pretty quickly considering the amount of power in this deck (Goreclaw alone reduces his cost by 6). Hope this helps
wolfhead on Refused to play game 2 …
3 years ago
Oh right, I forgot RIP Leatherback Baloth. That one hurts.
But no Steel Leaf Champion?
EnbyGolem on
Mono-Green +1/+1 counters
3 years ago
This reminds me of a deck I had for a long time. It focused on using as many Green Mana Pips as possible. It had a handful of mana dorks like Llanowar Elves, Birds of Paradise, and/or Elvish Mystic to help ramp late-game win cons. The early threats included cards like Avatar of the Resolute, Predator Ooze, Leatherback Baloth, Strangleroot Geist, Garruk's Companion, and Steel Leaf Champion. Later in the game, I would use Primalcrux, Khalni Hydra, Aspect of Hydra, and Overwhelming Stampede to close out games. It was a lot of fun and made some huge attacks!
wallisface on
T-Rex with a Tank
3 years ago
My main thought looking through this list was that it feels like you’re creating extra steps for yourself - pretty much all your “cheap cmc vehicles” don’t have any additional power over what green can provide normally in creature form, so you’re creating extra work for yourself with no real gain.
Instead of Funeral Longboat , Smuggler's Copter and Sky Skiff you could just be running Avatar of the Resolute , Kalonian Tusker , Strangleroot Geist , Dryad Militant , Experiment One , or Pelt Collector . These all provide equal power to what you’re running, sometimes for less mana, and actually provide threats by themselves.
Instead of Cultivator's Caravan you could just be running either Steel Leaf Champion or Leatherback Baloth
I’ll concede that Esika's Chariot is probably a decent way to get 8 power on board for 4 mana.
Going down a more traditional (and practical) creature route also lets you run Aspect of Hydra instead of Might of the Masses , which can net you free-wins out of nowhere
wallisface on Advice on tribal deck card …
3 years ago
The following below is a list I used to run a while back for mono-green stompy. It’s obviously not tribe-orientated, but may give you some ideas of the direction to head.
- 16x Forest
- 3x Elvish Mystic
- 3x Arbor Elf
- 4x Pelt Collector
- 4x Experiment One
- 4x Avatar of the Resolute
- 4x Strangleroot Geist
- 4x Kalonian Tusker
- 3x Leatherback Baloth
- 3x Steel Leaf Champion
- 3x Khalni Hydra
- 1x Ghalta, Primal Hunger
- 4x Rancor
- 4x Aspect of Hydra
Note the above list is a bit old and can defo do with some improvements, but its a good baseline of what green does well - being hyper-aggressive.
In general for mono-green you want to either build your deck around being very fast & aggressive, OR build it around ramping to some massive auto-win threat. You appear to be trying to do a strange mix of the two, being sudo-aggressive while ramping to semi-big threats. I would suggest picking a defined path and building around that. If you want to be aggressive, don’t ramp so much, and field lower costing creatures. If you are wanting to ramp-big, get something like Tooth and Nail in there to cheat out Emrakul, the Aeons Torn (or some other busted payoff)
The other thing to evaluate is how much sticking to your tribe is actually getting you. Whether you’re getting actual value out of confining yourself to this creature-type, or whether its just a self-imposed restriction without much upside.
Phosphonothioic on Advice on tribal deck card …
3 years ago
Mainly, I'm wondering which would be seen as a better fit for my given deck. Quicksilver Amulet or Cryptic Gateway
Also, I'm looking for opinions on where to steer this deck if anywhere. There are so many viable Beasts that it's been hard for me to make card choices. Then you have cards like Fierce Empath which could be useful. So, advice is more than welcome. Thanks! (If someone could guide me in how to format this into a list, that'd also be appreciated. Sorry for the current format.)
4 Arbor Elf 3 Arboreal Grazer 3 Kalonian Tusker 3 Krosan Warchief 3 Leatherback Baloth 2 Ravenous Baloth 3 Elder Gargaroth 3 Garruk's Packleader 2 Thragtusk 1 Rampaging Baloths
4 Wild Growth 3 Beast Within 2 Garruk Wildspeaker
2 Contested Cliffs 4 Fire-Lit Thicket 4 Rootbound Crag 12 Forest