Morphing Mind Games

Commander / EDH Exxie97


Ziembski says... #2

Why don't you run Dream Chisel?

Also, running All Is Dust in morph deck is really tricky!

September 14, 2017 8:13 a.m.

I feel like Reality Shift is both useful removal and flavorful for your deck.

September 14, 2017 8:37 p.m.

SirSh4ggy says... #4

I've been considering building a deck like this and including some BA eldrazis. You might consider adding some manifest cards, as well as some flicker junk. If you have a morph/manifested creature on the field and it exiles, when it re-enters it comes in face-up.


Cloudform, Lightform, Soul Summons, Write into Being, Whisperwood Elemental, Wildcall


Cloudshift, Ghostly Flicker, Glimmerpoint Stag, Deadeye Navigator, Eerie Interlude, Conjurer's Closet

September 17, 2017 12:20 a.m.

Exxie97 says... #5

Thanks for all the suggestions!

@Ziembski I feel that Dream Chisel isn't impactful enough because a lot of my creatures do not have morph. Ill try it out though.

@Barsan Thanks, I am adding it now.

@SirSh4ggy I am trying to avoid one-off manifest cards because they don't do a lot in the long run. Flicker cards don't really do morph cards justice, because I cant attack with a face down creature and hit with a face up creature. They are good at flipping unwanted manifested creatures though. I think I will try out Lightform and Deadeye Navigator for the extra life gain and reusable flicker.

September 19, 2017 7:25 p.m.

SirSh4ggy says... #6

Exxie97 actually, since turning them face up doesn't use the stack, and after blockers are declared you're able to instant speed flicker, they can hit as their flipped form. Snapcaster Mage gets em back for you, and a 10-drop eldrazi for 3 is pretty good.

September 20, 2017 11:55 a.m.

@Exxie97 He is confusing flipping and flickering. Flickered Creatures leave combat and have summoning sickness, Flipped creatures do not.

Roon of the Hidden Realm exists in your colors and can be used to unflip specific creatures after your opponents swing out, as a means of defense, or to repeat powerful ETB Triggers such as Ixidron and with Voidslime's stifle effect, or Sundial of the Infinite (Which can also prevent detrimental ETB effects) you can permanently exile creatures... even Commanders.

Phage the Untouchable in an Esper capable deck kind of begs for a Fractured Identity doesn't it? Especially considering you run Eater of Days.

Disallow is a strict mana cost improvement on Voidslime

I absolutely hate that Felidar Sovereign is allowed in EDH. At least a Phage Textwin is risky.

September 20, 2017 7:21 p.m.

Exxie97 says... #9

@Barsan Thanks for clearing that up, the rules on morph are a bit strange so I wasn't sure.

Wow, never even heard of Fractured Identity, Ill definitely try and find a spot for this. (It's so mean with Phage the Untouchable, I love it XD).
Roon of the Hidden Realm is a interesting one. He does provide a lot of useful utility, but I'm not sure if I have enough cards that work well with him to make him worth it. I'll definitely give him a try though.
Sundial of the Infinite is kinda in the same boat as Roon of the Hidden Realm (obviously it would work better if I included both of them). I do like how easily accessible it is, I think almost all my tutors can hit a two mana artifact.
I think I'll end up just cutting Voidslime. Thanks for the note on Disallow though.
I know Felidar Sovereign is cheesy in EDH, but the fact that my opponents always have to look out for it s partly why I use it.

Thanks again for all the great suggestions.

September 20, 2017 9 p.m.

Also of Note:Zoetic Cavern feels like it belongs, optional and weird mana acceleration is kind of cool on it's own but with other scary morph cards it's a threat.

Vanish into Memory is also a neat card for card draw and the magic it works for manifest cards. If you hit a token or a non creature flipped card you draw 2 and the toughness and discard are 0. Hit an opponent's 20/20 Avatar... good times. And if worst comes to worst you hit your opponent's bomb on their endstep and play out your hand before the discard on yours.

Dark Depths might be good in your deck if you could manifest it and turn it face up but Thing in the Ice  Flip would really appreciate the flip. It would sit there waiting for you to cast an instant or sorcery to transform it and bounce everybody's creatures.

Sorry about all the comments, I really appreciate themed decks and yours is full of potential.

September 20, 2017 9:53 p.m.

Exxie97 says... #11


I've actually been looking for some more card draw that complements this deck and Vanish into Memory seems to fit quite nicely.

Zoetic Cavern looks much more flavorful than Sakura-Tribe Elder (and more useful later in the game).

Unfortunately the only way I can cheat in Dark Depths is with Ixidor, Reality Sculptor which seems very limiting.

Thing in the Ice  Flip seems like a nice beater/board wipe to include. However I can't cheat it in with Illusionary Mask due to it being a double faced card, but that dose make it immune to Ixidron. I'll give it a try to see how reliable it is.

Again thank you for all of your suggestions. If you have any more cards you think might fit don't hesitate to let me know. I really appreciate all of your feedback.

September 22, 2017 5:53 p.m.

Exxie97 Double faced cards can now be manifested and played face down via mask. I believe the rule change came during the SOI because the transform mechanic was so prolific in that set and they were worried about sleeved decks misplaying. So it's no longer immune to Ixidon, unfortunately. But it can be Cheated into play.

September 22, 2017 7:02 p.m. Edited.

CommanderNeyo says... #13

I really like this deck, and you obviously have put a lot of work into it. +1

In your description, you mention flipping Felidar Sovereign during your untap step. If I recall correctly, you can't cast spell or activate abilities during the untap step, so you would have to flip him at the end of your opponent's turn if you want him to trigger during your upkeep (which shouldn't make any real difference, but it is worth noting).

September 23, 2017 3:59 p.m.

Exxie97 says... #14


Gosh I thought I knew the rules of this game, thank you for keeping me updated on them.

September 23, 2017 9:13 p.m.

mortilus says... #15

Conch Horn is not a repeatable Brainstorm unless you have artifact recursion - saccing the horn is part of its activation cost. A repeatable Brainstorm for that low of a mana cost would not be $.42

September 24, 2017 2:19 a.m.

Exxie97 says... #16

@mortilus Sorry, I should have clarified it better in the update. It's a repeatable with Silas Renn, Seeker Adept. I thought it might be good to have some cards that work well with Silas Renn, Seeker Adept because he doesn't offer much to the deck besides colors.

September 24, 2017 3:06 a.m. Edited.
September 24, 2017 11:38 a.m. Edited.

glembo says... #18

I reaaaaally love your deck! Mind games are so fun in multiplayer! +1

You said that you needed card draw, have you considered running Secret Plans? And Ainok Survivalist could make a very nice enchantment or artifact removal. Keep up the good work!

September 25, 2017 8:45 p.m.

glembo says... #19

Also Dusk / Dawn could be a very nice board wipe that would le your morphed creatures and both your commanders alive!

September 26, 2017 4:23 p.m.

Just realized you could flip Silent Arbiter during your combat step to limit blockers to 1.

September 26, 2017 7:55 p.m.

Legend06 says... #21

maybe not in the full spirit of the deck, however, Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite after playing Ixidron would demolish your opponents field while giving you an army of 4/4...

September 27, 2017 11:09 a.m.

glembo says... #22

Maybe you could consider swapping Hunted Troll for Leveler, he hit harder, he's tougher and you probably win the game if you target him wih Fractured Identity. Also, Chromeshell Crab could be another great way to dispose of unwanted manifested cards.

September 28, 2017 8:07 p.m.

Exxie97 says... #23

I like Commander's Sphere, I'll probably take out the last signet and swap it in. I don't think I have enough necessary non-basic lands to make Expedition Map worth it, I would just rather the lands go onto the battlefield.
Not sure about Silent Arbiter, I can only really see him being useful if I'm trying to get past a bunch of flying/reach creatures.

I was actually looking around for more board wipes that would complement this deck and Dusk / Dawn fits perfectly.
I used to run Secret Plans when I was first building the deck but I cut it to make room for other cards, It might deserve a second chance though.
Ainok Survivalist looks good, I would just have to find a spot for it.
Hunted Troll has been on my cut list and Leveler seems like a nice replacement (and always nice to have the extra target for Fractured Identity).
Chromeshell Crab is pretty expensive for what he dose. I've played him in some of my previous decks and he has felt weak every time I got him.

Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite + Ixidron is a nice one sided board wipe/boost effect, however Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite is the absolute BANE of this deck. If someone were to steal her that just kills you. She just seems too risky to put in for that reason alone.

Thank you all for your suggestions, I'll be playing this deck tomorrow for more testing so I'll be sure to update my thoughts on the cards.

September 28, 2017 9:17 p.m.

glembo says... #24

I got one last suggestion for now, Grim Haruspex has pretty much the same role as Mentor of the Meek but you don't have to pay, he's also more fitting flavor-wise and could make some use of the black mana base. The card draw is more conditionnal though so it would be something to think about.

P.S. I'm very much interested in making a similar deck, but I got to ask: in the early game, how do you play it? Between the rather slow morph/manifest creatures and having to cast spells while preferably not tapping out... During my playtest, I always seem to have a decent board state a bit too late in the game, but that's propably on my side so I'm curious to know how do you pilot the deck :D

September 28, 2017 10:15 p.m.

RazortoothMtg says... #25

WOW! Amazingly well done primer. all of a sudden I feel like I need a morph deck... finally something to use my partner commanders for! How do you feel this kind of list compares tot he Animorphs lists and their potential "infinite" with Primordial Sage effects? Would you ever consider running over with Kraum, Ludevic's Opus to include Animar in the 99, is he too weak, or does black give you too much to cut?

September 30, 2017 1:07 p.m.

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