Elusive Tormentor


Insidious Mist  Flip

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Elusive Tormentor

Creature — Vampire Wizard

, Discard a card: Transform Elusive Tormentor.

Abaques on 5 colour mutate

3 years ago

Five color mutate is the only way to mutate!

I built my own mutate deck with Sliver Hivelord as the commander. The baked in indestructibility is great, although you have to keep the Hivelord on top of the mutate stack for it to work. I managed to pick up my commander before the price on it started skyrocketing. I went with a bit of a Apex theme in my deck (Change Thyself Sliver!) so I included all the Mythos cards from Ikoria. I also kept it pretty budget overall.

The absolute best card for a mutate deck is Elusive Tormentor  Flip. Transforming it into a 0/1 with indestructible and hexproof that can't be blocked is basically the best possible mutate target.

manahydra7 on Otrimi Mutate

4 years ago

Cool deck! I have an otrimi deck irl myself. Consider adding infect, even just a few cards as a side strategy since otrimi mutated on one creature with infect is enough to kill people quickly. If you don't want to do infect, think about unblockable creatures, hexproof creatures, and ones that have abilities depending on their power. some suggestions are Cephalid Constable, Mist-Syndicate Naga, Elusive Tormentor  Flip, Managorger Hydra, Broodhatch Nantuko and whatever fun ones you can find!

Mr.Beaver on Petals of the Black Rose

4 years ago

Great deck! Elusive Tormentor  Flip and Uninvited Geist  Flip seem to fit the theme spot on so they may be worth looking into. It also seems like you have some focus on "borrowing" creatures, so I get to suggest one of my favorite cards! Mob Rule has won a lot of games for me and is still a pretty solid budget option. All around great deck though!

multimedia on Otrimi Plays Hard

4 years ago

Hey, nice budget upgrades to the precon: Sea-Dasher, Reconnaissance, Brokkos, and Triome.

Elusive Tormentor  Flip and Troll Ascetic are two budget creatures who you want to mutate with Otrimi. Tormentor for Insidious Mist when mutated with Otrimi makes a 6/6 hexproof, indestructible, unblockable, trample Beast. Discard a creature with mutate to flip Tormentor and recur that creature with Otrimi. The combination of hexproof and regenerate of Ascetic is powerful with mutate.

Hexproof is key and it's wanted because it protects the creature you're mutating to from targeted removal before it mutates and then after it protects the mutate pile so you can safely mutate again. Swiftfoot Boots can equip to any creature you control giving it hexproof.

( > = could replace)

The manabase of the precon is not good and you haven't changed it much. The color fixing is not good enough to be able to consistently cast Otrimi. Needing three different colors and having 11x basic Forests is going to be problematic without more color fixing.

On a budget, a manabase change to consider is to add the Bounce lands: Simic Growth Chamber, Dimir Aqueduct, Golgari Rot Farm in place of other lands that ETB tapped. With Bounce lands have to return a land you control to your hand (bounce) and they interact well with a basic land to bounce. They help with color fixing since you tap them for two different colors of mana.

More Signets can help with faster ramp and color fixing. Arcane Signet is great, but there's three other budget Signets to consider adding: Simic Signet, Golgari Signet and Dimir Signet (Ravnica version). A Signet is helpful since any basic Forest or any other land can be used to make two different colors of mana.

Shared Summons is a budget instant creature tutor that can put any two creatures into your hand. Jarad's Orders is another creature tutor that puts a creature into your hand and any other creature into your graveyard such as one with mutate to recur with Otrimi. Primal Empathy can be repeatable draw source or repeatable source to make Otrimi bigger. Season of Growth can be another repeatable draw source, any time you cast a creature for it's mutate cost targeting a creature to mutate.

Good luck with your deck.

multimedia on Otrimi, Over-Mutation - Strategy - Casual

4 years ago

Hey, two budget creatures who have hexproof you want to mutate too are Insidious Mist and Troll Ascetic. The hexproof is wanted because this protects the creature from targeted removal when being mutated and after it's mutated. In multiplayer Commander there's three or more opponents who will have potential removal for your mutated creature; without hexproof mutating is risky. Swiftfoot Boots can give any creature you control hexproof it's worth adding.

Mist is the back side of Elusive Tormentor  Flip and once it flips then you don't ever have to flip it back. Hexproof, indestructible, unblockable, trample are monster stats for 6/6 Otrimi. The combination of hexproof and regenerate of Troll is powerful with mutate; protecting from targeted removal, from most board wipes/non targeted removal and in combat.

Good luck with your deck.

Guth on Otrimi's Toolbox

4 years ago

Thanks for the detailed suggestions! I initially did have all of those hexproof creatures in the deck, but through playtesting in my group I found that I would constantly be going for a more voltron style game and the purely hexproof bases didnt really give me much to work with offensively. With that, I trimmed down all those cheap hexproof only cards and was left only with Elusive Tormentor  Flip, Slippery Bogbonder, and Swiftfoot Boots. If Swiftfoot Boots can stick, then all hexproof bases drawn are dead cards. The Bogbonder is definitely swappable since it's human, but giving Predator Ooze or Blight Mamba a hexproof counter and moving 6 counters from a tutored Polukranos in one play is pretty fun jank. That said, I will continue to test; I think there is a very good case to be made for the trolls especially.

I should also note that in around 7 games with this deck I have yet to cast Brokkos. Auspicious Starrix and Sawtusk Demolisher are easier to cast 6/6 trample mutates that give additional mutate effects and can be recurred with Otrimi's triggered ability. I may actually remove Brokkos if I don't get use out of him in my next few playtests.

WelshGuitarist on Playfully Mutated

4 years ago


Firstly. Thank you for your in depth and amazing comment, it's really helped me decide on some cards to add to this deck. I have a big problem with know what cards to remove, if you could help me decide on what to take out for what, that would be super helpful!

As for the hexproof creatures. They make a lot of sense, I really like Silhana Ledgewalker and Elusive Tormentor  Flip as the ability to sort of be unblockable or literally be unblockable is amazing. Troll Ascetic is another amazing shout. These 3 are definite add's for this deck. I'm not too sure about Paradise Druid as being tapped to attack could spell an easy removal target depending on board states. Slippery Bogle and Gladecover Scout seem good, but only for the Hexproof. I may give them a try but I may not keep them in the finished product. However, thank you for bringing them to my attention!

I found a spare Crystal Shard and Buried Alive in my spares pile and have slotted them in. I need to obtain a Jarad's Orders now as that card seems to be amazing for this deck (And others.)

I will definitely be obtaining another Wonder for this deck as that seems like a perfect addition. Mask of Memory seems really good for the card draw too, however the Discard clause tends to put me off. I'll definitely play test with it and see how it suits me though.

Boneyard Lurker is in the deck, Alt art too haha. Gemrazer is sadly a card I didn't manage to pull, so i've purchased one. Waiting on it to be delivered, it is an amazing card. Sea-Dasher Octopus was a card I wasn't too sure about adding to the deck, I'll swap it in for a higher cmc Mutate creature though, when I decide which haha.

Yeah, the Mana base needs heavy work, but I tend to leave that until a little later, I would happily accept some help into improving the Mana base! I'm never really sure of how to make a Mana base better personally.

Thank you so much! :)

multimedia on Playfully Mutated

4 years ago

Hey, you really want hexproof with the creatures you want to mutate too because this protects the creature from removal in response or after mutating. It's pretty risky to chain a bunch of mutate creatures into the pile if the pile doesn't have hexproof. Without hexproof a single Swords to Plowshares by opponent will ruin your game and exile all the creatures in the mutate pile except Otrimi.

Swiftfoot Boots is a helpful equipment with mutate because then any creature can have hexproof before you mutate and keep hexproof for as long as Boots is equipped. When you mutate a creature who's equipped with Boots, Boots will stay on the creature during mutation and after.

  • Slippery Bogle
  • Gladecover Scout
  • Silhana Ledgewalker: if opponent doesn't have a flying creature then the mutated creature can't be blocked by that opponent.
  • Paradise Druid: has hexproof as long as it's untapped, good to mutate too while also using it as ramp before you want to mutate.
  • Troll Ascetic: also has regeneration which can protect the mutated creature from nontargeted removal that can destroy it such as a board wipe or from legal combat damage. Combination of hexproof and regeneration is powerful projection for the mutated creature.
  • Elusive Tormentor  Flip: for Insidious Mist, mutate Otrimi with Mist for 6/6 unblockable, hexproof, indestructible, trample that doesn't flip back unless you want it too.

Crystal Shard can be repeatable creature bounce for one blue mana of the mutate pile. This effect lets you mutate the entire pile again, protect all the creatures in the pile from being exiled or destroyed, change which creature is first mutated with Otrimi, etc. Buried Alive and Jarad's Orders can tutor for creature and put into your graveyard. This is good to setup your graveyard to recur a mutate creature when Otrimi does combat damage to an opponent.

Orders can do both, tutor for a creature to mutate too and a put a creature into your graveyard. If Otrimi is part of the mutate pile then the creature will have trample which can make Mask of Memory a repeatable draw two/discard mutate creature/recur mutate creature effect. Wonder is good when you can tutor for it or discard it because giving the mutated creature flying is better evasion than trample. Wonder is good with Buried as one of the three creatures you can tutor for and put into your graveyard.

There's a few of the better budget creatures with mutate that are missing here:

  • Sea-Dasher Octopus: mutate at instant speed with flash and for only two mana it's the lowest mutate mana cost, can be another source of repeatable draw when mutated creature has evasion.
  • Gemrazer: destroy an artifact or enchantment.
  • Boneyard Lurker: recur any permanent.

One of the worst parts of the precon is the manabase, which is not good with 11x Forests and 2x Island ratio. If you would like help with improving the manabase then I offer help in another comment.

Good luck with your deck.

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