Banding deck that actually works.

-How banding works-

  • When you attack or block you can create a band with any creatures with banding and one without.

  • Attacking bands deal damage as normal if they are not blocked.

  • I get to choose how damage is distributed from creatures blocking or blocked by the band. For example if I attack with Benalish Hero and Cho-Manno, Revolutionary and you block with your Segovian Leviathan, I can move all the damage to Cho-Manno, Revolutionary, thus preventing all the damage.

  • Special mention to the interaction of trample with banding, lets say you attack with Colossal Dreadmaw and I block with Kjeldoran Warrior, even though I am blocking with one creature it still has a band and thus I can assign all the 6 damage of Colossal Dreadmaw to Kjeldoran Warrior negating the trample completely.

The strategy of this deck is to utilize combat tricks that come up with banding and giving banding with Baton of Morale and such. Some examples; Cho-Manno, Revolutionary is given banding with Helm of Chatzuk and band him with Golgari Decoy, all creatures block decoy and I prevent all the damage letting all my other creatures attack and be unable to be blocked. Lets add some spice. lets say I attack with Stone-Tongue Basilisk and give him banding with Cooperation, while I have threshold and band him with Adanto Vanguard, I wipe their entire board and keep my cool lizard very cool. The deck is built around these interactions and is very fun.

The commander I choose was Rigo, Streetwise Mentor because alot of the banding creatures are 1/1s. So we can get cheap draws in the early game and later on band them with indestructible creatures like Stuffy Doll drawing you extra cards. Rigo, Streetwise Mentor also has shield which is relevant sometimes.


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99% Casual


Date added 11 months
Last updated 4 months

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

31 - 0 Rares

20 - 0 Uncommons

25 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.98
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