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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Oldschool 93/94 Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal


Creature — Cockatrice


Whenever Cockatrice blocks or becomes blocked by a non-Wall creature, destroy that creature at end of combat.

Raknulfr on None

4 years ago

For me it is Thicket Basilisk . It was one of my very first cards and I always had pet Iguanas since I love them so much. I´m a sucker for "Fun-and-cool-art">"Strong stuff" anyway so I took my little 6-legged Iguana friend in every deck I currently played at the time and I do this to this day, I always bring that 1x Basilisk I got all those years ago with me when playing. Also, green back in the old days was always go big or go wide and he was just something so different (along with Cockatrice) to have this awesome mechanic that is a constant threat. Yes, with deathtouch being a quite standard keyword nowadays it isn´t special at all, for me it was just SO cool back in the day! So yeah, he has obviously a special place in my heart to this day!

BMHKain on

5 years ago

@king-saproling: This is going to sound weird, but I actually help for two decks this time. This is one of them. While it is already at 100, & 90% Competitive, I believe BOTH can be improved. Maybe I can kill 1000 Cockatrice with One Grain of Sand ? Just an expression. Anyways, what I want to improve upon is how good the Mass Burn Wraths are; As a thought, no part of it should be targeting anything it burns. It must be each opponent (or each player if in a pinch.), Each Creature, and/or each Planeswalker. I dun remember what was used for Gatherer Searches, but maybe you could research? Also want ways to protect my own creatures, possible Planeswalkers & yes, me. If friendly-fire targets me, I'd like some suggestions on how I can prevent it for my Creatures, Walkers, & me as the player. Finally, This deck seems to like its Instants & Sorceries; especially the Flashback ones. But I also wanted some suggestions for your average Non-Flashback Nonperms as well. I wonder if those meters have improved though... That said, For things that need to stay: The Landbase & rocks are fine unless you see Karma + Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth as "Off-Color" (Apparently Yawgmoth's Tomb doesn't care about needing it's status in Color Identity... XP) I'd also like some Nonperm-friendly creatures unless what I got/had are fine.

Last Rule?: This is at 100 cards already; so no cutting, & only add to replace another card.

All that said, it's all you on this, & one other deck; one stated to be CHAOS based...

FancyTuesday on Does Vigor save my Blizzard …

6 years ago

Correct. Deathtouch is a static ability that says:

702.2b A creature with toughness greater than 0 that’s been dealt damage by a source with deathtouch since the last time state-based actions were checked is destroyed as a state-based action. See rule 704.

702.2c Any nonzero amount of combat damage assigned to a creature by a source with deathtouch is considered to be lethal damage for the purposes of determining if a proposed combat damage assignment is valid, regardless of that creature’s toughness. See rules 510.1c–d.

The important takeaway here is that creatures with deathtouch must deal damage for deathtouch to take effect, it's not enough to simply block or be blocked by the creature as you see with "basalisk" style creatures like Cockatrice. Preventing the damage prevents deathtouch from having an effect.

Neotrup on I need to understand the …

6 years ago

You can fudge the damage some, but not to the degree you were suggesting. For the same results what you would have to do is for Cockatrice choose damage assignment order as the 3/3, then 1/2, then 5/5 and for Sengir Vampire choose damage assignment order as the 1/2, then 3/3, then 5/5. Then, during the combat damage step, first have Cockatrice assign it's combat damage, which will result in 2 marked damage on the 3/3, then have Sengir Vampire assign it's combat damage, which will be 2 to the 1/2, 1 to the 3/3 (as it already has 2 marked damage), and 1 to the 5/5. You can't switch between which creatures are assigning damage after you choose one to assign it's damage, but you can give different damage assignment orders to individual creatures within a band.

Also, if you choose to combine Cockatrice and Predator Ooze within a band, you can give Lure to Predator Ooze instead of Cockatrice. Because Predator Ooze does not have flying, more creatures will be able to block it, which will result in them blocking Cockatrice for the purposes of it's triggered ability, despite the fact they could not normally block Cockatrice (this is because of how bands attack and are blocked together).

Caerwyn on I need to understand the …

6 years ago

While you have to kill a defending creature to move onto the next, I believe you can fudge the numbers some. I did not find an official rule on this, however, and may be wrong, so take my understanding with a grain of salt. There's some difficulty when your keyword disappeared before the internet really took off!

They have a 3/3, a 1/2, and a 5/5. You have your Cockatrice and Sengir Vampire. Sengir Vampire deals 1 damage to the 1/2, Cockatrice deals 1 damage, it dies, Cockatrice does 1 to the 3/3, Sengir does 2 (it dies), Sengir does it's last damage to the 5/5, Cockatrice's ability kills it. You get +3/+3 counters.

Regarding your first question, you are correct--only creatures with flying can block that band.

Predator Ooze is the card you want. You attack with Predator Ooze and Cockatrice. Your Cockatrice has lure, forcing your opponent's creatures to block. You direct all damage from the blocking creatures onto Predator Ooze. It survives as it has indestructible. You parcel out damage, killing one or more creatures, netting yourself a +1/+1 counter. Yes, it starts as a 1/1, but it has built-in protection from removal, it attacks the first time as a 2/2.

Another option would be Scythe of the Wretched and a creature like Ashmouth Hound. Asmouth Hound's ability would trigger, dealing 1 damage to each of their blocking creatures. It has now satisfied Scythe of the Wretched's ability. Your Cockatrice would destroy all the creatures at the end of combat--Scythe of the Wretched would activate for each. You would suddenly own all their creatures.

Neotrup on I need to understand the …

6 years ago

Some more clarification on the Cockatrice/Sengir Vampire band. With Cockatrice having Lure on it, all of your opponents creatures with flying or reach would block the band, but none of their other creatures would. Every creature they have that could block Cockatrice has to, but this doesn't allow creatures that can't block to do so, and as the creature with Lure (and even the one without it) have flying, this greatly limits the ones able to block. You'll want Sengir Vampire to deal damage to as many blockers as possible, but it will have to assign lethal damage to each creature it hits before moving on to deal damage to the next one, so this will also limit the number of +1/+1 counters you are able to get. Because of the way banding works, you'll be deciding how combat damage is assigned by both your own attacking creatures, with the rule for lethal damage being taken into consideration, and how your opponent's blocking creatures assign damage, this time ignoring the requirement on lethal damage.

Caerwyn on I need to understand the …

6 years ago

I wanted to provide some clarification on the Cockatrice and Sengir Vampire interaction:

Here's how this works. You band the Cockatrice and Sengir Vampire together, then cast lure. All creatures are forced to block Cockatrice. Because Cockatrice is banded with Sengir Vampire, Sengir Vampire is blocked as well.

You get to divide up combat damage for both the attacking and blocking creatures.

You would direct 1 damage from Sengir Vampire onto each blocking creature. You have now dealt damage to 4 creatures. You would assign the blocking creatures' damage in such a way to leave your Sengir Vampire alive.

Combat ends, and Cockatrice's ability triggers. All the creatures that blocked the band die. Because Sengir Vampire did 1 damage to 4 creatures, and these four creatures died, its ability would activate and it would get 4 +1/+1 counters.

You ONLY get +1/+1 counters for the creatures dealt damage by the Sengir Vampire himself. Damage dealt by the cockatrice does NOT trigger Sengir Vampire's ability.

As Pieguy396 said, banding only matters during combat. There's a few basic rules you need to know to fully understand banding:

(1) When you attack with a creature using banding and it is blocked, you get to divide the damage of blocking creatures.

(2) You can band any number of banding creatures together, and up to one without.

(3) Banding is blocked as a group. Evasion matters only if the entire band has the evasion. i.e. if 4 members of a band have flying, and one does not, the entire group can be blocked by creatures without flying.

(4) Creatures are not banded as a group when blocking--you can already block with multiple creatures.

(5) You assign how damage is divided by any attacker that you block with a creature with banding. This is actually crazy useful. If you use a 1/1 with banding to block a 100/100 with trample, you can assign 100 damage to your 1/1, and 0 damage to yourself--that's right, Banding is a complete defense to Trample!

Edit: Please link your cards when asking questions using double brackets:

[[Black Lotus]]

Black Lotus

Pieguy396 on I need to understand the …

6 years ago

Banding only affects combat, it doesn't make two creatures one creature. The interaction you mentioned between Prodigal Sorcerer, Royal Assassin, and Sengir Vampire will not work. Same with the Cockatrice/Sengir Vampire interaction (Lure works the way you want it to, but the Vampire can only deal damage equal to its power, Cockatrice's damage doesn't count for its ability). Banded creatures remain completely separate except during combat, and even then, they are only joined in the sense that they can be blocked together.

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