Surge of Strength

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Surge of Strength


As an additional cost to cast this spell, discard a red or green card.

Target creature gains trample and gets +X/+0 until end of turn, where X is its converted mana cost.

bryanedds on Double Dragon

3 years ago

Ah oops, I meant to copy paste the name Surge of Strength instead.

bryanedds on Double Dragon

3 years ago


bryanedds on Double Dragon

3 years ago

Consider Surge of Strength as another surprise win condition.

Forkbeard on Miirym, Sentinel Wyrm: Double Dragon

4 years ago

Going to try the following additions + cuts:

  • In: Thought Vessel ; Out: Skyshroud Claim - SC is decent ramp, but this swap makes sense due to minimal forest targets + a general effort to reduce the average CMC. The no max hand size redundancy is just gravy.
  • In: Bonders' Enclave + Castle Garenbrig ; Out: Copperline Gorge + Detection Tower - The probability of Copperline being an ETB tapped land is too great & I've still got Arcane Lighthouse in here if need be. Making room for these 2 superior utility lands feels like a good trade.
  • In: Bala Ged Recovery ; Out: Forest - A bit controversial as this takes my land count down to 35, but I've got a woeful lack of recursion in here and I suspect this will come in handy more often than not. Worst case, I have to use it as an ETB tapped Forest. Best case, a mega threat gets a 2nd shot at life.
  • In: Glorybringer ; Out: Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker - A tough cut to make as good 'ol KJ has been in here since day 1, but as pointed out, he's a big target and not pivotal the game plan. Glorybringer joins the dragon crew and the additional removal option is a welcomed bonus.
  • In: Harmonize + Rishkar's Expertise ; Out: Feldon of the Third Path + Surge of Strength - A few have pointed out the lack of card draw in here and it's a compeltely valid point. These 2 additional options should add value, even if they are a little on the casting cost steep side. Feldon was a cute idea as a recursion engine, but he's also fragile, conditional and Bala Ged Recovery is going to be preferable in most cases anyway. Surge is a sneaky combat trick, but the discard downside was sometimes annoying.

  • Those are my trades for now. I'll need to give it a few plays to see how it feels, but I'm hopeful these card swap choices are fun ones and help to smooth things out a little.

    Cloudius on Manatee Dragon

    6 years ago

    Pump Spells

    In line with the OTKO strategy, you want to pump up your Boss and hit opponents for at least 21 points of commander damage. What this means, is that anything that grants less than +5 to it's power will not make the cut. Some suggestions:

    Xenagos, God of Revels - Crazy synergy with your Boss and curves out really well. Drop Xenagos, cast your Boss in the following turns and have it grant haste and +6/+6 to your Boss, swing in for 24 Commander Damage!

    Downhill Charge / Blazing Shoal - Free pump spells are great, especially since the CMC for your dragons are on the high side. You'd have plenty of "fat CMC" spells in your hand to remove for Shoal as well.

    Surge of Strength - A hidden gem that is easily overlooked. It'll buff your Boss by +7/+0, making him hit for 26 commander damage if unblocked!

    Rush of Blood - Simple but effective.

    Berserk / Fatal Frenzy - Go BIG or go BROKE with them!

    Kessig Wolf Run - To replace Skarrg, the Rage Pits as you need +X type effects rather than +1/+1.

    Mirrorwing Dragon is a fun and "win more" card since you usually don't have sufficient creatures to benefit from the "cascading buffs" the dragon offers.

    VincentVonVeltschmerz on Miirym, Sentinel Wyrm: Double Dragon

    7 years ago

    I prefer Blazing Shoal over Surge of Strength, being able to cast it for free on a hasty Atarka is a big advantage

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