Masumaro, First to Live
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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Masumaro, First to Live

Legendary Creature — Spirit

Masumaro, First to Live's power and toughness are each equal to twice the number of cards in your hand.

Recommendations View more recommendations

Hot Springs
Unicycle (Playtest)
Wind Shear
Sylvan Yeti
Descendant of Masumaro
Moss Monster

ZendikariWol on Estrid Aim's High

6 years ago

Okay so first Arixmethes, Slumbering Isle is pretty slow. Yeah he's a land at first, but you have to cast 5 spells while he's a land (which means you can't enchant him w/ auras).

Kefnet the Mindful isn't great, but I guess he's not outstandingly bad.

Krosan Restorer is kinda good ramp but Estrid's got most of that covered and overall Bear Umbra would probably suit you better. Same goes for Ley Weaver.

Masumaro, First to Live, comparable to Kefnet, is going to be restricted by the number of cards in your hand, and that's a max of 7. While a 14/14 is undeniably huge, it will probably draw hate and be removed very before you can enchant it.

Nezahal, Primal Tide is really just not good. I mean he give you no max hand size and he is recursive, kinda, but I don't think that's powerful enough to justify 7 mana.

Overbeing of Myth is a weaker Masumaro.

Prime Speaker Zegana requires you to have another large creature.

Psychosis Crawler will get you hated out of the game immediately.

Tishana, Voice of Thunder will draw you MAYBE 3 cards when it enters. It's only slightly better than Kefnet.

You have a lot of instants and sorceries. Too many counterspells, when your enchantments could deal with any permanents that get played.

Corrupted Conscience really isn't great here. Neither is Control Magic. Put a few enchantments on the guy you're controlling, someone destroys the control magic, and suddenly you're 100% screwed.

Mind Unbound is slow and costly, the only place I could ever see it being played effectively is in an Atraxa, Praetors' Voice deck. Thought Reflection is only slightly better.

There are a lot of cards at the higher end of your mana curve that are either not worth the mana cost or laughably not worth the mana cost. Also your draw synergies would be better devoted to their own deck (see my take on that idea Oreo Fluff). While this is a unique and interesting take on Estrid, it's slow and requires a steady draw engine to work, which requires a shitload of mana to work, which requires Estrid always being out to work, which requires, in the end, some degree of incompetence on your opponents' part. It's a great deck when left to its own devices all game, but that's just not how commander works.

benqaz on Mono White Combo (Yomiji)

7 years ago

@ZtheGreat (again): Looks like you are collecting decks with Kamiagawa commanders. I have 2 others I could put on the site if you are interested, Tomorrow, Azami's Familiar, and of course Masumaro, First to Live.

MollyMab on Beyond Reach

7 years ago

So big stuff and ramp.

Aeon Chronicler, Maro, Masumaro, First to Live, Multani, Maro-Sorcerer, Sage of Ancient Lore  Flip, Soramaro, First to Dream, Sturmgeist, all get huge from hand size.

Descendant of Soramaro is a fun effect. Kefnet the Mindful helps top up hand. Jushi Apprentice can have some political elements. Meishin, the Mind Cage has some nice political aspects to it. The Great Aurora can be a win con if you are ahead hand size wise. Alhammarret's Archive pulls you ahead hard. Venser's Journal keeps your life topped up.

I would go for 36 lands. 8 pieces of ramp, mana rocks etc.

Hardhitta7 on A Bargain for the Horizon

8 years ago

I GOTS THE POWER!!! Says Mr. Aeon Chronicler.

Kagemaro, First to Suffer, Maro, Masumaro, First to Live, Soramaro, First to Dream, Sturmgeist, all take advantage of having a lot of cards in hand.

That's all I got! Lol I'm not good with infinite combos.

bushido_man96 on Help me turn my casual …

8 years ago

Hi, all. I'm relatively new here, but not new to Magic. However, I was on a long hiatus, and just recently got back into Magic since my kids dug up some of my cards and got interested. Since then, Commander became a thing, and I am hooked on the format. I don't play competitively, mostly casual, and in as big a group I can find (right now its usually 3-4).

To give an idea of when I dropped off the map, it was during the Kamigawa rotation. At that time, I built a casual deck built around getting the hand size up and winging with creatures like Multani, Maro-Sorcerer, Descendant of Masumaro, Masumaro, First to Live, Maro, Sylvan Yeti, and Soramaro, First to Dream.

The idea was to use cards from the Kamigawa block to return lands to my hand, try to draw cards, and hit with the biggies. I ran cards like Oboro Envoy, Oboro Breezecaller, Floodbringer, Elder Pine of Jukai, Soratami Mirror-Mage, Inner Calm, Outer Strength, Graceful Adept, and Soratami Rainshaper. They all had some decent utility in bouncing the land cards. I didn't play EDH at the time, and the deck really never took off for me. I loved the concept behind it, but couldn't really make it work well in a 60-card casual format.

But now, with the possibilities of Commander at hand, I figured there's got to be some way to make this theme work, if not to win, at least to be able to play out for a while. I also had a casual deck I tried to build around Squirrel Wrangler and Groundskeeper, which would fit into a blue/green Commander deck, as well.

So, with all that said, I was hoping I could get some suggestions from the community here as for making this theme EDH-worthy. I'm looking at blue/green primarily, but not exclusively. To start, I need a Commander. I thought maybe Momir Vig, Simic Visionary, but maybe Edric, Spymaster of Trest would be better? Perhaps Tamiyo, Field Researcher?

Another problem I have is after being out for so long, I'm playing catch-up as to what's available. I figured the posters here probably have a good working knowledge of what would fit into a deck themed this way.

Any and all suggestions are greatly appreciated. I run fairly budget, but I've got some decent stuff in my collection, and will splurge at times if I think its worth it, so suggest anything.

Thanks for taking the time to help me out!

Selphiron on Masumaro, First to Win

8 years ago

Very cool deck! I would recommend you Alluring Scent. Use it on another creature and attack with your 21/21 Masumaro, First to Live to take an opponent out. Chariot of Victory could also be helpful, since it gives haste and trample in one card (first strike is a nice bonus, too)

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