Goldmeadow Harrier

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Goldmeadow Harrier

Creature — Kithkin Soldier

(White), Tap: Tap target creature.

PeriodicalFits on Mono-W Aggro HP

4 years ago

Might be best to replace Law-Rune Enforcer with something like Gideon's Lawkeeper or Goldmeadow Harrier, that way in early rounds you could still tap low creatures. And you don't run the risk of an opponent playing instants on low cmc cards or adding enchantments to make a 1cmc card powerful (I do that when I play my mono white decks). But a thumbs up from me, I love aggro Mono white decks

channelfireball12345 on Mono White Control

5 years ago

Maybe cut the wellspring. Also, replace the javelineers with Goldmeadow Harrier

TheMillKid on

6 years ago

Gideon's Avenger appreciates when things get tapped down, and Ojutai, Soul of Winter can help do so!

Thoughtweft Gambit is a big tap/untap card that could be fun. Gigadrowse is as good as you choose to make it, while Gideon's Lawkeeper and Goldmeadow Harrier are more ways to tap down other creatures every turn.

Conjurer's Closet allows you to blink Azor and your other valuable etbs (enters the battlefield abilities), and Sphinx's Revelation is what Azor does when he attacks.

Happy brewing!

greyninja on ~Ginger-Slap~

7 years ago

@ReaperDrek I very much appreciate your comments and ideas! Sounds like you have a good outlook on the game

After your post I immediately went out and ordered a Mask of Memory for this deck. It'll have a good home here I think. Should I do Infiltration Lens as it's near-opposite? (lol) Also Skullclamp needs to be equipped to a creature that goes to the graveyard; and aurelia being the commander does not if she goes to the command zone. I believe it's a replacement effect

Shannon doesn't like combos so kiki-jiki is out. I'm sneaking in the infinite combat phases since it's flavorful with an extra combat commander I feel. Stupid me traded away a copy of Aggravated Assault that was supposed to be in here tho

I agree that there's a lot of slow creatures and I do need help thinning them. Goldmeadow Harrier is one of the last remnants of her mono white kithkin deck. Also there's quite a few high cmc bombs that may need to be filtered out. Usually my playgroup doesn't target her and she makes it to the late game unhindered, but we shouldn't rely on that

Sunforger is on it's way in here for sure. I took apart my Narset, Enlightened Master deck so aurelia got new toys. I'll consider Hero's Blade as well. I'm afraid I'll fill my hand with too many equipment cards lol

You mentioned boardwipes also. I have a Wrath of God and Day of Judgment in my binder. I feel they need to be in here. Thoughts?

Thanks again!!!

SynergyBuild on Spooky Ghosts (Budget tribal tournament)

7 years ago

Thanks for upvoting my deck xD but would you be opposed to spellshaper tribal, they are the coolest tribe! They turn your hand into one card!

Here are some of the Modern legal ones:

Llanowar Mentor (Llanowar Elves)

Jaya Ballard, TASK MASTER

Jolrael, Empress of Beasts (Use Anger of the Gods to blow up all of their lands!)

Sparkspitter (Spark Elemental)

Goldmeadow Lookout (Goldmeadow Harrier)

Icatian Crier (Raise the Alarm)

Dreamscape Artist (Harrow)

The best one though:

Mageta the Lion (Wrath of God)

Best non-legendary: Overtaker

Landonius on Kithkin

7 years ago

Why play Gideon's Lawkeeper over Goldmeadow Harrier?

excasteal on UW kithkin

7 years ago

You most definitely need to be playing Hallowed Fountain since you can fetch it with any of your fetchlands, making any fetch fix for either of your colors. Additionally, Flooded Strand is the best fetchland for you to be playing, so if you are only running 4 fetches you should be running those instead of the mistys and the mesas. Ponder is also banned in modern, so maybe try Serum Visions to have a similar effect. Supreme Verdict is a superior Day of Judgment since you are in UW and have a solid enough manabase. Eldrazi Monument is likely to never be cast, and is also just bad for control anyways since you will slowly be diminishing your own board. If you really want an anthem, I'd suggest Always Watching since it will let you attack and still hang back on defense, which is very useful for a control deck. It doesn't give your creatures indestructible, so they will now play poorly with your board wipes, but again the monument is still pretty unplayable.

The deck overall has this awkward split between wanting to be aggro and wanting to be control. You are going wide on creatures yet playing board wipes; you are a control deck with 24 creatures and no cheap removal or counterspells. I'd try to streamline the deck and play an agro-control strategy. Cut the board wipes and add in cheap interraction, like Path to Exile (4x Path can easily replace the 2 board wipes and Oblivion Rings) and then add in some cheap countermagic in place of your Eldrazi Monuments. Remand, Mana Leak, Spell Snare, etc. are where you want to be here. Goldmeadow Harrier is also pretty inefficient, I'd say look into Figure of Destiny or even Goldmeadow Dodger for marginal evasion or Zealous Guardian because flash is generally more useful than the tap ability (though the latter two aren't a large step greater than the harrier). FoD is also great because you could grow him while holding up mana for control - remember, you can always activate his abilities at EoT (end of turn)! Aether Vial is another solid option if you want to mimic fish, but your cmc is all over the place so I wouldn't auto-jam it in.

Firebones675 on Your Either an Ally or Dead

7 years ago

Oh I forgot to mention it befor, but you might be interested in either Sanguine Bond or Vizkopa Guildmage.

Here are what i think are the weaker cards in your deck. I'm not saying that everything I don't mention is ideal or that the ones i'm suggesting cutting are awful but this is where i'd personally start if I was trimming my own deck as possible cards to consider cutting:

Cliffside Lookout: This card seems a bit out of place. If you want a 1-drop ally Hada Freeblade is better. If you want to focus more on life gain, Soul's Attendant, Soul Warden, or Serra Ascendant would be a better fit.

Angel of Renewal/Conclave Phalanx: While they can gain you some life, they cost a bit more mana than i'd like. I feel that for 6 mana Sorin, Grim Nemesis is a better threat as it can still gain you life while taking down a creature the turn it comes into play or draw you some cards. Either way 6 mana is still a lot so be careful you don't but too many high cmc spells in the deck. Conclave is a bit better since it has convoke but i still don't think it does enough.

Court Street Denizen: In a two color deck you will still get some value out of this but I prefer cards like Gideon's Lawkeeper/Goldmeadow Harrier as you can tap them on your opponents "Declare Attackers" step to prevent them from attacking you, and they remain tapped until their next turn meaning they can't block either.

Pulse Tracker: This is a pretty aggressive card for your deck. Also even if they play a 1/2, you can't attack safely into them anymore.

Landbind Ritual: A 5 mana spell that doesnt affect the board and only gains you life is not where you want to be. Rest for the Weary is usually more efficient.

Eliminate the Competition: I'd rather just run Crux of Fate, Wrath of God. (Damnation is also a card but it's not exactly wallet friendly)

Curse of the Forsaken: Good in multiplayer games but in 1v1 it's not ideal.

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