Delighted Halfling

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vintage Legal

Delighted Halfling

Creature — Halfling Citizen

: Add .

: Add one mana of any colour. Spend this mana only to cast a legendary spell, and that spell can't be countered.

NV_1980 on Sigarda, Font of Blessings

3 weeks ago

Hi, I was curious about this deck so I played a few test-games with it. Mostly I was wondering whether it had enough momentum. After five test-games I found that it might be a bit lacking on this front. This is not surprising since it doesn't carry that many ramp/mana source cards. In terms of additional draw, it could also use some work.

For mana/ramp, I'd recommend Delighted Halfling, Birds of Paradise, Burgeoning, Exploration, Nature's Lore and/or Three Visits. For additional draw/filtering, perhaps cards like Mirri's Guile, Scroll Rack, Sensei's Divining Top or Sylvan Library.

It's also easier to share abilities between creatures when you include Odric, Lunarch Marshal. Good luck with this brew.

anbrx on The Princess and the Frog

1 month ago

This deck looks incredibly slow. You have only 1 piece of Turn 1 ramp in Mox Diamond. In its current state you are essentially starting the game on Turn 3, rather than Turn 1. With as many tapped lands as you are running, this clock will likely be even slower. After drawing several test hands with this list, I am yet to draw a good playable hand.

I would recommend trying to find room for at least some of the following: Birds of Paradise, Delighted Halfling, Llanowar Elves, Elvish Mystic, Fyndhorn Elves, Deathrite Shaman, Avacyn's Pilgrim, Elves of Deep Shadow. These additions will speed up the deck and allow you to actually play the game before turn 4.

I would also recommend trying to get some targeted removal in there. Cards such as Nature's Claim, Assassin's Trophy, Abrupt Decay, Swords to Plowshares.

You may also want some solid one-card wind conditions such as Craterhoof Behemoth, Overwhelming Stampede, or Triumph of the Hordes

rwn1971 on Buttercup: Princess Bride

1 month ago

So i did a thing and decided to buy a non budget card and got Delighted Halfling cause i love this creature and i love to screw with blue :) .

DawnsRayofLight on Squirrel Combos

4 months ago

Ygra, Eater of All goes infinite with camelia and Experimental Confectioner

Using the above to explain my adds:

ADD (16)

Ygra, Eater of All

Krark-Clan Ironworks

Basking Broodscale

Mazirek, Kraul Death Priest

Ivy Lane Denizen

Delighted Halfling

Elvish Mystic

Birds of Paradise

Elves of Deep Shadow

Experimental Confectioner

Dosan the Falling Leaf

Phyrexian Altar/Blasting Stationfoil

Birthing Ritual

Braids, Arisen Nightmare

Fiend Artisan

Lively Dirge:helps to get cheap combo pieces

DROPS (need to drop a single card too to get to 100) 17

4x lands (this deck looks like it can run fine off of 30 if you add 4-5 0-1 cmc ramp pieces)


Prosperous Innkeeper

Song of the Dryads


Cauldron Familiar (unless I am missing the combo piece for it in the list)

Craterhoof Behemoth: may be a bit win more. don't see it doing much

Gala Greeters: meh card

Gilded Goose: meh

Tireless Provisioner: could stay or go

Toski, Bearer of Secrets: don't know how aggro this deck is, seems more combo oriented

Damnation: probably between MHM and fallout you have enough wipes

Nature's Claim: good removal but probably good on that

Woe Strider probably fine on sac outlets

May consider Protean Hulk piles as well

Vandoren4 on The Brood x Blade (Combo Core)

4 months ago

Hey! I just saw your reply from yesterday, so here are a few things that I noticed before playtesting this deck (will add more after)

  1. Endless One is great, but if you can spare 1G, I would replace it with Goldvein Hydra because it has trample and haste

  2. you may want to consider replacing the Stonecoil Serpent with Walking Ballista (it's not very good if you don't assemble the combo though)

  3. Arbor Elf. just Arbor Elf. it would increase the power so much because of the Utopia Sprawl so that if you don't get the combo, you have a ton of mana, but if you DO have the combo, you can get it out super fast

  4. this works super well with mono green, but if you wanted to, you could also add white for Rosie Cotton of South Lane and cards like Surge of Salvation. I think Blade of the Bloodchief is really good, but you need to spend 2 mana on the broodscale, then 1 on bloodchief, then 1 to equip the blade, then 2 more to adapt the broodscale. if you were to use Rosie Cotton, you would need 2 for the broodscale, then 3 for rosie cotton. it's not a huge save on resources but it's better to only need 5 total mana rather than 6. in my opinion it's better to have that extra mana available for a protection spell because its modern. (it should be noted that it will increase the cost by a lot because of the fetchlands)

  5. i'm just now seeing the Cavern of Souls, which might be why the Endless One is in there (naming Eldrazi with the cavern,) but I honestly don't think it's necessary. I would replace them with lands that can be sacrificed to draw cards. again, its a bit different from my version because I'm running 1 Delighted Halfling to cast Rosie Cotton, but I honestly don't think you need that much protection from counterspells. if you REALLY need protection, take a look at Tyvar's

sorry for the essay, I'm gonna playtest it now :)

mrweaselman on Stompy Boys (EDH)

5 months ago

Since you're in green, you have some pretty good options for ramp for two mana. Oketra's Monument, Rhonas's Monument, Invasion of Ixalan  Flip and Thought Vessel seem to be the weakest. Three Visits, Nature's Lore, and Skyshroud Claim are all very solid options that are much harder to remove. Selvala, Heart of the Wilds can also make a ton of mana and draw you cards.

Cards that seem weaker:
Wayward Swordtooth: You only run 33 lands, I am not sure how often this is going to trigger. With a lower land count you have a lesser chance of having multiple lands in hand.
Akroma's Will: This may be overkill. A better option may be Return of the Wildspeaker because it can also draw you a lot of cards.
Bite Down and Ram Through: Requires you to have a creature of the board. Something either cheaper or more flexible like Swords to Plowshares or Touch the Spirit Realm can be beneficial.
Boros Charm: Unless you play in a token heavy meta, there may better options like Flawless Maneuver or Tyvar's Stand. Both can protect your commander the turn you get it out for cheap.
Virtue of Strength: This card does say basic land and you do only run 18 in the whole deck. Take a look at Mirari's Wake, or you could run Bala Ged Sanctuary  Flip and another ramp spell for basically the same slots.
Kinjalli's Caller, Knight of the Stampede, Marauding Raptor, Otepec Huntmaster, and Atzocan Seer: These cards are definitely thematic, but I'm not sure if they're all better than Delighted Halfling, Birds of Paradise, Avacyn's Pilgrim, Bloom Tender, and Sylvan Caryatid. Especially if you're only casting one big dinosaur a turn. Same for Commune with Dinosaurs < Once Upon a Time

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